Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 332 Weird 3

Chapter 332

This matter is unpredictable inside and out, so everything is based on speculation. Even the emperor of the Star Luo Empire dare not jump to conclusions. Unbelievable.

Before everything is clear, or before the matter has reached an irreconcilable point, no one is willing to go to that step, even the emperor of the Star Luo Empire is no exception.

After all, Shrek Academy's strength lies there. If it is not necessary, they really don't want to conflict with this behemoth, and it will only make others easier if they hurt both.

Of course, this was just reluctance, because they didn't dare to say so, Shrek Academy was not strong enough to be daunting, they just had fear and scruples in their hearts, and they didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

The eyes of the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire shone with a dim light, so deep that people would be attracted unconsciously, but because he turned his back to everyone, no one noticed.

He murmured in his heart. "Could it be that something happened to Shrek? Otherwise, why did he suddenly change his face after being a good old man for 1 years? There must be something wrong here!"

What Shrek Academy is showing now is completely opposite to what it used to be. This sudden change made the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire very concerned. Otherwise, he would not have brought his important ministers to the scene to watch from the sidelines. He did this just to get closer , see more clearly, and judge better.

The reason why you have to be so cautious is also to adapt to what the person said just now, you must be careful when dealing with this matter, and you must not be careless.Otherwise, the consequences would be serious, even if Emperor Xing Luo was unwilling to accept it.

The Emperor of the Star Luo Empire pondered, and said beyond doubt. "Find out the ins and outs of this matter, I want to know who is behind the attack on Shrek Academy."

"Your Majesty, do you really know Lake Academy's reckless behavior?"

"Hmph! It's a joke. Tell me as soon as you figure it out, but you must hide the news and not let the Shrek people know. Since some people are jealous of Shrek Academy, then I don't mind adding two fires..."

On the other hand, after returning to the hotel, Wang Yan's complexion remained bad, which caused many students to look at each other, but they didn't speak at this inopportune time.

"Who is it?" Wang Yan murmured in his heart, his forehead wrinkled into the word Chuan, and he couldn't let it go for a long time.

He is not worried about how to deal with this matter, no matter who is behind it, it is not a problem for the current Shrek, as for his confidence, it naturally comes from Chen Feng.

Master Awakening, this is a secret strictly guarded by Sea God Pavilion, they will not reveal their hole cards.It was precisely because of this that Wang Yan dared to be so tough. With a super master in charge, it would be shameful to act timidly.

The reason why he was worried was that he was struggling to find the black hand behind this. Shrek Academy touched the interests of too many people. In other words, there were many enemies behind them. Even Wang Yan himself couldn't tell the difference. Which one, or which ones?
But right now, there are too few clues to support it to make inferences. With a sigh, Wang Yan thought that he could only see what he was doing.This was also out of helplessness, otherwise, if he defended the character of the students, how could it be possible for Huo Yuhao and the others to suffer for no reason?

"During this time, you should try to avoid going out as much as possible. Someone is watching us."

Dai Yueheng's eyes widened, and he said in surprise. "If there is such a thing, we have not offended anyone when we just came here. How could someone stare at us for no reason?"

Wang Yan said in a deep voice with a dark face. "Isn't it because of this soul master competition, there must be someone who wants to trip us up secretly and intentionally create trouble for us. During this time, you have to be careful, don't take advantage of the loopholes, otherwise if you get your way, the competition will still be a trivial matter , I’m afraid your personal safety will be difficult to guarantee.”

Dai Yaoheng didn't believe it, and said uncertainly. "This...that's impossible! This is the capital of the Star Luo Empire. If someone really wants to use such indecent means, the first person to offend the Star Luo Empire will be the organizer. These people shouldn't be so Be bold!"

"Hmph! I can't see it. There are many people who don't want to show off the Star Luo Empire's face. They dare to attack our Shrek Academy. Do you think they will care about one more enemy?"


Dai Yueheng stopped talking, and he felt a little unhappy about what Wang Yan said. After all, the Star Luo Empire was his home country no matter what.However, what Wang Yan said was indeed reasonable, and he couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while, so he could only remain speechless.

Ma Xiaotao has a fiery temper, she couldn't accept what Wang Yan said. "Teacher Wang Yan, although there is a certain danger, we don't have to be so careful. Dai Yueheng and I are soul emperors, so it's not impossible to fight back. Are you exaggerating?"

Wang Yan glanced at him, his face was terribly dark, and he spoke in a low voice. "Xiaotao, you're a girl, you better give me some peace of mind. The other party has such an idea, so he must have come prepared. If you have this mentality, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

Although it was a warning, it sounded more like a warning, which could be seen from Wang Yan's dark complexion.Ma Xiaotao's heart shuddered. She realized that Wang Yan was not joking, so she put her heart away and stuck out her tongue. "Teacher Wang Yan, I understand, don't be angry."

In fact, although Wang Yan warned, it was not a reproach. He really complied with the sentence of deep love and responsibility. He is responsible for the safety of these students. This is his responsibility as the team leader teacher. What's more important is to raise their vigilance.The current situation, I'm afraid it won't get better for a while.

Who is it?
Wang Yan's mind was spinning rapidly. The biggest competitors of their Shrek Academy were nothing more than the Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy of the Sun Moon Empire, the Star Luo National Academy of the Star Luo Empire, and the Emperor's Academy of the Sky Soul Empire.Only these three academies have the confidence to fight against Shrek.

Thinking about it, if you don't have any strength, rashly provoking an enemy stronger than yourself is nothing more than seeking your own death, even if they are not afraid of death, then it is thankless for them to do so, and they can use this low-handed means to influence Seeing one Shrek may not necessarily affect people from the other three empires.

Then there is only one conclusion.

The murderer is in the three empires, or... the three empires worked together.

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Yan's heart sank involuntarily, his face was so ugly that Dai Yueheng, Ma Xiaotao and others sitting beside him were puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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