Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 268 The early morning court, the thoughts of the 7 princes

Chapter 268 The early morning court, the thoughts of the seventh prince (3)
After hearing this, the Seventh Prince nodded lightly, as if he had decided something in his eyes, and said, " long as it's what you want, son, no matter what, Chen Youliang rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I didn't make any poison at all. . "

Surprise flashed across Yang Xuedan's indifferent face, and he asked, "Then... what was the poison just now?"

"It's just a pill for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis that I take orally. I usually carry some with me in case of emergencies." Chen Youliang said with a smile
"Then you still told the emperor that this medicine will have that effect? ​​Aren't you afraid that he will find out that you are lying to him?" Yang Xuedan asked hastily
Chen Youliang laughed and said, "Senior Sister, do you think Emperor Yuan Shun is still in the mood to do something with a concubine tonight? He is either angry or frightened to death. If he really still has that mood, go and test it." If the medicine is effective, then I admire this pig's mentality."

Yang Xuedan was slightly taken aback, then shook his head with a light smile, probably no one knew that he was poisoned, and would use that method to test the effect of the medicine.

"But you said what is the antidote that will be given to him tomorrow?" Yang Xuedan asked again

"Tomorrow's, that's the real poison. The poison I just told the emperor does exist, but today's time is relatively tight, and I don't have time to make it. If it's done tomorrow, it's done for the four guards." Chen Youliang Smiling

"It's really scary to be your enemy." After hearing this, Yang Xuedan couldn't help shaking his head, and said lightly

Chen Youliang shrugged and said with a smile, "What does it matter, anyway, senior sister and I are not enemies, let's go, let's go out of the city with me to find some medicinal materials, we still have things to do tomorrow."

And at this time in the Daming Hall, the four guards unlocked the acupoints of Emperor Yuan Shun, and as soon as Emperor Yuan Shun was undone, he slapped each of the four guards angrily and shouted, "You idiot! You bastards! These trash!"

"The emperor calm down, this subordinate deserves to die!" The four guards quickly knelt down and said in fear, letting the emperor be held hostage by bandits was their biggest mistake, even if they were not ransacked and beheaded by the whole family, they would probably have to be quartered.

"Hmph! My Dayuan's palace was entered by two gangsters today! What are you doing! Kill the commander of the guards immediately! Cut it into pieces!" Emperor Yuanshun shouted angrily
"Yes... yes... this subordinate will do it right away!" After a guard finished speaking, he quickly stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Emperor Yuan Shun shouted loudly, "This matter must be kept secret! Apart from the four of you, the fifth person must not know! Otherwise, you will know what the consequences will be!"

The four were sweating profusely, and quickly kowtowed to say yes, and one of the guards quickly asked with concern, "Your Majesty, how did Chen Youliang blackmail the Emperor? What does he mean by taking the goods?"

"Don't talk too much! Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Emperor Yuan Shun shouted angrily. How could Emperor Yuan Shun be able to speak out after being given that kind of poison.

"Yes... this subordinate should die." The guard said quickly

Emperor Yuan Shun snorted heavily, and said, "Go and inform all the officials immediately! The time of tomorrow's morning court will be advanced! Also inform Chahan that he will bring his daughter to me at tomorrow's morning court!"

"Observe the order!" After finishing speaking, the four guards quickly ran out.

Just after midnight, every household had turned off the lights and went to bed, but in the homes of some high-ranking officials of the Yuan Dynasty, the lights were brightly lit, and the lights of the Ruyang Palace were also lit up. Chahan, Zhao Min and Wang Baobao stood in the hall of the palace, The three of them looked at the eunuch in surprise, only to hear the eunuch say in a sharp voice, "Here is an order from the emperor to advance the morning court tomorrow by an hour, so that Princess Shaomin will enter the palace tomorrow to participate in the morning court, and this is bestowed upon me."

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live." After hearing this, Chahan's family knelt on the ground and said in unison

The eunuch stepped forward very politely, helped Chahan up and said with a smile, "King Ruyang, please get up."

"Eunuch Xie, father-in-law, I don't know why the emperor wants Minmin to go to court tomorrow?" Chahan asked puzzled
(End of this chapter)

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