Chapter 384
I don't know when, the sky in this God Realm actually changed. For several days in a row, the sky was dark and there was no sunlight, and the dark clouds above the head were getting thicker and thicker, and there was no intention to disperse at all. .

Ordinary people can only sigh in admiration for such a spectacle, secretly lamenting that there are all kinds of strange things in this world. "Ah, what a strange day!"

"Yes! It's been cloudy for so many days, I guess there will be a rainstorm that may last for a few more days, which is rare in a lifetime!"

These people just think that this is just a somewhat special and weird weather, but some knowledgeable people all look dignified.

The apprentice asked with some annoyance. It was a cloudy day and he hadn't dried his clothes for several days, and they were almost moldy. "Master, when do you think it will rain today?"

The master scolded. "Stupid! It's not rainy weather at all."

"Ah, what is that?"

Said the master often said. "This is someone who wants to break through the big realm. These abnormalities are nothing more than robbery clouds that have not yet fully formed."

The apprentice was even more puzzled now. "I've seen other people go through tribulations, but this thick dark cloud can't be seen for thousands of miles, and it also exudes an extremely depressing atmosphere. Why doesn't it look like it?"

"If you say you're stupid, you're still stubborn. Do you think this is an ordinary god-king, god-emperor or god-emperor crossing the catastrophe? This is the catastrophe of the quasi-emperor who is really going against the sky and killing his life.

But it’s not just our dark clouds covering the top, I’m afraid the entire God Realm will not see the sun during this period of time. The power possessed by Emperor Zhun at this level is too tyrannical, so tyrannical that it can’t even be tolerated by heaven and earth. This big robbery cloud is heaven and earth punishment, the success rate is less than one in ten thousand. "

As he said that, the apprentice saw envy in the master's eyes. It was the first time he saw such an expression on his mysterious and powerful master, and he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Not only this pair of masters and apprentices, but almost the entire God Realm who had seen, understood, and even personally experienced was shocked, and even those who had disappeared for millions of years and hid before the world were born one after another.

Even the more powerful quasi-emperors and great emperors personally took action to investigate, because even they couldn't take it lightly when it came to this aspect, because such people were already qualified to talk to them.

Soon, they found the source.

"This direction is the Southern Territory!"

"I didn't expect that someone in the southern region reached this level 70 years ago, and now there is another person. Such a fast speed is probably the first in the God Realm."

Someone immediately sneered and said maliciously. "Hmph! So what, there are people from the Western Regions and the Eastern Regions, how can they let them succeed? Over the past tens of millions of years, more than a dozen of them have survived the quasi-emperor calamity, but which time they were not destroyed, then The people who crossed the catastrophe died directly, and there was not even a living person left."

Some people are also very emotional. "Yeah! Being targeted by people from these two domains, this southern domain is really miserable. Every time it is strangled in the bud, every time it is a bamboo basket, every time it is empty, until now, the strength has not increased a bit. What a pity!"

"Hehe...the skills are not as good as others, what else can they do? Weakness is the original sin. If they were not for their strength, no one would dare to bully and oppress them like this."

Others also agree with this point of view, because this sentence is an eternal philosophy no matter how long it has passed.

At this time, someone asked with a frown. "However, why do I feel that Jieyun's aura is a little too strong, more than half of what I've seen before, and I always feel something is wrong."

"Hehe... Could it be that you thought it was a Great Emperor Tribulation? Don't be kidding, there is not even a quasi-emperor in the southern region. Besides, the Great Emperor Tribulation is much more terrifying than this. It is a real coercion and a great momentum Earth-shattering.

Don't think too much, maybe it's just that the person who was promoted to the quasi-emperor this time has some evil talents, and you also know that the stronger the strength, the more extraordinary the performance. "

"It's just a pity for such a person!"

(End of this chapter)

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