Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 369 Closing

Chapter 369 Closing
Zhao Wuji showed his might and swore his strength to everyone, like the scythe of death, harvesting everyone's lives one after another.

Everyone also tried to resist, but in the end they found out in despair that their own resistance could not make waves in front of Zao Wou-ki, all they needed was a face-to-face. Those who resisted died one after another.

At the same time, Zao Wou-ki's strength and ruthlessness were fully displayed at this moment. Every palm fell represented someone's death. It was so desperate that it made people go crazy, but even this didn't have the slightest effect.

After only a short while, there were only a few remnants and defeated generals left on the field. When they came, they were crowded and aggressive, and when they finally left the field, they were in a state of embarrassment.

The ground was full of corpses, and each corpse was covered in blood. The whole body was bloody and bloody, and there was no complete place. It looked very hideous and terrifying.

And this kind of result directly collapsed the remaining few people, they felt like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of Zhao Wuji, all relying on him to fight and have fun, at this time their hearts were not angry, but full of despair.


Zao Wou-ki's actions of blocking people from killing people and gods from killing gods even killed most of the masters. You must know that these people are god emperors, and they were simply wiped out by Zao Wou-ki like cutting melons and vegetables. The scene hit them hard.


The leader couldn't help swallowing dryly when he saw this frightening scene, his face had already started to sweat at some point, and his clothes were soaked through. "Are you a quasi-emperor?"

"Huh?" Zhao Wuji's body paused, and he looked at him suspiciously. He didn't understand what Emperor Zhun meant at the moment, and just about to ask, the person in front of him spoke again.

"Yes, you must be Emperor Zhun, otherwise how could you be so strong." Because he was afraid of death, his body couldn't help but tremble when he spoke, his whole body was shaking. "I didn't expect that our luck was so bad that we could face a quasi-emperor. We were not wronged! However, you don't have to be too complacent, one day His Majesty will ask for your life."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji's face was a little moved. Didn't he just say that he wanted to trick out the people behind these evil soul masters?Just as I was about to ask, a sense of extreme weakness came from within my body.

"This is... the time has come." In just a split second, the giant bear he transformed gradually faded away and finally disappeared, and his original face appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the leader looked shocked and yelled out loud. "You are Zao Wou-ki, no, Zao Wou-ki is not the quasi-emperor at all."

Suddenly, he had an idea, as if he had thought of something, and the sense of death and decadence disappeared immediately, and his eyes lit up. "You turned into a beast just now! Hahaha... It really is me."

"Hey... If I'm not mistaken, you must have suffered a backlash now. There is no one in all your strengths. This is really God's pity!"

The leader laughed wildly in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be resurrected with full blood, showing a lot of vitality. He clicked his tongue and said jokingly. "Zhao Wou-ki, I never thought it would be you. I have to say that your strength is really powerful and terrifying. So many people failed to subdue you and were completely killed by you. But from one moment to another, You can't be arrogant now, can you?"

Their Holy Cult once collected information about the Palace of Thousand Emperors, which naturally included Zao Wou-ki's portrait and so on. Fortunately, he was interested and looked through it, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to recognize it!

I saw the leader said with emotion: "No wonder even Your Majesty is so jealous of your Thousand Emperors Palace, and specially ordered not to conflict with you for the time being. I thought it was an exaggeration, but I didn't expect it to be true. Your strength is indeed true." It's beyond my imagination, and it's about the same as the legendary quasi-emperor."

Suddenly, his expression turned cold, he looked at Zhao Wou-ki with killing intent, and said coldly. "There is no hero in the world who actually made Zhu Zi famous. Zao Wou-ki! It was enough for you to be arrogant just now. You killed so many of my subordinates. Now I want you to taste that life is worse than death."

Speaking of this, he didn't feel a heartache. These are all his own team, and now he has suffered a heavy loss, only the soldiers and generals left.It is conceivable how low the strength of his faction will be in the future, and the power in her hands will also be reduced.As the chief culprit of all this, how could Zhao Wuji spare him lightly?
But at this time, Zhao Wuji smiled coldly, staring at him with disdain, which made the leader angry, and said angrily. "What are you laughing at? Do you still want to make a comeback in your current state?"

In his opinion, Zao Wou-ki's strength is not one in ten after being backlashed in his life. At this time, he should be a man with his tail between his legs, begging for mercy in front of him.Obviously, instead of doing this, Zhao Wuji looked at him with a haughty attitude. Is this simply courting death?
Suddenly, the leader said suddenly. "Oh! I understand, you want to provoke me, and then I will kill you in a fit of rage, so that you don't have to suffer from that kind of pain. Hehe...I won't let you succeed, today No matter what you say, I will let you experience [-] kinds of torture."

Zhao Wou-ki spat out a few words coldly. "idiot!"

The leader didn't feel angry at all, but smiled brighter, and said with a smile on his face. "Hahaha... Let's scold! Scold to your heart's content! Anyway, you can only speak your tongue now, and you must be very desperate and fearful in your heart! The more you scold me, the happier I am, hahaha... ..."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds. This is the first time I've heard someone make such a request!"

"Who's there?" The leader's complexion changed instantly, he looked over vigilantly, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart, his eyes turned to Zhao Wuji angrily, and he said with gritted teeth. "You actually have accomplices! Damn it!"

At this time, Chen Feng's figure gradually appeared in the void, appearing out of thin air like a living person who had undergone a major transformation, which directly frightened some people, and the leader's pupils shrank even more, and he was terrified in his heart.


Absolute master!
He knows what kind of strength he has, and if he can hide it under his nose without being discovered, then his strength must have reached a terrifying level, and this person is Zhao Wuji's accomplice, so he is naturally powerful, absolutely It won't be any weaker than him.

With a flash in his eyes, his figure suddenly rushed towards Zhao Wuji, wanting to hold him as a hostage, but Chen Feng would not let him do what he wanted, so he directly raised a palm knife to chop wood, only to see light and shadow flickering, The leader screamed and fell to the ground.

"Ah! My hand..."

There was only a plop, and a severed arm fell from the air and landed beside him, with blood still dripping from it.And this leader was covering the bowl-sized wound on his arm with a painful expression, but because the wound was too big, he couldn't press it no matter what, the blood kept flowing out, and in an instant a small wound appeared on the ground. Small pool of blood.

"Hmph! You still want to make such a small move in front of me, I really don't know what it means."

(End of this chapter)

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