Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 330 Weird 1

Chapter 330 Weird One
"Hmph! What else can I do? Someone is behind this incident, and it's aimed at the two of you, or at Shrek Academy." Wang Yan said coldly, with a stern look on his brows. .

Huo Yuhao and the others had just arrived in the Star Luo Empire, and someone was behind the scenes, which made Wang Yan furious.When people from Shrek Academy were bullied like this, he had already made up his mind to investigate this matter thoroughly, otherwise he would have no face to go back to Shrek Academy, let alone see his relatives, friends and other elders.

Glancing at the group of people who were still kowtowing like garlic, he felt disgusted in his heart. Although these people were not the masterminds, they were accomplices after all. If they were not severely punished, it would not make outsiders think that they were easy to bully from Shrek Academy.

Wang Yan clasped his right hand empty-handedly and gathered a soul power, and with a light wave forward, it turned into dozens of rays of light and shot towards these people.

"Ah !!! Ah ..." There was a screaming sound. These wicked people flowed out of blood, and there seemed to be something broken in their bodies to make a dull sound.

Wang Yan shouted. "Hmph! Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. If you do something wrong, you should pay the price. Today I will abolish your martial spirit, so that you will not do evil again in the future, so get out of here!"

However, these big men on the ground seemed to have not heard his words, and their faces were ashen. They could feel that the martial spirit in their bodies was abolished, which means that from now on they can only be ordinary people and have lost their strength. The power, which made them lose their souls, as if they fell from heaven to the mortal world in an instant.

Almost instantly, these people cast vicious glances, as if they no longer cared about Wang Yan's status as a titled Douluo, and the abolition of their martial soul made their lives worse than death, and they were not even afraid of death, so what else would they care about? Woolen cloth?

There is no doubt that they succeeded, and they have already angered Wang Yan. A cold look flashed in his eyes, and a calm killing intent began to pervade. Being looked at by a group of ants like this, even the broad-minded Wang Yan would not accept it. , not to mention his kindness will never be released to these criminals.At that moment, he had already developed a killing intent, and just when he was about to strike, Huo Yuhao who was beside him spoke up.

"Teacher Wang Yan, they are all ordinary people now, and this punishment is severe enough, why don't we just spare their lives."

Looking at Huo Yuhao with a serious face, Wang Yan's heart relaxed, and the killing intent dissipated unknowingly. "Okay! Since you have spoken, Yuhao, I won't argue with them today."

Obviously he was in a good mood. Huo Yuhao's sincerity and kindness moved him. Wang Yan thought to himself: This child really has a heart of innocence, which is really rare in this world. It will be able to integrate with Beibei and the others.

The strong disdain to mingle with the weak. Huo Yuhao actually has this ability, so it proves his ability. Wang Yan was still wondering why they didn't dislike this person whose strength is much weaker than theirs. Now he knows why.

"Okay, let's go back." Wang Yan greeted, then turned around and walked straight away, letting go of the villains behind him, Wang Dong followed closely, but Huo Yuhao turned his head and looked. Seeing that there was obviously a look of unbearable on his face, after a little hesitation, he also followed.

What he didn't know, the moment he moved his feet, Wang Yan who was walking in front smiled lightly. "It's okay! It's not to the point where kindness overflows."

Kindness is a good thing, but once kindness is too much, it is a bad thing. There must be a limit to everything. If kindness is too much, it is the way to death.This was also a small test for Wang Yan, the purpose was to take a look at Huo Yuhao's character, and he was very satisfied with the result.

Wang Yan was very pleased. Huo Yuhao was a kind-hearted person with a good nature, but he was able to stick to his bottom line. He was not a pedantic person. He was very happy that Shrek Academy had such a disciple.

Wang Yan thought to himself. " seems that the academy is about to produce another outstanding student, and this child is worth cultivating.

Hmm... Observe for a while, and if it is suitable, accept him as a disciple! "

What Wang Yan didn't know was that a good disciple was robbed because of his hesitation, and he regretted it in the end.

Although the three of them were on foot, they were soul masters and they moved very quickly. It didn't take long for them to arrive at their residence. This was a hotel arranged by the Star Luo Empire for the participating teams. I also want to have this kind of treatment, and the hotel they live in is the best among all participating teams.

Just when the three of them were about to step into the gate, a group of people came out from the side and stopped them. The leader was an old man with a white beard. This person was seen by Huo Yuhao, and he was also one of the principals of this soul fighting competition. "Teacher Wang Yan, please stay."

Wang Yan stopped, looked at the old man, and then said calmly. "I don't know why Mr. Chen is looking for me. If there is nothing important, I will go back first. The students are still waiting for me to make arrangements for tomorrow's competition."

His lukewarm attitude made the faces of the few people who followed the old man stiffen, and their faces became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye. As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hands. They came so sincerely, Unexpectedly, it was a hot face and a cold butt, Wang Yan didn't appreciate their affection at all.

First teach the kung fu of nourishing qi, these people are obviously not as good as that old man, only to see that the face of this old man is still the same, he is not tepid, and he said with a smile. "Mr. Wang is polite. I have nothing important to do, old man. It won't take up much of your time. I believe it won't affect Teacher Wang's going back to arrange tactics for the students."

Wang Yan was still tepid, and said calmly. "Then tell me what's going on, I'm in a hurry."

"'s nothing, I just want to ask Mr. Wang about something. I heard that Mr. Wang taught a few young people a lesson, and I don't know where they offended you. Can you tell me in detail?"

Wang Yan glanced at him, and said slightly mockingly. "Is your news still well-informed?"

I don't blame him for his attitude. You must know that this is the Star Luo Empire, and what happened naturally cannot escape the eyes of the old people. Wang Yan doesn't believe that they don't know about this matter. The reason why he came to ask himself is just some It's just a trial.

A look of unnaturalness flashed across the old man's face, but he was considered an old Jianghu, so he covered it up calmly, and said with a smile. "It's natural. Your school came to participate in the Soul Master Competition. Since something happened on our site, we should be responsible. Otherwise, wouldn't it be poor hospitality?"

(End of this chapter)

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