Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 255 Trading

Chapter 255 Trading
"I don't know, what price Brother Bai plans to pay, please help my brothers!"

Tang San and the others looked at Bai Qi with smiles, and they wanted to hear what he would say first.

Regarding this point, Bai Qi was not surprised. Speaking of which, there was no friendship between them. Even if there was, it would be a contradiction.

Therefore, Bai Qi had to pay a certain price. He didn't look anxious because he had already prepared for it. "Several, our Bai family is willing to give out 10 mid-grade divine stones!"

When he said this, his face hurt for a while, this is half of their Bai family's wealth.

The annual income of the Bai family is only two to three thousand yuan, plus they have to spend a lot of daily expenses, the only thing left is their savings for countless years, and now half of it is taken out at once, it is no wonder that Bai Qi is in pain ?
But in the pain of the flesh, he had to endure the pain to take it out, if he didn't get the knowledge of Tang San and the others, no matter how many god stones he had, everything would be for naught in the end.

Bai Qi looked nervous, and looked closely at Tang San and the others, because he had to succeed, otherwise what awaited the Bai family would be death.

The situation is very tense now. When he left the Bai family, he was already very careful, but he was still being targeted by people. With his own strength, Bai Qi went around and finally got rid of these people.

With such strict monitoring, it is not difficult to see the determination of those people, maybe they will start in these few days.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi's forehead was sweating even more, and he was very anxious, but he didn't urge him loudly, but waited quietly.

Because he didn't dare, if his attitude hurt these people in front of him, leading to the destruction of the Bai family, then he, Bai Qi, would be a real sinner.

Here, the four of Tang San communicated in low voices. "How about it, do you want to promise him?"

"I think I can agree. After all, this matter is just a small trouble for us, but it is something that can be easily solved by taking advantage of the situation. Besides, this sacred stone is not a small amount, just treat it as an extra profit..."

After discussing for a while, several people sat down, Tang San said apologetically. "Brother Bai, I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't do anything about it."

"What?" Bai Qi was shocked, knowing that the life and death of their Bai family depended on Tang San and the others, if they didn't agree, then their Bai family would really be doomed.

Bai Qi was very anxious, beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, his heart was beating non-stop, and even his face was a little bright red. "Why? Is it not enough sincerity? We can continue to discuss this point. If you have any requirements, you can just ask. Our Bai family has a total of 20 middle-grade divine stones. As long as you agree, these are all yours."

He was already desperate, and directly offered the highest price, intending to spend everything. He thought very clearly, after all, if you lose money, you can earn more, but if you lose your life, you have nothing.

However, Tang San's and the others' answers made him panic, his face became extremely pale, and he collapsed directly on the chair.

I saw that Tang San was apologetic and somewhat helpless. "I'm sorry, Brother Bai, this price is not enough to impress us. After all, you are very clear about the situation. There are 16 god kings on the other side. If they don't stop the war as you want, but ignore everything, then the outcome is certain.

It is impossible for us brothers to really care about nothing because of this small amount of money. After all, there are too many uncertain factors in it, and we don't want to cause trouble for the upper body. It is related to our lives, so there is nothing we can do. "

Even though I said this, things were definitely not as Tang San said, the four of them were late-stage god kings, and it was more than enough to wipe out the entire Baiyang County.

The faces of Dai Mubai and the others were serious for a while, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is an irresistible smile in their eyes.

Dai Mubai sent a voice transmission secretly: "Pfft~ Xiao San, you are so good at fooling people, you seem to scare this kid."

Ma Hongjun: "That's right, that's right, why didn't I realize that you are still so dark-hearted, little San, you are very wicked."

Oscar: "Little San, you really scared this Bai guy, he..."

Several people communicated secretly here, chatting and laughing very relaxedly and cheerfully, but Bai Qi on the other side was not the same.

I saw his face was gray and white, the pupils in his eyes began to dilate, the whole person seemed to lose the meaning of life, and he kept muttering. "It's's's all over..."

There is nothing more sad than a dead heart, Bai Qi came to ask for help with the hope of the whole family, but he didn't expect that he had already planned to give everything, although he still couldn't invite Tang San and the others, at this moment he can be said to have lost all hope, and the whole person is like a walking dead , there was no vitality on his face.

At this moment, Tang Shan spoke abruptly. "However, if Brother Bai is willing to promise us a condition, it is not impossible to discuss this matter."

Bai Qi raised his head with a groan, and fixed his eyes on Tang San. It seemed that Feng Luan had transferred him, and he couldn't believe it. He needed to confirm it urgently.

Under his gaze, Tang San nodded affirmatively again. "Yes, Brother Bai, you heard me right, you only need to promise us one condition, and we will agree to help.

But as for the conditions, let me keep it a secret, but after this matter is over, I will naturally tell you. "

When he got an accurate answer, Bai Qi was very excited, he stood up quickly, and said in surprise, as if he was afraid that Tang San would regret it the next moment. "No problem, absolutely no problem! Don't say one condition, even if it is ten conditions, I will agree to you."

He was in high spirits, and he didn't expect things to turn around. Don't say what conditions he promised you, even if it was his life in exchange, Bai Qi would agree without hesitation.

Looking at the excited Bai Qi, his whole body began to tremble unconsciously, almost going out of order, Dai Mubai hastily comforted him. "Don't be so excited, kid. If you belch first, we'll regret it."

"Not excited, not excited... Huh... Huh..." Bai Qi quickly took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, although the effect was a little bit, but you can tell from his flushed face that this guy's The heart was beating crazily, and the blood in his body was circulating rapidly.

"Okay!" Oscar couldn't help interjecting. "Kid, keep your heart in your stomach. With our four brothers helping the factory, even if we really want to fight, we may not be unable to win."

"Let me tell you the truth! Our four brothers are all middle-stage god kings. Even without your Bai family, we still have the power to fight. Just keep your heart in your stomach."


Bai Qi was dumbfounded when he heard this, and he just froze in place, completely unable to react.

However, in this short period of time, he was not as excited as before, but his expression was in a trance, and his whole person became much calmer.

After a while, Bai Qi hurried back to Bai's house with joy on his face. He was happy from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time, he was more surprised. He didn't expect Tang San and the others to hide it so deeply.

Of course he didn't know, Oscar actually lied, the four of them were not the mid-stage God Kings at all, but the more powerful late-stage God Kings, otherwise, I don't know if he could be so calm...

(End of this chapter)

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