Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 263 Unfathomable

Chapter 263 Unfathomable
bang bang...

Li Huan's body flew backwards uncontrollably, and he tapped his toes on the ground for dozens of steps before releasing the strength from his body.

His clothes were a little messy, and the tiger's mouth burst open and blood flowed out. This time, Li Huan suffered a big loss with palm to fist. Not only was he completely defeated, but his palm was also seriously injured.

His palm was already bloody and bloody, with bones showing indistinctly, it looked extremely bloody and terrifying.

On the other hand, Dai Mubai was very relaxed, not to mention a little injury on his body, he didn't even waver in the slightest, he made a decisive decision.


Li Huan was panting violently, holding his injured right palm with the other hand, his chest was heaving continuously.

"too strong!"

This was his deepest shock, Dai Mubai gave him the feeling like a towering mountain that cannot be climbed, cannot be crossed, it is hard to imagine that such a feeling comes from a person of the same age.

Li Huan naturally had his arrogance, but now he was really hit.

At the beginning, Li Huan and Dai Mubai seemed to be evenly matched, and he couldn't help thinking that it was nothing more than that, but now the facts are here, the feelings are made by others.

This change was so great that he felt a little lost. "Brother Dai is strong, I admire him."

This is from the heart, not for any other reason.

Li Huan secretly said in his heart that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people, and this time he was defeated.

Dai Mubai put away his aura, stretched out his hand to flick the dust off his body. "You are still pretty good. Compared with most people I have met, your level is still acceptable."

These words are a bit arrogant, but it means that Dai Mubai can recognize Li Huan's strength. Although Li Huan was easily dealt with, it doesn't mean that Li Huan can't, on the contrary Li Huan is already very good.

It's just that in comparison, No Bai's strength is a bit strong, and it's expected that Li Huan couldn't parry it.

When the battle was over, the crowd watching the battle became noisy.

"Master Li Huan actually lost on the list of god kings! It's really unbelievable."

"That's right! The existence of a god king list was actually defeated by an unknown person. No one would believe it if I told it."

"The person who defeated Li Huan is really strong and terrifying. Judging from his appearance, he is still able to do anything with ease. I think this time there will be a big change in the list of gods and kings. No matter what, this kind of combat power must be ranked in the top [-]!"

"Isn't it? You can see that his breath is stable and he doesn't seem to be affected at all, but Mr. Li Huan is very embarrassed. One can imagine how powerful this man is. This is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger..."

On one side, Liu Yan stared dumbfounded at the situation on the field. The two people who were originally evenly matched suddenly decided the winner, which caught him off guard.

What made him even more astonished was that Li Huan, whom he supported, did not expect to be defeated so thoroughly, and such a change made him somewhat unacceptable.

"how so?"

On the other side, Bai Qi who rushed over after receiving the news also saw this scene, and was overwhelmed with surprise, but then he was ecstatic.

Li Huan was defeated by Dai Mubai, which meant that he still had hope of being saved, as long as he could persuade Dai Mubai to help him, wouldn't everything be solved?

Ever since Li Huan gave the ultimatum, Bai Qi has been worried all day long, and the whole Bai family has been torn apart. Many of the original guests have left one after another, and now there is only empty air left.

The fate of this kind of betrayal is not good. If Bai Qi didn't still have a semblance of reason, he would probably be mad at this moment.

Thinking of him, he no longer hesitated, seeing Dai Mubai and Li Huan approaching, Bai Qi quickly went up to meet them. "Brother Dai, you are indeed an outstanding talent in the world. I admire you so much, little brother."

He had a smile on his face, and he looked a bit condescending. Although he had been rejected once, he would not give up as long as there was a glimmer of hope. Bai Qi had a tough character.

Before Dai Mubai had time to speak, Li Huan on the side spoke first again. "Brother Dai, you and this Bai Qi..."

Li Huan thought to himself, as long as Dai Mubai opens his mouth, he can sell some face, so that the other party owes him a favor, and the future communication will be much smoother.

Dai Mubai raised his eyelids. "Bai Qi, we won't interfere in this matter, you should give up on it, don't just sit around here, otherwise don't blame our brothers for being rude."

Upon receiving this answer, Bai Qi was shocked. "Brother Dai, I."


Li Huan kicked out suddenly, kicked the unsuspecting Bai Qi more than ten feet away, rolled on the ground a few times, and then stopped.

His strength was not light, Bai Qi vomited blood, supported the ground with one hand, pressed his chest with the other hand, and coughed a few times in a low voice.

Li Huan didn't even look at him, turned his head and smiled at Dai Mubai. "Brother Dai, this person really spoils the scenery, why don't we talk about it in another place."

Dai Mubai didn't refuse either, and immediately responded. "it is good!"

Several people left together. Bai Qi, who saw this scene in his eyes, revealed despair in his eyes, and then passed out. Before he passed out, he was still muttering in his mouth. "It's over. It's really over..."

This is what he deserved. When the crisis of the Bai family was resolved, Bai Qi kept silent about his original promise, obviously not intending to fulfill it.

In this regard, Tang San and the others considered him thoroughly, such a person can share adversity but not wealth, even if he is in the family, it is still a disaster.If Tang San hadn't stopped him back then, the violent Dai Mubai would have rushed to the door to settle the score himself.


"Several, Li Huan, the Holy Land of the Great Sun, we don't know each other. Please forgive me if I offend you." Li Huan was very polite.

Thinking about it, I was taught a lesson just now, even if I had any temper, I probably wouldn't dare to lose my temper.

Tang San is a fastidious person, since he opened his mouth, it's not easy for him to just leave him alone. "Brother Li, you're being polite. We were wrong just now, so don't take offense."

Hearing this, Li Huan looked surprised, and then he reacted and looked at Tang San, his eyes lingered on Tang Shan and Dai Mubai, then looked at Ma Hongjun and Oscar, and then his heart became more and more heavy.

His ability to perceive words and expressions is not weak, so he can naturally see that Tang San is the leader among these people, and it is precisely because of this that Li Huan was shocked.

A Dai Mubai is so terrifying, easily defeated him, so how powerful is the leader.

"The Palace of Thousand Emperors is so terrifying!"

Li Huan sighed in his heart, it is indeed a force that can stir up difficult situations, and it is really too strong to pull one out and beat him without any power to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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