Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 264 Conversation

Chapter 264 Conversation
Thinking of this, Li Huan couldn't help but gasp. If this is the foundation of the Thousand Emperors Palace, then if they are given enough time, I am afraid that the Southern Territory will add another supreme power.

Tang San didn't know what he was thinking, even if he knew he would just laugh it off, with his temperament he wouldn't explain anything.

"Brother Li, I don't know if you have something important to do in such a place?"

Although Tang San didn't know the specific situation of the Southern Region very well, he should be able to guess one or two based on experience.

In a Baiyang county, the strongest is only in the late stage of the god king and there is only one. How could there be a person from the god king list here for no reason in such a place.If it wasn't for other purposes, Tang San wouldn't believe it even if he killed him.

Li Huan smiled and said frankly. "To be honest, the purpose of my coming this time is related to your Thousand Emperor Palace."

Li Huan knew in his heart that if he concealed his unattractiveness, he might arouse the other party's resentment, so he might as well be more frank.

He was able to make such a decision because of Tang San's kind attitude. If it was someone else who was vicious, she would not dare to say that.

"Appreciate further details."

Regarding matters related to their own family, not only Tang San, but even Dai Mubai and the three of them straightened their bodies and listened sideways.

Since it started, there was absolutely no intention of giving up halfway, and Li Huan did not refuse. "There was such a big commotion in the Palace of Thousand Emperors more than ten years ago. Although it has been hidden from the world in recent years, no one has ever been able to forget this incident. I have accepted the task this time, and I will inquire about the Qiandi Palace. Information from the palace."

"Oh! Don't get me wrong. I don't have any bad intentions. I just came here to inquire about the situation of Qiandi Palace in recent years. After all, if I really want to deal with you, it's not my turn."

What he said was very general. After all, Li Huan is not a fool, so it is not deceiving the other party if he behaves in a well-behaved manner.

Tang San and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Li Huan's ability to say such words was somewhat beyond their expectations.Dai Mubai even suspected in his heart, maybe this person in front of him is not a fool, right?
Tang San thought for a moment, the purpose of their coming out this time was not to announce that the Palace of Thousand Emperors would come back out of the arena, this Sunshine Holy Land where Li Huan was born can be regarded as having some reputation, but it can be used one or two.

"Hahaha...Brother Li is indeed frank. If you treat me with sincerity, then I will live up to you. Since Brother Li is here, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"Hehe, Brother Tang San, you are being polite. I just happen to be curious about one thing, why did you guys appear here?"

"Oh! What do I think is the matter? I don't hide from Brother Li. We first reopen the gate of the Qiandi Palace, and plan to accept some disciples and expand it by the way. No, let's come out to test the limelight."

When he heard this, Li Huan's eyes flickered, but his face remained calm. "Then, the Palace of Thousand Emperors intends to attack Chen Guo."

Tang San: "Hehe. Let's put it this way, if the Palace of Thousand Emperors wants to grow, it must expand outward. If Chen Guo intends to stop it, then he must fight."

Tang San wasn't afraid of leaking it, because such things could be said to be on the surface, and wouldn't affect the overall situation.

Perhaps taking Li Huan's word and spreading the news, it might shake the morale of Chen Guo's army, and there might be some unexpected joy.

"What? Does Dayang Holy Land behind Brother Li also want to get involved?"

"No, no, no!" Li Huan quickly waved his hands. Although they had nothing to do with Dayang Holy Land in Chen State, on the contrary, there was still a lot of conflict between the two.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. There are two major forces in Chen State, one is their Dayang Holy Land, and the other is the Chen State Royal Family. There has always been friction.

"Brother Tang San, don't misunderstand, how could we get involved? Besides, even if it is really necessary, it is not up to me to decide."

Li Huan's face showed a suitable expression of helplessness, which really seemed to be the case.

At this moment, his heart was pounding, wishing to slap his own mouth twice, why did you bring up this topic when you said it was nothing, and brought yourself into a pit.

If you make others feel dissatisfied, then you will be finished, just now Dai Mubai has made Li Huan realize clearly that if the other party wants to clean up himself, it will definitely be easy.

"Ha ha……"

Tang San's half smile was not a smile, staring at Li Huan a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he didn't intend to get entangled in this, so he was no longer so aggressive. "Brother Li! You are familiar with Chen Guo, why don't you tell me about it!"

Got it!
This is to pull yourself into the water!
Li Huan could only shake his head and smile wryly, knowing that he had no choice. Sure enough, the people in the Palace of Thousand Emperors are not simple people. A Dai Mubai can beat him up, and a Tang San can push him to death. Go around the corner.

"Let me just say..."

The Kingdom of Chen is controlled by the royal family surnamed Chen. It is formed by the alliance of various families. The various forces are intricate and complicated. Because they have conflicts with each other, they can be regarded as a state of disunity.Otherwise, there would be no place for them to stand in the Great Sun Holy Land.

"By the way, Chen Xiaoyu, the crown prince of the Chen Kingdom, I'm afraid your faction should pay more attention."

"Oh! I don't know why?"

Li Huan's complexion became rare, and he spoke word by word. "Chen Xiaoyu is a peerless genius who ranks among the top [-] god kings. He is valued by an elder in Kongming Mountain, a giant in the southern region. He is currently cultivating in Kongming Mountain, and he is highly regarded.

If your faction wants to move Chen Guo, you have to think more about it. "

In Li Huan's tone, there was a hint of envy, jealousy and hatred, but more of it was awe of Kongming Mountain.

The so-called giants of the Southern Territory are the powerful forces in the Southern Territory. Their status is unshakable and they are well-deserved uncrowned kings.

Hearing this news, Tang San was a little surprised, not because of Kong Mingshan, but because there is such a person in the small Chen country, mainly because it was a bit beyond his expectation.

If the power of the entire southern region is divided into upper, middle, and lower levels, then the country of Chen belongs to the lower level. In such a small country, a person who can be born in the top [-] on the list of gods and kings can indeed be called It's amazing.

But well!
Tang San also smiled, didn't take it seriously at all, let alone a disciple, even if it was Kongming Mountain, he would dare to touch it.

Outsiders may think that Yao Jingxiao is the strongest in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, but as an insider, how could he not know that the most terrifying thing in the Palace of Thousand Emperors is his unfathomable Uncle Feng...

After sending Li Huan away, Tang San also decided not to stay in Baiyang County any longer. "Let's go back."

Dai Mubai and the others were a little puzzled. "Just go back like this?"

They came back with a mission, what's going on now?Halfway?
Tang San was obviously very patient, I saw him explain. "Actually, we have already inquired about it. The Thousand Emperors Palace is just about to develop. It is not appropriate to take too big a step. One Chen country is just enough. If there are more, I am afraid that it will arouse the resentment of other forces. At that time, they will unite against us. Some of the gains outweigh the losses.”

"Okay, let's leave quickly. I hope that before Uncle Feng comes to the God Realm, what we do will not disappoint him..."

(End of this chapter)

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