Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 335 The Race in Full Swing

Chapter 335 The Race in Full Swing

##The writing method of such fan fiction is mostly to expand the story, because unless it is plagiarism, it is difficult to expand on the basis of the original author's writing. Everyone has everyone's thoughts, which will appear very abrupt, so I will not overdo it. I hope readers will understand more about the details of the battle.


Despite the turbulent tide behind the scenes, the soul master competition is still going on as usual. To put it bluntly, this kind of competition is a confrontation and temptation on the surface, and it is also a tacit understanding of everyone.

Through the sent team, you can evaluate the strength behind it from a small perspective, and on the other hand, you can also publicize your momentum. Generally speaking, everyone is happy to see it.

As the champion of the previous competition, Shrek Academy has attracted much attention, especially the average age of their contestants this time has almost broken the previous record, which has caused quite a commotion.

And the subsequent performance of Shrek Academy undoubtedly added a catalyst to this commotion, allowing Shrek's prestige to spread rapidly among the crowd, making Shrek the most popular among almost all teams.

"Shrek champion, Shrek champion..."

"Oh oh oh~~~ Shrek, come on!"


Enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd, one wave after another, covering the entire arena. Generally speaking, Shrek has completely crushed the opponent in terms of momentum.

No matter in any competition, in any scene, the most exciting and exciting thing is undoubtedly the championship and runner-up competition. This is the peak battle and the most exciting moment.

The onlookers rejoiced, and the two teams I competed in were also full of passion and blood. Whether it was Shrek's side or the Sun Moon Empire's side, every team member's body was tense, and they understood the most critical moment.

Although there are champions and runners-up, people will always remember No.1. Now the decision is up to them, and it is impossible without pressure.

But more of it is blood. Which youth is not full of fighting spirit and passion, standing on this field is enough to make their blood burn, not to mention the exciting decisive battle that will follow.

Huo Yuhao's eyes exuded fighting spirit and battle. He was originally a small person, but now he is indeed qualified to stand at such a height, and his heart is heaving.

The companions beside him, Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng, were also the same. Seeing so many people cheering for them, they were never at peace.

Especially Dai Yaoheng, his eyes had already caught a glimpse of the man sitting next to Emperor Xingluo on the rostrum, just like that, wearing a military uniform, iron and blood, and he was almost carved out of the same mold.

Dai Yaoheng clenched his fists tightly, the blood in his bones was agitated, and an inexplicable sense of excitement spread throughout his body. "Father, I will not let you down."

Dai Yaoheng's greatest wish in this life is to prove himself in front of his father. His father watched the competition in person, so he must not lose, and vowed to do his best today to win the championship in such a peak arena, so that the Father looked at himself with admiration.

They want their children to become dragons, but they don't want to prove themselves in front of their parents, or they don't want their parents to be proud of themselves...

"The team battle is about to begin, please enter the field."

Everyone in Shrek took a deep breath and looked into each other's eyes. A kind of tacit understanding allowed them to understand each other's thoughts without speaking, and a kind of trust from their partners rose from their chests.

Huo Yuhao stretched out a hand and said seriously. "Guys, let's work together!"

Since they looked at each other, they also put their hands on it and shouted in unison. "come on!"

Afterwards, Dai Yaoheng, Ling Luochen, Ma Xiaotao, Beibei, Xu Sanshi, Wang Dong, and Huo Yuhao walked into the arena together with firm steps. The wind of the general.The people who watched the game couldn't help but nod their heads. This is the attitude that a team with the will to win should have.

On the other side, the Sun Moon Empire's team also quickly entered the arena, and everyone's attention was attracted by their actions. This is destined to be a battle that will be remembered in the annals of history.

The competition has been going on till now, and the battle has been the worst ever. Among the final four, except for the Shrek Academy side, the other three teams are all composed of Wandering Soul Kings. This scale is unprecedented, and it also touches people's hearts the most.

Battle of the pinnacle.

The real battle of the pinnacle.

The winner will forever be engraved in the annals of history, while the loser will remain unknown and become the background of history. Everyone cares about the final result.

On the stage, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire said to Dai Hao beside him. "Brother, in your opinion, who will win this battle?"

"Your Majesty, I think it's a visitor who has a better chance of winning."

"Oh! Why is this?" the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire questioned, with a puzzled look on his face, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Shrek's students had put all their efforts in the last battle, and some people even laughed a lot injury.

On the other hand, the Sun Moon Empire easily won the game without revealing their cards. No matter how you look at it, Shrek doesn't have the slightest advantage.

The Emperor of the Star Luo Empire looked at Dai Hao with a smile, wanting to know what made him think so.

Dai Hao's complexion did not change, and he said calmly. "Your Majesty, I believe that regardless of the outcome of this battle, the winner is Shrek Academy."

"With Shrek's background, it is impossible not to assemble a truly complete team. Everyone only sees those young and shameless students, but never thinks about the hidden meaning behind it.

This group of children is very outstanding, Shrek is undoubtedly training them by doing this. Compared with this purpose, winning or losing a game is not important. When this group of children grows up, I believe they will become the old masters of the Sea God Pavilion again. "

"Is the Sea God Pavilion old?" the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire muttered to himself, and there was an unexplained meaning in his eyes that lasted for a long time.

As long as someone stands at his height, no one can ignore Shrek Academy's Sea God Pavilion, which is the strongest existence on the continent today, and no one dares to ignore it.

He was in a trance for a while, and subconsciously looked at Shrek's camp. When he inadvertently glanced at a person, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stood up in almost shock. "It's him."

"Huh?" Dai Hao was stunned, following his gaze, he couldn't help but let out a low cry. "Gluttie Douluo, even he was there in person."

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire had a serious expression on his face. If the sloppy old man holding a wine gourd in front of him went crazy here, even the power of the entire Star Luo Empire would not be able to resist it!
Elder Xuan, titled Taotie Douluo, was at least a Super Douluo above level 97 in their investigation. This was news more than 30 years ago, so one can imagine how far he has grown now.

But the emperor is thinking about another thing now, he is not worried that Elder Xuan will act recklessly, after all, it is Lake who is known to be pedantic, so what is his purpose?

Thinking about it, his eyes couldn't help but glanced at the boys on the field, and he let out an indiscernible low cry. "It seems that Shrek attaches more importance to these little guys than I imagined!"

Almost in an instant, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire thought of the pros and cons of this. After making such a conclusion, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time his heart became active. The Taotie Douluo, who is well-known in the mainland, personally guards it.

(End of this chapter)

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