Chapter 286
"Master, why are you so powerful?"


"Master, what shall we eat today?"


"Master, have you ever seen a 10-year-old soul beast?"


Thoughts were flooding, everything seemed to be vividly remembered yesterday, Chen Feng's face turned pale, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

The little figure on the ground with the separated body constantly overlapped with the image in his mind, making Chen Feng feel as if he was struck by lightning, and felt that his whole world had collapsed.

"Zixiu..." Chen Feng muttered tremblingly, a little afraid to look at the little figure on the ground, as if one more look would ruin him forever.

There is nothing more sad than heart death.

Chen Feng felt that his world was full of gloom, and there was no longer the scene of yesterday. At this time, he looked like an old man. His back that had not been bent for decades actually bent down at this moment, which made people see Can't help crying secretly.

"Boy, are you really looking for death?"

Xiang Wentian was very angry in his heart, no one had dared to do this in front of him before, had Chen Feng looked at him since he appeared here, such obvious ignorance made Xiang Wentian angry from the bottom of his heart.

He who just got a ten-thousand-year soul bone has already begun to swell.

I am Contra...

The most powerful person in Douluo Continent in the future...

How dare you despise me, boy...

You are really looking for death......

These many thoughts crossed Xiang Wentian's mind in an instant, and immediately turned him into an angry lion. He felt that his majesty was being challenged. How could this be bearable?

Xiang Wenxia had just uttered two words when he was frightened by a fierce look.

As if being stared at by a bloodthirsty demon, Xiang Wentian couldn't help being terrified. He even had a feeling that it was like a demon from hell was staring at him, making this already swelled The hairs on the back of "Contra" stood up one by one, and a breath of sweat spread from the neck to the brain nerves on the top of the head, as if the blood had frozen into ice at this moment.

The owner of this pair of eyes is naturally Chen Feng, his eyes stayed on the soul bone in Xiang Wentian's hand.

Scenes from the past suddenly appeared before his eyes.

"Hey... that master, you also know that my talent is like that."

"That... that I refined a soul bone, that's why I broke through so quickly."

"Oh! Isn't the age low?"

"'s a ten thousand year soul bone. It was impossible for me to absorb it, but my grandfather spent more than ten years nurturing him and getting rid of the hostility. With the help of my grandfather, I was able to succeed. ………”

A flame rose in Chen Feng's heart, and a volcano erupted.

"You... dammit!"

Chen Feng spit out a few words slowly, not concealing the killing intent on his body at all, his eyes fixed on Xiang Wentian.

Xiang Wentian's eyes narrowed, and a sword full of evil spirit slowly enlarged in his eyes...

The world seems to have changed at this moment, a faint red halo reflects the sky, ordinary people may not notice anything, but those powerful people are different, they all turned pale with shock.

"How could there be such a terrifying aura in this world? Could it be that God is angry?"

"It seems that I have to go out for a walk. Something terrible must have happened on the mainland..."

"The battle of the gods a few years ago wasn't so terrifying, right? The world is full of blood, which is clearly condensed to the essence of killing intent. How much blood do you need to stand on your hand to reach this level?"

"That's right! Could it be that this person has been covered in blood since he was born, and is he still killing non-stop?"

"It's terrifying..."

There is one powerful person in the Douluo Continent. Countless people were shocked by what they saw. They all speculated about what happened behind the terror. Inquire about the news...



Soul Beast Forest!

On the edge of a cliff!
Under the big tree!
Chen Feng looked sad. At this time, he was no longer handsome as before, and his face was very haggard.

His white hair was parted, a little bit of stubble appeared on his chin, his face was pale, and he looked a little crumbling.

Standing in the sky and the earth in plain white clothes, this should be a beautiful picture, but for some reason, there is an aura of decay and decay.

Beside him, a small tomb made of stones loomed there. The fresh soil all showed that this was a tomb that had just been played, and the large characters on it were particularly obvious.

The tomb of his disciple Lin Zixiu!
"Disciple, I made a mistake as a teacher. I failed to take you to see the great world, and I failed to call you a peerless master..."

Chen Feng's eyelids are drooping, his words are full of sadness and loneliness, his pupils don't have a trace of color, maybe it's because in his eyes the world looks the same, they are all gloomy...

Although he was sad, he didn't shed tears, not because of his ruthlessness, but because he had no more tears to shed.

How cruel is the heaven, why did he treat Chen Feng like this, it's a pity that there is no answer to all these.

"Teacher, you can rest again, Master, I... I'm leaving..."

After uttering these words, Chen Feng turned around slowly, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, his shadow was stretched longer and longer.



The back of the far away!
It seemed like the curtain of a tragedy had come to an end, but Chen Feng was like a puff of green smoke drifting away, disappearing into the world.

As for the Xiang family in Pav City, someone went to investigate the situation the next day, but found corpses all over the place. return.

There were blood and corpses all over the place. People were surprised to find that there was not a single survivor. Not only that, but most of them died in a strange way. Not only were their bodies intact, but their faces were peaceful, as if they were in He died in his sleep.

From that day on, the locals have rumored that Xiangjia is the entrance to the ghost domain, and whenever dusk falls, the evil spirits from hell will come.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chen Feng.

At this time, he seems to have become the same confused as before, wandering on this continent.

This is not the first time, or even the only time.The repeated expectations and repeated disappointments broke his heart.

Chen Feng didn't want to face these things, so he had to go far away, maybe he hoped to find something to comfort himself.

(End of this chapter)

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