Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 385 Shocking Conspiracy! ! !

Chapter 385 Shocking Conspiracy! ! !


There was a loud noise in the silent barren mountains, and then a thousand-meter-high mountain peak collapsed on the spot and rolled up smoke and dust that was ten thousand feet high. When the dust and fog cleared, a figure walked out of it.

"Welcome the Great Emperor to leave the customs!"

Hundreds of people with extraordinary manners bowed down and bowed to this person with incomparable respect. These people were all extraordinary in appearance, and their bodies were filled with a terrifying aura, but at this moment they were trying their best to restrain themselves, not daring to be careless at all.

At this time, the figure gradually became clear, revealing an old man with white beard and brown hair. The old man looked like a fairy, not contaminated with a bit of worldliness.I saw him carrying one hand behind his back, and waved the other hand in the air. "Don't be too polite."

Only then did everyone get up, and then looked up at the existence of this strong man with excitement, and their hearts were surging and it was difficult to restrain themselves. "Thank you, Great Emperor!"

The old man smiled kindly, glanced lightly at the blue cloud covering his head, and then smiled lightly. "Cultivation is timeless, I never thought that 50 years have passed since I retreated this time, time flies so fast.

The Southern Territory is really loved by the heaven and the earth, how long did it take to become the quasi-emperor before going through the catastrophe, this old man is really envious. "

Everyone looked solemn and didn't dare to interrupt. They didn't have the qualifications in front of this strong man. On the one hand, they were afraid of his majesty, and on the other hand, they were overwhelmed by this fierce man.

"Hehe... such a grand event, how can I miss it? The old man will go to pay his respects and be happy by the way."

Everyone's heart trembled, and they couldn't hold back the surge of their blood. Many people secretly squeezed their fists hard at the moment.

An imposing and elegant man said with a smile. "The emperor is really domineering. This time he is going to kill the southern region again. Those people are really pitiful. A quasi-emperor who has been cultivated through untold hardships is about to die again."

"Hahaha... Who made Lei Qianjun and those from the Southern Territory stupid? They obviously couldn't succeed. They still bite the bullet and drill up. I think it's not enough to clean up. I have to trouble the emperor to go there in person. These people are really not good Know how to flatter you!"

Suddenly, I saw the head of the old emperor turned slightly, and a cold and cold gaze rushed straight at the two people who spoke just now. Flying, leaving a long line of blood in mid-air.


The two fell to the ground in response, with countless bones broken, just like a pool of rotten meat hanging on the ground. If it weren't for the slight heaving of their chests, everyone would think that they were already dead, but this weight is so heavy. The injury was obviously a brush with death.

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes were extremely horrified. No one thought that the great emperor would make a sudden attack without making a sound, but compared to the reason, what frightened them more was that these two people were both late-stage god emperors. Can't even catch a look.

So scary!I didn't expect the emperor to be so strong, he was like a god who speaks the law, it's really terrible.

Immediately, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. This great emperor would not be an evil star. He killed people for this kind of preference. Many people trembled secretly when they thought of it, even their hearts trembled.

"Huh!" The old man snorted softly, but his face remained unchanged, as if he was doing the most common thing. "The mere god emperors and ants dare to talk nonsense about the great emperor and powerhouse. I really don't know how to write the word dead. If it wasn't because you are also my disciples and grandchildren, I would have taken your dog's life long ago. If you don't drag it on, it's a shameful thing .”

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they felt like they were facing life and death. For the first time, they felt that even if they were very strong, in the eyes of the great emperors, they were just flies that could be slapped to death. They are heartbroken.

The Great Emperor is really too strong!

The two quasi-emperors present were equally terrified. Although they were also called emperors like the great emperor, their strengths were vastly different. No one knew better than the two of them how terrifying the old man's methods were. When the two even felt that it would not be much better if they replaced themselves.

Zhundi could kill with one hand, this kind of thought lingered in their minds, accompanied by a deep sense of disbelief, dissipating after a long time. Originally, the two thought that even if there was a slight gap between Zhundi and the great emperor, it would not be too far off the mark. But the ruthless fact tells them that they think too much.

It turned out that even if he was as strong as Zhundi, he was just a stronger ant in the eyes of the emperor, and he could still be crushed to death.

The old man with a normal face said again. "The emperor must not be humiliated! Although the old man is also in this realm, he has never had such a mentality of looking down on others. Every emperor is the son of heaven and earth and is loved by all spirits. Even the old man needs to respect him. How dare you Talking nonsense in secret, I really don’t know what it means.”

"I know I'm wrong, please forgive me!" Everyone bowed their heads and obeyed orders at this moment, becoming more respectful than before, even their nerves were tense and they did not dare to relax for a moment.

What are you kidding?Their own life and death are only in the emperor's thoughts, if they still dare to be presumptuous, do they really think their lives are long?

"Okay." The old man remained unmoved, he was an old monk who saw through the world, and nothing could disturb his mood. "Is everyone here?"

"Back to the Great Emperor, my five Great Emperors from the Eastern Region have already ordered all the heroes to prepare their armies, and four Great Emperors from the Western Regions have also come, and seven or eight quasi-Emperors have brought another 500 million troops to the territory. Your honor has come."

"Oh!" The old man's face finally changed, and he said with some surprise. "There are four people from the Western Regions, so there are only five emperors staying behind. Taking such a big risk, it seems that they are bound to win."

One person returned respectfully. "My lord, the Western Regions are much worse than us. There are only nine great emperors. My Eastern Region is one of the three great regions of the God Realm. I have fourteen great emperors. You still have seven remaining emperors when you lead troops this time." The great emperor stayed behind to sit in charge, this kind of background is beyond their reach."

The old man laughed heartily when he heard the words, and said boldly. "I'm afraid the Southern Territory is still kept in the dark. I'm not going to be as thunderous and rainy as usual in the Eastern and Western Territories. I have planned for 1000 million years, and I often let this piece of fat rippling in my mouth. It's time to put It got caught in the bowl."

"The emperor clearly sees that it is the best opportunity for me to send troops at this time for tens of millions of years. There was a big battle in the southern region just a few months ago, and my own strength has already been reduced by half. The battle will determine the universe."

The old man showed surprise, but this was a blessing from the sky, and then he said with a smile. "Okay,'s a god-sent opportunity, if you don't take it, you will suffer.

Walk!The old man personally led the army, ten great emperors, more than 20 quasi-emperors, and an army of tens of millions of gods.This time, we will definitely be able to take the Southern Territory into our pocket..."

This is earth-shattering news. I didn't expect that the Eastern and Western Regions planned to completely capture the Southern Region this time. If it is spread, it will definitely scare the courage of a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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