Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 254 The surprise brought by Bai Qi

Chapter 254 The surprise brought by Bai Qi

Looking at Bai Qi, Bai Wanli couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness in his heart, he never thought that his two sons were so useless.

One put the family in crisis, and the other one is still playing petty temper at this time. I don't know how to take care of the overall situation at all, and I know how to mess around.

A wave of regret rose in his heart, he never thought that his two sons would be like this, as a father, he really felt ashamed, ashamed that he failed to guide his two sons well and let them go astray .

Looking at his father who was obviously angry, Bai Qi felt very anxious. At this moment, he couldn't care whether his father would get angry, because time really didn't allow him to hesitate.

With a determined face, Bai Qi spoke loudly. "Father, all four of them are god kings!"


It was quiet in the hall, there was no sound at all, everyone fell into a daze, they all looked at Bai Qi, this was not deliberate, it was just a subconscious behavior.

Moments later, everyone was ebullient, and Bai Wanli stood up directly, walked in front of Bai Qi with a few steps, grabbed his shoulder, and asked excitedly. "Is this true?"

This couldn't help him not being excited. If those four people are really god kings, as long as the Bai family can persuade them, then the crisis this time will definitely be resolved.

In the entire Baiyang County, the only ones who can really rank are Wang, Bai, Zhao, Li, the City Lord's Mansion, and the Black Tiger Gang, a total of six forces. Among them, the City Lord's Mansion is the most powerful. Man, no one can compete with him.

As for the remaining factions, each of them has similar strengths, and they have always checked and balanced each other. Although there were small-scale conflicts, there were no major battles.

In their Bai family, apart from the patriarch Bai Wanli who is a mid-stage god king, there are also three elders who are early stage god kings. This is the core combat power.As for the others, they didn't become gods, they could only be used to manage the family, and they couldn't intervene in this level of struggle.

Except for the city lord's mansion, the other four forces are similar to them, that is to say, the enemy has four times as many people as themselves, and they have to face a total of sixteen god kings. It is precisely because of this that they just now His face was ashen, because with such a large number of enemies, it is absolutely impossible for people like himself to have any resistance.If it wasn't because they wanted to carve up the Bai family at the lowest cost, maybe the Bai family would no longer exist at this time.

Everyone is very excited, they don't have any reinforcements now, otherwise they wouldn't be so passive.As long as four more god kings can be brought over, the situation will be very different. Although there is still a big gap between eight and sixteen, everyone present has a score in their hearts, and this match cannot be fought.

Because in such a situation, although they don't have any advantage on their side, the other party will be very afraid. Even if they succeed, they will suffer heavy losses in the end. Such a situation is not what they want.

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with joy, as if they had seen hope.

At this moment, someone said something weakly. "Master Bai Qi, how can you conclude that those four people are god kings? They don't seem to be exposed, and we haven't received any rumors!"

As soon as these words came out, the slightly excited people calmed down again, and such doubts also appeared in their hearts. "That's right! There's not much credibility to this matter, they haven't received any news, it's not like Bai Qi deliberately made up a reason to deceive them!"

Although they thought so in their hearts, they still hoped that it was true, and looked at Bai Qi with hopeful eyes, hoping that he could surprise everyone.

Seeing this situation, Bai Qi was not stage frightened at all. "Don't worry, everyone, I am absolutely sure about this matter, because..."

He didn't continue to talk, but chose to prove it with practical actions. His whole body was full of momentum, Bai Qi didn't continue to hide, and the aura belonging to the king of gods spread out, covering every corner of the hall.

"Master Bai Qi, you. You have become a god!" A person screamed out, his face was full of disbelief, and the expressions on the faces of the others were similar, full of shock.

This is not a surprise, this is simply frightening!
Including Bai Wanli, everyone looked at Bai Qi in astonishment. They didn't expect him to become a god king without making a sound.

But after the shock, everyone's faces were full of ecstasy. Since Bai Qi is a god king, what he said is naturally true, so wouldn't their Bai family be saved?

"Good! Good! Good!"

Bai Wanli called out three times in a row, his face flushed, and he patted Bai Qi's shoulder vigorously with his hands.He didn't expect his son to become a god. You must know that he is less than a hundred years old this year. At this age, he can already be called a genius. At least in the whole Baiyang County, there is no one who is more talented than him.

The reason why Bai Wanli is so happy is because including Bai Qi, their Bai family has five god kings in total.

A family of five god kings, now apart from the city lord's mansion, their Bai family has become the strongest force in Baiyang County. If it is one-on-one, no one can shake their position as the overlord of the Bai family.

Of course, the more reason is that the current crisis of the Bai family has come alive, and now as long as they can win over the four god kings, their Bai family can turn the crisis into safety.

Thinking of this, Bai Wanli couldn't wait any longer, and waved his hand directly. "Come on! Hurry up and find out where the four god kings are. We must hurry up and get their support..."

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.


"Why is that?" Bai Wanli looked at Bai Qi in surprise, and asked with a surprised face.

That's right, the person who interrupted Bai Wanli was Bai Qi, he said hastily. "Father, you must not be so reckless in this matter. With such a big fanfare, we will definitely make other forces notice, and there may be a risk of eating chicken and losing money!"

Hearing this, Bai Wanli slapped his forehead with shame showing on his face. "What my son reminds me is that my father almost made a big mistake!"

His tone was a bit embarrassing, as if he felt that Bai Qi's thinking was meticulous. On the other hand, he lost his sense of propriety because of the momentary excitement. It really shouldn't be!
Bai Wanli has never forgotten that the four factions of Wang, Zhao, Li, and the Black Tiger Gang are watching his people closely. If he really wants to do this recklessly and is noticed in advance, he will truly be doomed up.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel scared for a while, and almost made a big mistake!

However, Bai Wanli's heart is more proud. His son's growth is really beyond his expectations. Not only has he become a god king at a young age, but he is also mature and calm in times of crisis. pregnancy. "Qi'er, I'll leave this matter to you!"

The reason for doing this is because only Bai Qi and Tang San's group have contact with the Bai family. It is also feasible to say that acquaintances are easy to handle.

Secondly, he intends to train Bai Qi. He is already planning to start delegating power, and wants to train him. After all, he also sees Bai Qi's performance. If he leads the Bai family, it will definitely be glorious.

"If you have a son, how can you ask for it?" Bai Wanli thought in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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