Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 336 The Deterrence Brought by Elder Xuan

Chapter 336 The Deterrence Brought by Elder Xuan
I don't know if it's the Star Luo Empire, but the leader of the Sun Moon Empire also discovered the existence of Xuan Lao. His face changed several times, because Xuan Lao's identity and status are too prominent, he seems to be recognized as a super strong.With my own strength, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to talk to this person.

To be honest, unless something big happens, the senior officials of Shrek Academy will hardly be active in the outside world, and people's knowledge of the Sea God Pavilion is also very little, which casts a veil of mystery on the entire senior management of Shrek Academy.

It is precisely because of the transcendent existence of the Sea God Pavilion that it deters countless careerists.The unknown is the scariest thing. Shrek, who is in a haze, makes everyone fearful. If there is no absolute certainty, no one will dare to move this giant.

Don't you see, when the Sun Moon Continent invaded, Shrek Academy almost integrated the three major empires to contend against the Sun Moon Empire, even the balance between their several great empires is also due to the Sun Moon Empire's fear of Shrek.

There was also the Noumenon Sect that affected the entire continent back then, and Shrek carried it down with his own strength, and the beast horde that shocked the ancient and modern Star Dou Forest was also forcibly carried down by Shrek's first-level enemy country, saving countless people. Countless living beings.

If it wasn't for the heavy losses of Shrek Academy in these few incidents, it wouldn't have caused other high-level empires to feel something they shouldn't have, but it didn't mean they could ignore it.

Everyone is still in awe of the No. [-] Academy in the mainland that has been established for thousands of years. This total influence has been unconsciously formed for a long time, and it may be difficult to eradicate it in a short period of time.

"Huh~" His Majesty Xingluo let out a long sigh of relief, then turned his head and ordered. "Quickly investigate what happened that day, and I will know the result within tomorrow."

Even Elder Xuan was mobilized, he didn't think he could fool the past, otherwise the Star Luo Empire would be doomed, although the possibility of this person doing it was very small, but he didn't dare to gamble.

This is the deterrence of the strong, able to subdue all unwillingness and conspiracy, even if he is the king of a country, with the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people in his hands, he would not dare to make rash decisions based on his own momentary joy and anger.

Even an emperor is like this, let alone the leader teacher of the Sun Moon Empire.The Contra of the Sun Moon Empire was already sweating, and his clothes were soaked, as if he had been fished out of the water.

If he was facing the people of the Star Luo Empire, he would dare to put on a desperate posture to threaten him, but in front of Elder Xuan, he didn't even dare to refute.

In front of a super existence that is very likely to be a Limit Douluo, no one can calmly deal with it. Even Mingdetang, the strongest organization in the Sun Moon Empire, is not capable of fighting a Limit Douluo. The reason is very simple. Although there are tenth-level soul guides, there are no tenth-level soul engineers.

Keeping Baoshan empty is undoubtedly aggrieved, but it doesn't mean that there are tenth-level soul guides. What kind of soul guide should be controlled by what kind of soul guide. If you want to control a tenth-level soul guide Then there must be a tenth-level soul instructor, and a tenth-level soul instructor must reach Limit Douluo.


A Limit Douluo stands up for you to fight, and in this way, it must be covered and bombed by a ninth-level soul guide to destroy a Limit Douluo, otherwise don't even think about it.

The leader of the team is the teacher who is scolding his mother in his heart at the moment. "How could such an old monster be alarmed? Shouldn't he be guarding Shrek? Or is there someone else in Shrek who can free up his position."

The person who can replace Taotie Douluo as a visitor is at least at the same level as him, so it means that the number of Super Douluo at level 97 in Shrek Academy is likely to exceed double digits.

Don't underestimate the fact that there are only two. In the current world, there are no Super Douluo known to the world, not to mention the existence of Xuan Lao, who is extremely close to the Limit Douluo. Putting it outside like this, it is absolutely invincible. .

The more the team leader thought about it, the more frightened he became. If this was the case, then the empire's assessment of Shrek would have to change, and he felt emotional right now. "As expected of an academy that can make the empire compromise, its background is really unfathomable."

In fact, his guess is almost the same. Elder Xuan is now level 98. If he goes further, he will be able to enter the ranks of Limit Douluo, and this day is not far away.

In fact, this is the second thing. What outsiders are more afraid of is the unpredictable sea god pavilion. This place is too hidden. Even if they have been working hard to find out its secrets for many years, they still know very little about it.

Closer to home, the two teams on the stage are fighting fiercely, and this peak final is also the most intense, and there is even a desperate effort that has never been seen before, which makes people feel shocked.

"Huhuhu~~" The sound of violent panting came one after another, and even the spectators watching the battle tens of meters away could hear them. They were already sweating profusely, their faces were flushed, and their faces looked very tired.

Looking at the field again, several high towers, or forts, have been erected at this time, just like the soul guide cannons used by the Sun and Moon Soul Engineering Academy. Can you take it out?

The members of the Shrek team were equally exhausted, even Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng, who wanted to resurrect the soul emperor, were also the same. In terms of the strength of their soul masters, their side was indeed stronger than that of the Sun Moon Empire. , but the other party's soul guide was not a decoration, which brought them great trouble.

Huo Yuhao's face was pale, the strength in his body was almost exhausted, and he was just trying to hold on right now, but this was not the way to go. While observing the battle situation, he thought of a way to break it. "The soul guide is too terrifying, it has not stopped from the beginning until now, and our side has just avoided it, and it hasn't caused any damage yet.

However, this is too passive, our soul power will always be exhausted at some point, what should we do? "

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the visitor is at a disadvantage, has been suppressed and beaten, and has not yet made any powerful counterattack, even outsiders are anxious.

"Sister Xiaotao, Senior Dai, you two charge forward and break up the formation from behind them." Huo Yuhao whispered.

Ma Xiaotao's expression didn't change much, perhaps he had thought of this idea a long time ago, but he still said worriedly. "But what do you do?"

He and Dai Yueheng were responsible for most of the Soul Guidance attacks on the Moon Empire side. If their two main players withdraw from the field, the pressure that the remaining Huo Yuhao and the others will face can be imagined.

"So, you must break through their blockade as soon as possible. We will try our best to hold on. It doesn't matter if we can't hold on. What we want is the final victory."

Hearing what he said, Ma Xiaotao no longer hesitated, exchanged glances with Dai Yueheng, and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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