Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 368 The Powerful Zao Wou-Ki

Chapter 368 The Powerful Zao Wou-Ki


The giant bear roared up to the sky, and a layer of rolling sound waves blasted to the surroundings. The thick brown hair became like an upside-down steel needle, which looked extremely sharp, as if it could pierce everything.

Seeing Zhao Wuji's supernatural power, those god emperors became very cautious almost instantly. The tragedy of years ago is still vivid in their minds, which is enough to prove Zhao Wuji's strength, and they don't want to follow in the footsteps.

"Be careful, so many of us consume energy to kill him, there is no need to confront him head-on, otherwise the loss will be too great."

Although Zhao Wou-ki's display of strength made them extremely fearful, but after all they had a large number of people on their side, no matter how they looked at it, the balance of victory was tilted towards them, but everyone agreed with this view.

After all, their lives are precious, there is no need to take advantage of them at such a time, for their own lives, these people are thieves and thieves.Ever since, no one was willing to face Zao Wou-ki directly, but chose to interfere on one side, which gave Zhao Wou-ki a huge opportunity to kill seven times and seven times out. Several more people were killed within a short period of time.

Such a result made the leader jump in anger, he saw that these subordinates didn't work hard enough to benefit Zhao Wuji, but he couldn't come up with any solution, he could only stare blankly.

"Damn! You bastards, you know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If this goes on like this, people will almost die. If you don't hurry up, I'll just watch whoever doesn't. I'll kill them all with my own hands later." killed him."

The leader was very annoyed, the longer this time dragged on, the greater their losses would be, and Zao Wou-ki fought more and more courageously, his aura was brought to the extreme, he knew that this made his fighting spirit directly reach its peak.Once Zao Wou-ki condenses that invincible fighting spirit, he will definitely burst out with [-]% strength in the end, and then he will have to pay a higher price if he wants to deal with him again.

The hair was talking, although the people below didn't dare to deal with it like this anymore, they also found that their ideas seemed to be in vain, and on the contrary, they lost several people on their side. If this is the case, it is time to do something.


Everyone had a tacit understanding. Almost at the same time, they burst out their aura, and suddenly a momentum of engulfing mountains and rivers swept all directions. The clouds in the mid-air were directly dispersed, and even the sky was shaking faintly. It was as if he couldn't bear this aura and was about to fall down at any time.

Everyone urges to attack in unison, all kinds of moves are frequently displayed in an instant, the violent force directly tears the air and makes a loud bang, and the colorful colors paint half of the sky, and it is like a fairyland in an instant.

There is a saying that the more beautiful things are often the most dangerous.

All the moves converged on Zao Wou-ki, and there was an earth-shattering change, just like a terrifying nuclear explosion, a huge mushroom cloud shone instantly, and that huge ball of sparks and thick smoke directly covered people The line of sight, and Zao Wou-ki's figure was also enveloped in it for an instant.


A series of explosions shook the mountains, and everyone felt a strong shock wave coming towards them. This shock wave was extremely domineering and domineering, so they had to avoid it temporarily.

Although everyone avoids in embarrassment, there are smug smiles on their faces, even Yu Wei and the others have to avoid, not to mention the more terrifying center of the explosion. In their opinion, Zao Wou-ki may have already Life and death.

"Hehe... In the face of such a powerful explosion, his body must have been gone. It's a pity, I don't know what this kid's name is?"

"Hahaha... This is not right, let him be a lonely ghost without a name, don't you think we are very kind?"

"That's right! Hahahaha..."

Everyone was laughing wantonly, especially the group of people who were crushed by Zao Wou-ki just now.Just now, they were shrouded in the shadow of death brought by Zao Wou-Ki, and they ran for their lives like bereaved dogs. What could be happier than seeing Zao Wou-Ki die in front of them?

The leader also smiled at the corners of his mouth, his eyes were fixed on the soaring flames in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. "Dare to fight against me, this is your fate."

However, he was also puzzled, who is this person?
"Forget it, he's dead anyway. I just don't know if the news here has been spread. If other people notice it, I'm afraid I won't be punished by my lord."

Thinking of His Majesty's horrific and cruel means of punishment, the leader couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine. He never wanted to experience that kind of punishment in his life, and just thinking about it was enough to make him suffocate.

Just when everyone was playing their crowns and celebrating, an accident happened.

I saw a man with a horrified face pointing at the soaring fire, and said with a face full of horror. "He...he's fine."

As soon as the words came out, everyone changed their colors one after another, "What? What are you kidding?"

But having said that, everyone didn't dare to slack off at all, and hastily focused their eyes on the monstrous fire, but they saw a scene they would never forget.

The blazing flames gradually dissipated, and a huge black shadow appeared. When everyone took a closer look, they saw a giant bear with scorched black body and flaming eyes rushing out from the flames, and charged at them. Come.

"This...that's impossible, how could he be fine?" Someone said tremblingly, his whole face was pale, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Not only him, but others also couldn't believe it. It was impossible for anyone to survive in front of that force that could tear everything apart.Undoubtedly, the scene in front of them stunned them, and they all stood there stupidly, as if they had lost their minds.

At this time, the leader was the first to react, but his face changed drastically immediately, and he roared at the top of his voice. "Go back!"

But it was too late, the giant beast covered in flames had already arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye, the hot air wave directly scorched the hair of some god emperors, and the flaming eyes were like golden eyes, like the gaze of death. It generally falls on everyone's head.

It turned out that the moment they were stunned, Zao Wou-ki rushed out of the flames and descended in front of them as an absolute overlord.


The huge palm that was braving the raging flames crushed down mercilessly, directly slapping several people to death, and then continued to rush towards others.The huge bear's paw fell again and again, and no one could resist it at all. They could only watch people die one after another, desperate and powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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