Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 267 The early morning court, the thoughts of the 7 princes

Chapter 267 The early morning court, the thoughts of the seventh prince (2)
After the eunuch left, Wang Baobao asked puzzledly, "Father, the emperor has never allowed me to go to court with my sister for so many years. What happened today? Not only did he suddenly decide to go to court an hour earlier, but he also asked Min Min to go to court as well." , what does the emperor mean?"

"Hey... I don't know either, let's talk about it in the morning. You all go back and rest." Chahan waved his hands and said
Both Zhao Min and Wang Baobao responded, and then left the hall, but after Zhao Min left the hall, he smiled sweetly, and said to himself, "Chen Youliang, that brat really has a way, the emperor must have made such a weird move because of him, that's great." Now, it seems that the problem of time has been resolved."

"Father... What's going on with the emperor today? Why did you suddenly decide to go to court early?" In the Seventh Prince's Mansion, after sending away the eunuch's eunuch, Zha Yadu asked the Seventh Prince next to him puzzledly.
The Seventh Prince frowned slightly, and said, "Son, I think something is going to happen this time."

"Father, what are you talking about?" Zha Yadu asked
"The emperor has not asked about political affairs for many years, and has always been taken care of by his father, but this time the emperor has to go to court early, it can be seen that something important has happened, and the emperor can't calm down." The seventh prince analyzed

Zha Yadu thought for a while, but still asked in a daze, "Father, what do you think will happen? Can the emperor lose his temper?"

The Seventh Prince sighed, and said, "Son, I think something is about to change in your marriage with Min Min."

"What?! Dad, how could this happen? The emperor came to court early, what does it have to do with the marriage of Hai'er and Minmin? Dad, don't talk nonsense." Zha Yadu became anxious when he heard it, and said quickly

The Seventh Prince shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "Son, think about it, the time limit given by the emperor to Minmin will be up in a few days, and I will rush to propose marriage to Chahan in these two days, but in this At the critical point, the emperor suddenly came to court early, so could it have nothing to do with this matter? There are almost no things that can make the emperor restless now, whether it is sending troops to encircle and suppress the Ming religion, to eliminate the so-called anti-Yuan rebels, or the country The emperor doesn't care about internal affairs at all, how can the emperor care about things that are bigger than these two things, so what else can it be? Of course it is the marriage between our family and the Chahan family."

"My child doesn't understand, how can this matter be more important than national affairs?" Zha Yadu was still puzzled.

"Son, your father and I now hold the state power, while Chahan holds the military power of the three armies. If the two of us get married, doesn't that mean that the military and the government are united? A country can combine military power and political power. The emperor is the only one who can be unified, but the courtiers, once unified, will directly threaten the status of the emperor, do you think the emperor will not be in a hurry? This is one of the reasons why I didn't want you to marry Minmin before Just to worry that the emperor will be suspicious." Seventh Prince explained

"But...but didn't dad agree in the end? That means dad has a way to solve it." Zha Yadu was anxious. If the emperor really thought so, he would never want to marry Zhao Min in his life.

The Seventh Prince sighed for a long time, and said, "I agreed before because I knew that the emperor would not think about that at all, and he could not see any threat to him from our family's marriage with Chahan, but looking at it now Come on, someone should have spoken to him."

Zha Ya said anxiously, "Then what should I do, Dad?"

"Son, daddy asks you, do you have to marry Minmin?" The Seventh Prince asked earnestly

"Yes! I must marry Minmin, no matter what price I pay, I must let Minmin be my wife! Otherwise, I will live in pain all my life!" Zha Yadu said seriously

(End of this chapter)

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