Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 331 Weird 2

Chapter 331 Weird II

Wang Yan smiled when he heard this, and didn't say anything more. This inexplicable attitude made people wonder what he was thinking.

However, the old man didn't seem to care what he was thinking, maybe he just cared about his own affairs, and didn't care about anything else. "Hehe! Teacher Wang, I don't know why you want to abolish their martial souls. Even if they were at fault, they wouldn't be so ruthless."

Abolishing a soul master's martial soul is equivalent to turning him from a high-ranking soul master into an ordinary person. This kind of punishment is more cruel than death, even in the punishment of the empire, it is extremely severe.

Of course, the purpose of the old man is obviously not this, and this is not what he cares about. What does such a trivial matter as the abolishment of a few middle and low-level soul masters have anything to do with him? .

The old man was muttering in his heart at the moment, why did the higher-ups ask him to do so much, this kind of thing is not a big deal in front of them, not to mention that the other party is still a titled Douluo, there is no need to offend others because of such a trivial matter, The old man was a little puzzled, what was the upper class thinking?
But he is not the decision maker, and can only act according to orders. The old man is not weak, he is a 91-level Titled Douluo, he can be called the upper-level person, this is undoubtedly the highest level of the Star Luo Empire, People who belong directly to the emperor.

Wang Yan's expression was calm, and he said lightly. "It's nothing, just to teach them a little lesson, does Mr. Chen want to show them off?"

"No, no, Mr. Wang, you misunderstood, but this is the Star Luo Empire after all, please cooperate, otherwise we will not be able to explain it!"

"Hmph! Confession!" Wang Yan sneered, his expression becoming indifferent. "You can't explain what you are doing to me?"

It's not without reason that his attitude suddenly became bad. Shrek Academy was split by someone, which made the leading teacher feel uncomfortable. Now, the people of Star Luo Empire are showing a businesslike attitude, which makes Wang even more angry. I am impatient.He didn't believe that the Star Luo Empire would not know what was going on here, and now that they came to test it, it just explained the problem.Even Wang Yan doubted whether there was a shadow of the Star Luo Empire behind this matter?
It's not impossible!
This is a four-year soul master competition. As the previous champions, Shrek Academy has always been everyone's number one competitor. It is not surprising that some people want to use some low-handed means to achieve some ulterior motives.

Wang Yan had already thought of these things when he was on the road just now. He was worrying about finding the mastermind behind the scenes. The arrival of people like Mr. Chen undoubtedly hit the gun. It would be strange if he had a good attitude. "Okay, Mr. Chen. The Star Luo Empire has to explain this matter to us. My student was attacked in the Star Luo Empire. Who is behind this? Please ask the Star Luo Empire to investigate and inform us, otherwise ……Humph!"

Wang Yan snorted coldly, didn't continue, walked around the group of people and walked into the hotel. Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao behind him hurriedly followed after seeing this, leaving a group of angry old Chen behind.

At this time, in a room opposite the hotel, several people were watching this scene. They had awe-inspiring aura, and it seemed that they had been in high positions all year round. Among them, the middle-aged man who was the leader was the most.

The eyes of the middle-aged man flickered. He took Wang Yan's actions and words into his eyes just now. He obviously already had some thoughts in his heart, but his habit all along made him want to hear other people's opinions, so he asked. "My loves! What do you think of this?"

From this sentence alone, the identity of this middle-aged man has been revealed. There is no doubt that he is the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

Behind him, a fat man dressed like a rich man stepped forward and said respectfully. "Your Majesty, this is strange!"

The weirdness he said was not aimed at the attack on Huo Yuhao and the others, nor was it aimed at the person who planned it behind it, he was referring to Wang Yan's attitude.

As we all know, in order to maintain a neutral attitude, Shrek Academy will not choose to conflict with people from other empires. Although it has not been considered humble, it has definitely behaved politely and will never show such a tough attitude. Not to mention those who in turn threaten other empires.

That's right, a threat!

Although Wang Yan didn't finish his last sentence, anyone could understand the meaning inside. If the Star Luo Empire didn't give Shrek Academy an explanation, then this matter would never end, and Shrek Academy would never let it go .

The man asked suspiciously: "I just don't know if this is his private behavior, or is it really Shrek Academy's attitude?"

This question deserves to be studied. If it is just Wang Yan's personal behavior, then they don't need to pay too much attention to it. I believe that the Shrek Academy will deal with such an escaped teacher.But if this is the attitude of the entire Shrek Academy, then some of these things are worth pondering.

The power of the Shrek Sea God Pavilion is well known, and it is definitely enough to threaten the life and death of any empire.In addition, as the number one soul master academy in the mainland, there are so many disciples from them. Almost everyone believes that as long as Shrek Academy raises its arms, absolute followers will gather.

Another person stood up and said: "Your Majesty, we have already investigated this Wang Yan. He is a high-ranking member of Shrek Academy. Although he has not yet entered the Sea God Pavilion, but because of his lack of qualifications, he has already broken through to become a title fighter ten years ago." Luo, and won the trust of all the elders.

According to the veteran's speculation, Wang Yan was not bluffing, he was expressing Shrek Academy's attitude, and he did have the qualifications. "

"Your Majesty! This matter should not be careless and needs to be handled carefully."

As soon as his words fell, the man who looked like a rich man just now swears. "Hmph! It's ridiculous, so Shrek Academy really has the guts to break the rules?
It's true that Shrek's Sea God Pavilion is strong, but our three empires are not vegetarians, as long as they really dare to think something they shouldn't have, they will definitely be suppressed by our three parties, not to mention other forces.

Don't forget that Shrek's current position is based on their non-interference with any forces. Once they break this tacit agreement, they will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism.It's not that I'm bragging, the current Shrek doesn't have that courage, and he won't have it in the future. "

It is true that the status of Shrek Academy is detached, but there is also an unwritten rule, or a tacit understanding with other forces for 1 years, that is, not to intervene in any struggle. If this point is really to be broken, then Shrek will eventually The end will be hostile to everyone.

It's true that Shrek is strong, but it's definitely not so strong that the people of the world can't do anything to them. Otherwise, it won't be a situation where the three empires are confronting each other. They will definitely form an alliance and choose to remove the biggest threat.

Shrek Sea God Pavilion, or everyone in Shrek knows about these, and this is also one of their school mottos.

And the second person's point of view is also correct, Wang Yan really didn't act privately, this kind of thing was decided at the Sea God Pavilion meeting before departure, maybe they still cared about it before, but now?
Ha ha……

(End of this chapter)

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