Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 334 Fear of the Sun Moon Empire

Chapter 334 Fear of the Sun Moon Empire
The scene was very explosive at one point, the two sides confronted each other coldly, and the atmosphere was very tense. In fact, not only the Star Luo Empire was unwilling to have a conflict, even the Sun Moon Empire was the same.

Although they are confident that they can deal with these people in front of them, this is the Star Luo Empire after all, if they really do something, it will be tantamount to a death sentence for themselves, and they will not seek their own death unless it is absolutely necessary.

Contra, the leader of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, was sweating coldly on his forehead. He was extremely anxious and regretful. If he had known earlier, he would not be so impulsive.

If this conflict is implemented, it is very likely to lead to a war between the two countries. The decisive factor of this country's major affairs falls on him. One can imagine how big his heart is.

And the soul engineers behind him were also the same, all of them were extremely nervous. They knew how much risk they had taken. If they really wanted to fight, it would be nothing but death. But now they are in a dilemma, and they cannot lose the Sun Moon Empire. Even the face of the emperor cannot bring greater disasters to the empire.

Yes, it is a disaster. The balance of the three empires is not just talking. Although they have developed a tenth-level soul guide in the Sun and Moon Empire, they have not yet had a tenth-level soul guide, otherwise they would have become kings and hegemons.

For now, the Sun Moon Empire has only temporarily gained the upper hand in the confrontation with the other two empires. The two sides are holding back each other, and there are only some frictions at ordinary times. A large-scale war has not yet broken out, and the senior management of the Sun Moon Empire has not yet fully prepared. it is good.

That is to say, only when the Sun Moon Empire has cultivated a tenth-level soul engineer, and the high-end combat power reaches the point where it can overwhelm everything, will it rashly launch a war, then if the reckless behavior of one's own people destroys all this, it will undoubtedly Become a sinner of the empire.

Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more heated, some people can't bear it anymore. In fact, people on both sides are afraid of fighting. Let's not talk about the follow-up impact. Just say that right now, if a war starts, more than half of them will definitely be killed and injured. This kind of ending is not what they want. to be accepted.

At this moment, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire stepped out from the side. "What are you doing? Stop it for me."

Emperor Xingluo's brain hurts a little, he has to come forward, otherwise if the quarrel continues, both sides will end badly, and even he can't accept that kind of ending.

If there is no such thing as a national war, it will not be fought, otherwise the loss will not be a small profit. It is a matter of life and death. He dare not bet, nor can he bet.

The composition of the three empires is complicated, and it is a collection of many interests. A major event such as a national war will inevitably make the situation turbulent. Once the situation spreads to an uncontrollable level.Maybe Nuoda's empire will disintegrate from within and disappear into history.

Seeing the emperor coming out, people on both sides breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and took advantage of the situation to order to put away their own affairs. The emperor himself said that the step was high enough. If they really didn't know each other, then the ending was doomed.

The Contra team leader teacher of the Sun Moon Empire put on a cold face, and cupped his hands at the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire. "Your Majesty, although our Sun Moon Empire is small, we cannot allow others to slander us. Please provide evidence for everything, otherwise your subjects must seek justice."

The Emperor of the Star Luo Empire gave him a look without the slightest emotion, which sent chills down the Contra's spine, but he did not back down, still looking directly into the Emperor's eyes.

Questioning the supreme ruler of an empire as a minister of a foreign country is a way of taking death. This Contra knows it very well, but he has to do this. The Moon Empire was wronged, not to mention that they did not do this in the first place.

After staring into his frank eyes for a while, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire opened his mouth slowly. "This is not aimed at your country. The students of Shrek Academy's team were attacked. All participating teams are suspected, even my Star Luo Empire is no exception. Wang Gongfu was just ordered to investigate as a routine, but your country's behavior is somewhat pass."

The words above are explanations, which can be regarded as an explanation, but the last sentence is undoubtedly a warning, and it is obvious to tell the other party.This is already my bottom line. If I dare to provoke again, then this matter will not be good.

The Contra of the Sun Moon Empire is also quite aware of the hidden meaning in this, and the heart is awe-inspiring at the moment, and he can only accept it when he sees it.

So his face softened a little, and he said with a light smile. "It's me who was reckless, and I hope His Majesty will forgive you. We will definitely cooperate with your country to investigate the case."

"Well...that's good."

After dealing with it, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire quickly turned around and left. He was not suitable to stay in such a scene for too long, otherwise it would be rumored that he was bullying the small and oppressing others with his power.

But in his heart, it was inevitable for him to be uncomfortable, but at the same time, he was even more afraid of the Sun Moon Empire.What he thought in his heart was, if he, as the team leader of the Star Luo Empire, went to the Sun Moon Empire to participate in such a competition, would he have the guts to do the same thing as the team leader of the Sun Moon Empire?

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire calmly shook his head in his heart, he didn't dare!

So, he couldn't help thinking, could it be that the Sun Moon Empire is really so strong that even a foreign minister whose life and death are in the hands of others has such courage and confidence?
The more he thought about it, the heavier his heart became, and when he returned to the palace, he gave orders immediately. "Pass down the order to let the prime minister and several ministers enter the palace quickly. I have important matters to discuss with you."

Leaning back on the seat, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire's eyes became deeper and deeper. If things are really what he thinks, then he must be prepared early, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

It is really that the Sun Moon Empire is too special, and their soul tools are too powerful. Among the three great empires, only the Sun Moon Empire is equipped with a ninth-level soul tool, and even the eighth-level soul tools in the Star Luo Empire and the Sky Soul Empire The super soul guides are all from the Sun Moon Empire, and they have not been able to develop this level of soul guides themselves.

It is true that the soul masters of the two countries are stronger than the Sun Moon Empire, but in the army, a soul master of the same level cannot compare with a soul tool of the same level.Because soul masters have to consume soul power and cannot fight for a long time, but soul guides are different. Not only are they extremely destructive, but their attack range is super strong, and they are simply massacres when used on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that the balance between the three empires was achieved, and it was even apparent that the two empires united to counter the Sun Moon Empire.

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire is very worried. Once this balance is broken, a great war will undoubtedly break out. Then it is debatable what the Star Luo Empire will do. The few people he ordered to summon just now are the Star Luo Empire. Representatives of the forces, they need to discuss before they can make the final decision.

(End of this chapter)

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