Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 283 Step 2 The Plan Begins

Chapter 283 The second step plan begins

Ding Minjun seemed to be a little afraid of Zha Yadu, retracted a bit, and said in a low voice, "After you kissed me, you suddenly passed out, and I panicked at the time, and then Chen Youliang said to bring you here first Take a rest in the inn, but he had something to do halfway, so he left first. The inn I brought you to originally planned to put you here and leave, but just as I helped you lie down, you woke up, and then grabbed I won't let me go, and then... just..." Ding Minjun's face was burning red at this time, he couldn't speak any more, so he pointed his finger at the ground.

Zha Yadu quickly turned his head, looked at the ground, and found that Ding Minjun's whole body of clothes, and his whole body of clothes, were all scattered on the ground. Zha Yadu looked at it, and the whole person was stunned, and his heart seemed to have fallen into an abyss all at once. , What happened after that, Zha Yadu didn't even need to think about it, although he didn't know anything about what Ding Minjun said later, but he always heard some princes, little princes and so on said that drinking lost morality, The next day he couldn't remember anything, and Zha Yadu didn't believe that a woman who spoke so weakly could lie about this kind of thing, he knew that he must have done something that he absolutely couldn't do.

" could this be! How could I be with another woman...ah!" Zha Yadu yelled frantically.

"You... what's wrong with you, don't scare me." Ding Minjun looked at Zha Yadu in horror, and said in a low voice
Zha Yadu turned his head angrily, and shouted, "Shut up! What happened today must not get out! If it gets out! I will make your Emei sect disappear forever!" He took off his clothes, put them on quickly, and ran out of the inn without looking back.

Zha Yadu just ran out, Ding Minjun's terrified face suddenly turned cold, and he asked coldly, "Is this okay?"

At this time, I saw Chen Youliang walk in from the door, and laughed with satisfaction, "Okay, okay, Senior Sister Ding, I really admire you, your acting is great, I didn't expect Senior Sister Ding to have such a gentle side." "Chen Youliang was next door just now, and he heard everything here.He was really surprised that Ding Minjun could act so well that he could win an Oscar.

Ding Minjun snorted lightly, and lifted the quilt from his body, but Ding Minjun was not naked, but was wearing another plain light blue suit.

Chen Youliang watched Ding Minjun get off the bed, shook his head and said with a smile, "Hey... If Zha Yadu could stay here for a while, seeing you wearing this outfit, I guess I wouldn't be so sad."

"Hmph, I can only blame him for being stupid. If he lifts the quilt on me, he will be able to see through your plan that is full of loopholes." Ding Minjun said with a hint of disdain
Chen Youliang smiled wryly and said, "Hey, hey, senior sister Ding, are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? As I said before, I let you wear clothes because I think you call me husband, so I relax the requirements. If According to my point of view, it would be better to let you take it off, if this kid is not so stupid, then everything I have painstakingly planned will be in vain."

But the main reason is that Chen Youliang hasn't got the habit of wearing a cuckold for himself. Although he said that he didn't regard Ding Minjun as his wife, how many people can be regarded as half of his own woman, and the woman who vents his anger is also considered a woman. Let him be with him in the future Chen Youliang felt angry when he thought about the naked women who played sports next to other men, so he would definitely not make such a plan.Chen Youliang has enough self-confidence. According to Zha Yadu's IQ, his first reaction would definitely not be that it is a conspiracy.The clothes on the ground are complete. The clothes on Ding Minjun’s body were newly bought by Chen Youliang. As soon as Zha Yadu saw that the clothes on the ground were the same set, he would subconsciously think that Ding Minjun next to him was not wearing any clothes. Covering it is also in line with the psychology of a woman who has just been violated. It is estimated that even a man who is smarter than Za Yadu will not doubt it.

Of course, Chen Youliang is definitely not included. If it was Chen Youliang, he would definitely want to do it again, regardless of whether it was drunk or not, and whether the girl was willing or not. So if anyone uses this trick against him, whoever uses it will suffer.

Ding Minjun snorted softly, walked up to Chen Youliang and asked, "What else do I need now?"

Chen Youliang shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile, "In a while, in a while you will..." After speaking, Chen Youliang put his mouth next to Ding Minjun's ear, and muttered a few words.

"What?! You asked me to go to the Ruyang Palace?! Are you kidding me! Isn't this asking me to throw myself into a trap!" Ding Minjun shouted angrily

Chen Youliang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, what are you afraid of if I'm here? Then the people in Ruyang Palace will definitely not make things difficult for you. Follow my instructions, and the head of the Emei Sect will be yours in the future. "

Upon hearing the head of the Emei faction, Ding Minjun's body trembled. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say!"

Chen Youliang snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "Brother Zha, I'm sorry, the first step of the plan is over, it's time for the second step, hey, I feel sorry for you."

At this time, Zha Yadu was walking on the street with blank eyes, like a walking corpse, staring straight at the ground, and he didn't know how many times he had bumped into people, if it wasn't because those who were hit saw Zha Yadu Ya Du's clothes are so good, he has already slapped him with a slap.

" did this happen...I actually...I actually met a woman from the Emei sect...Why did God make fun of me like this! Why! How can I go to see Minmin again! Minmin...I'm sorry... ...I'm sorry..." Zha Yadu clenched his fists regretfully and angrily, and muttered to himself
Zha Yadu now wished he could slap himself to death. When he left the inn, he asked the shopkeeper. Ding Minjun was right. It was indeed only the two of them who came in at that time, and he was already unconscious. He had a glimmer of fantasy, thinking that it was Chen Youliang's treachery, and he was completely desperate.He knew that he really performed the ceremony of husband and wife with Ding Minjun, which was a fatal blow to him. He only wanted to love Zhao Min wholeheartedly, and he also only wanted to perform the ceremony of husband and wife with Zhao Min alone, so Jing Among all the little princes now, he is the only one who has never been in the place of fireworks, and has never said a word to any woman, but today, all this makes him proud and makes him feel that he can be called All the evidence to love Zhao Min wholeheartedly is gone today.

However, just when Zha Yadu felt sorry for Zhao Min and didn't dare to face Zhao Min, Zhao Min's voice suddenly rang out from Zha Yadu's ear, saying, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Zha Yadu raised his head in surprise. When he saw Zhao Min's beautiful appearance and cute face, Zha Yadu's dull eyes became a little bit brighter, and he said happily, " Min Min!"

Zhao Min looked at him amusedly, and asked, "Are you so happy to see me? Zha Yadu, what did you do yesterday? Why didn't you come home all night? Your father has already found our house."

When Zha Yadu heard about last night, the gleam in his eyes disappeared again, he lowered his head slowly, and said guiltily, "I... I... I drank in a tavern yesterday... After I drank... I went to find you An inn fell asleep."

Zhao Min secretly smiled, this idiot can't even make up a lie, I really don't know how he learned from his father, Zhao Min coughed lightly, and asked pretending to be concerned, "Why do you drink so much?" Wine? Is it because I spoke too strongly yesterday?"

"No! Really not!" Zha Yadu quickly shook his head and said, if it was yesterday, maybe Zha Yadu would have admitted that Zhao Min was serious, but today, Zha Yadu didn't have the courage to say that, and he even hoped that Zhao Min could Scold him again severely.

Zhao Min smiled sweetly, and said, "It's fine if you don't have one, then you come with me, I'll take you back to the palace, the Seventh Prince is still waiting for you at my house, and I've set a table of wine for you at my house, just us Two people, let's have a few drinks."

Zha Yadu looked at Zhao Min in surprise, and asked, "How many drinks? Minmin, you have never let me drink at your house, why is that today?"

(End of this chapter)

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