Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 287 Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 287 Ten Thousand Years
"Xuanzi, what do you think?"

At the meeting of Sea God Pavilion, Dragon God Muen asked.

The dean of Shrek Academy has been in office for many years, because the hidden dangers left by his youth are no longer able to make further progress. At this time, he is very old, like a person who is about to die.

None of the people here dared to ignore his existence. Mu En is the contemporary dean of Shrek Academy and possesses supreme authority. Almost all the elders of the Sea God Pavilion present are his juniors.

They respected Mu En not only because of this, but because he also had an identity that could not be ignored - one of the five limit Douluo.

He is the strongest existence walking on the Douluo Continent besides the two reclusive Limit Douluo of the Haotian School and Ye Xishui, the saint of the Holy Spirit Sect.

Of course, for some reason, the world only knows that there are two extreme Douluo in the Douluo Continent, but this does not prevent the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion from respecting Mu En.

Mu En, known as the strongest person in Shrek Academy for thousands of years, was paralyzed in the lower limbs due to the battle with the suzerain of Noumenon, and the beast god Ditian also feared his power, because his existence deterred other empires from expanding. ambition.

No matter how fierce the battles between these empires were, no one dared to challenge the status of Shrek Academy because of Munn.

Regarding this old man, even if everyone here is the existence of Titled Douluo, no one dares to disrespect her in the slightest.

Hearing the old man's question, these elders looked at a skinny old man below him. This old man was full of greasy face and held back a big gourd of wine, but he should not be underestimated because of his appearance. This is Shrek Academy The strongest combat power under Muen - Elder Xuan.

To be honest, Elder Xuan is still Mu En's nephew. If Elder Mu is gone, then he will be the only heir, the future owner of Sea God Pavilion and the dean of Shrek.

Everyone sat upright, waiting eagerly, first to listen to this person's answer.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Elder Xuan wiped his greasy hands and sat up straight. He couldn't behave like this in front of his uncle.

"The conflict between the Sun Moon Empire and the other major empires has become more and more obvious. In recent years, due to the development of soul guides, their status has become higher and their threat has become stronger."

"Everyone is aware of the Sun Moon Empire's ambitions. Ever since the merger of the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent, both sides have been fighting continuously, and it has only been in recent years that they have calmed down.

A large part of the reason for this is the Hall of Mirrors of the Sun Moon Empire. Their soul guides have developed too rapidly. Although their own strength is not too strong, it is because of this soul guide that they already have the ability to threaten Limit Douluo. "

"What? How is it possible..."

Hearing what Elder Xuan said, everyone was shocked. The Sun Moon Empire did not have Limit Douluo, but they actually had the ability to fight against Limit Douluo.

Those who can sit here are the deans and vice deans of several schools of Shrek Academy, plus some powerful elders, all of whom are members of the Sea God Pavilion.

Most of the members in the Sea God Pavilion have the strength of Super Douluo, and to be able to surprise these people can imagine how unexpected things are.

Looking at these people who were still a little unbelievable, Elder Xuan threw out a big piece of news, and his expression was sincere. "There is news from the Sun Moon Empire that they have developed a tenth-level soul tool. According to many inquiries, it has been basically confirmed that this is true, so the next step is to discuss countermeasures."

Speaking of which, he was the one who convened this meeting of Brother Sea God. The purpose was to make these people mentally prepared to discuss countermeasures together, so as to avoid unexpected situations.

In the dark, Mu En's words sounded again. "Alright Xuanzi, since you are chairing this meeting, please speak up if you have any ideas, let's discuss together."

"Yes!" Elder Xuan took a deep breath and said cautiously. "In the past, there was a balance between the several great empires, and our Shrek Academy was also aloof from the outside world, but now because of the emergence of the power of the Hall of Mirrors, the situation has obviously changed again."

"Except for our Shrek Academy, other empires do not possess the power of Limit Douluo in this world. Once this balance is broken, war will follow.

The ambitions of the Sun Moon Empire have never stopped, so their expansion is imperative. The reason why I convened this Sea God Pavilion meeting is to discuss with you, whether our Shrek Academy should intervene? "

"This doesn't seem to be in line with the rules of our Shrek Academy, right? At the beginning of the establishment of the school, Flender's ancestors stipulated that Shrek Academy is only responsible for teaching students, and will not interfere with the politics of various countries in any form. It has been 1 years This kind of rule has not been broken. It is precisely because of this that our Shrek Academy has always maintained neutrality, and it has been able to develop to the point where it is today without hindrance. I am afraid that this rash change may cause the rebound of several other empires."

"This worry is right. If we intervene, we will inevitably encounter hostility from several other empires, because Shrek's students are all over the world, and some important figures of the empire are from Shrek. They will definitely guard against us. So once we break This rule, then these people's attitudes towards us Shrek will change immediately, so I don't think this is feasible..."

"This is a struggle between several empires. If we insist on getting involved, it is very likely to directly trigger a war. The loss to the entire soul master world must be extremely powerful, let alone let us not forget There is also a force of ten fierce beasts watching, and it has only been a few decades since the last time there was a beast tide. Once it falls into war, it is very likely that they will face another counterattack..."

All the elders express their opinions, and now they understand the importance of the matter, which is very likely to be related to the life and death of human beings, and war has always been cruel.

In the current situation, once a large-scale war breaks out, it is not only the issue of internal friction that needs to be considered, there are still powerful enemies around here, and if there is a slight carelessness.Human beings will face the crisis of destruction, so they are very cautious.

Elder Xuan spoke again. "Everyone don't need to be so impatient. Although the Sun Moon Empire has this power, there must be a buffer period, because once a war is launched, they will fall into the target of public criticism. It is impossible to happen before they are fully prepared. , but we can’t take it lightly, we must be fully prepared, and we must know that accidents happen from time to time.”

(End of this chapter)

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