Chapter 284
Zhao Min frowned, turned his head and pretended to be displeased and asked, "What's the matter? I want to buy you a few glasses of wine, but you still don't want to?"

"No!" Zha Yadu quickly shook his head and said, "I...I'm flattered, I didn't expect that Minmin would let me go to your house for a drink, and...just the two of us..."

Zhao Min smiled softly, and said apologetically, "Zha Yadu, what I said yesterday was indeed a bit too much. I thought about it for a long time after I got home, and I don't think I should say that about you. Don't be angry. I'm fine with today's drink." It's for you to make amends, okay?"

"Don't, don't, Minmin, don't say that, how could I be angry with you, I will never be angry with you in my life." Zha Yadu quickly waved his hands and said, but he felt flattered in his heart, secretly said " It's great that Minmin is no longer indifferent to me at last...but now I..." My heart was happy just now, but I thought of Ding Minjun's incident again, and lowered my head with a gloomy expression.

"Look! Aren't you still mad at me?" Zhao Min pouted and said dissatisfied

Zha Yadu hurriedly raised his head and said, "No, no, really, Minmin, you believe me, I... I was thinking about something else just now, not angry with you, really! I swear!"

Zhao Min smiled and said, "Okay, if you don't have it, you don't have it. What an oath, if you are not angry, come back with me. After drinking the wine, I will believe that you will not be angry."

"Okay, as long as you're happy, I'll do anything." Zha Yadu hurriedly nodded and said

"That's right, let's go." After saying that, Zhao Min walked ahead with a smile, while Zha Yadu followed behind with a gloomy expression, and the regret in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Back at the Ruyang Palace, the Seventh Prince was talking to Chahan in the hall. Seeing Zha Yadu coming back, the Seventh Prince hurried over and looked him up and down worriedly, like Zha Yadu As if he had just finished the battle, the Seventh Prince hurriedly asked with concern, "My lord, where have you been? Why didn't you come home all night? Do you know that you worried me and your mother to death."

Zha Yadu smiled slightly, and said, "Father, I'm fine, I just drank a few more glasses yesterday, and my head was a little dizzy, so I found a random inn and slept."

The Seventh Prince breathed a sigh of relief, and reprimanded, "Don't be like this next time! Even if you want to sleep outside, you have to ask someone to come back and report, do you understand?"

"Understood, father, I'm sorry for worrying you and mother." Zha Yadu bowed slightly and said
The Seventh Prince nodded lightly, and as soon as he looked at Zhao Min, Zhao Min smiled and said, "My lord, I have brought back your precious son intact, and I have fulfilled my mission."

"Haha... I know that you have a way, Minmin, you really have a good understanding with my Wang'er." The Seventh Prince smiled with something in his words

Zhao Min did not refute, smiled slightly, and asked, "My lord, Zha Yadu and I want to go back to my room for a few drinks. I haven't had a good chat with him for a long time. I'm going to suppress the bandits soon. I don't know when I can get together with him again, so I'll borrow your precious son first?"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of both the Seventh Prince and Chahan, but immediately the Seventh Prince laughed and said, "Okay, okay, no one can borrow my son, Minmin is fine! I can borrow it for as long as I want. "

"Then thank you, my lord. If you have nothing to do, you can also have a meal at our house at noon today. I can also return it to you after I finish chatting with Zha Yadu. It saves me a trip. " Zhao Min laughed

"Haha...Okay, I just want to have a good chat with Chahan, then you two young people go." The Seventh Prince laughed
Zhao Min smiled slightly and didn't say anything else. He pulled Zha Yadu out of the hall and returned to his boudoir. There was already a table of rich dishes and several large jars of wine in the room. Entering the room, seeing those wine jars, he remembered what happened after drinking yesterday, a trace of fear and regret flashed in his eyes, he said in a low voice, "Minmin...I think we should stop drinking today... I I just got drunk with today's wine..."

Before Zha Yadu finished speaking, Zhao Min asked dissatisfiedly, "What's the matter? You don't like to drink with me?"

"No, no! Minmin, don't get me wrong, that's not what I meant!" Zha Yadu said hastily
"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Min still looked displeased and asked

"I... I'm afraid... Forget it, if you want me to drink it, Minmin, I'll drink it." Zha Yadu gritted his teeth and said

Zhao Min said angrily, "Why do you act like I'm forcing you? Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not." After speaking, she sat down on her own and poured herself a drink.

"Minmin, don't be angry, I'll drink it, I'll drink it." Zha Yadu quickly sat down, poured himself a glass of wine, then raised the glass and said, "Come on, Minmin, I respect you."

"Wait." Zhao Min took down Zha Yadu's wine glass, and said, "I'm angry, so you just use this glass of wine to get rid of me?"

"Then...then three cups!" Zha Yadu said hastily
Zhao Min snorted softly, went to the side and picked up a big jar, slapped the mouth of the jar, and said with a smile, "I know the drinking capacity of our little prince best, if you make me angry, drink a jar of wine, isn't this a good deal?" ?”

"Okay! I'll drink! As long as you don't get angry, Minmin, I'm willing to drink as much as you want!" After speaking, Zha Yadu picked up the wine jar, and drank wastefully into his stomach.

"Bang" Zha Yadu drank the jar, put the jar on the table, and asked worriedly, "Minmin, is this okay?" Like angry.

Zhao Min smiled in satisfaction, and said, "That's right, seeing you drinking like this, I don't want to use this small wine glass anymore, come on!" Then he took two large jars of wine, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "We Let's drink together." After speaking, he picked up the wine jar and drank it in small sips.

Zha Yadu didn't care about that much anymore, he just begged Zhao Min not to be angry with him, so he quickly picked up the wine jar and drank it violently.

Zhao Min saw that Zha Yadu had started to drink, and secretly smiled. From a small sip at the beginning, it turned into a little sip, until Zha Yadu finished the second jar of wine, and she hadn't had a bowl of wine yet. Quantity.

"Yeah? You finished drinking so soon? I haven't finished this jar yet, why don't you drink with me? My drinking capacity is not as good as yours." Zhao Min put down the wine jar and said with a smile

Zha Yadu was already feeling a little dizzy at this moment. He didn't fully wake up from yesterday's drink, but now he drank two large jars. He knew that if he drank again, he would definitely drink as much as yesterday, but Zhao Min smiled so happily and let himself have another drink, how could he spoil Zhao Min's interest?He had no choice but to grit his teeth, forcefully smiled in a daze and said, "Okay! As long as Minmin lets me drink... I will drink it!" After speaking, he picked up a jar of wine and drank it on his own.

But this time, Zha Yadu couldn't take it anymore before he drank half of it. His body began to shake and his head became dizzy. On the ground, it fell to pieces, and Zha Yadu could only put his hands on the table, barely supporting himself, and said dizzily, "Minmin...I'm sorry...I really...can't drink..." Before finishing speaking, Zha Yadu fell down.

Zhao Min secretly smiled, lightly kicked Zha Yadu's feet, and called out, "Zha Yadu? Zha Yadu?"

Seeing that Zha Yadu didn't respond, Zhao Min smiled sweetly, looked out of the window, and said with a smile, "The first officer Chen who is hiding outside can come in."

Chen Youliang laughed, walked in from the door, saw Zha Yadu lying on the ground, gave Zhao Min a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "Okay, my lord princess, you have a trick, I didn't expect you to be so good at persuading people to drink." what."

(End of this chapter)

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