Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 285 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love

Chapter 285 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love
Zhao Min smiled triumphantly, folded his arms around his chest, and asked, "What? Do you want me to persuade you too?"

Chen Youliang waved his hands with a smile, and said, "I don't need it, my drinking capacity is not as good as this little prince, that's all right, stop talking, let's start."

"Why are you in a hurry." Zhao Min came over, closed the door, and said with a smile, "The Seventh Prince will stay with my father for dinner, we still have time, the opportunity is rare, why don't we chat first?"

Chen Youliang smiled wryly and said, "It's a rare opportunity? Didn't you come to see me every day these two days? Chatting every day, you haven't talked enough yet?"

Zhao Min gave Chen Youliang a white look, and muttered in a low voice, "It would be nice if we could talk enough..."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile, how could Zhao Min's little thought be hidden from Chen Youliang?It's just that Chen Youliang doesn't want to point it out, and now is not the time.

"Forget it, it's nothing." Zhao Min said discouragedly, and then took a sip of wine for himself.

Chen Youliang smiled and asked, "Then shall we still chat?"

Zhao Min glanced at Chen Youliang, and said, "Of course we're talking, but it's just about serious business. I guess that after the second step of your plan is completed, Zha Yadu shouldn't pester me anymore, but the Seventh Prince won't let it go." , Tighten your teeth, his father is full of flamboyance, you can't hide this little trick from him, if he retaliates in the future, what are you going to do?"

"Revenge? Revenge is also revenge on your family, right? What does it have to do with me?" Chen Youliang laughed.

Zhao Min raised his eyes, put his hands on his hips and said, "Hey! What do you mean! You just let it go?"

Chen Youliang smiled wickedly and said, "Why should I care? My task is to help you get rid of Zha Yadu. After this incident is over, Zha Yadu should not pester you anymore, at least not in a short time. Then If the Seventh Prince does not retaliate against you, then it is not within my jurisdiction, unless..."

"Unless what?" Zhao Min saw Chen Youliang's appearance and knew that he had no good intentions.

"Unless it's the second thing, if it's the second thing, I can help you get rid of the Seventh Prince's entanglement completely." Chen Youliang said with a smile
Zhao Min snorted softly, and said, "You're so embarrassed, you want me to finish three things so easily? There's no way."

"I'm doing this for your own good. Think about it, you haven't thought about the third thing yet. Didn't I think about one thing for you? Then add the second thing you originally thought about." One thing, don't these three things come together? It saves you from thinking about it." Chen Youliang laughed
"Hmph, I said no way, but no way, I will save the third thing for later use." Speaking of this, Zhao Min suddenly felt something was wrong, frowned and asked, "Huh? You want to do it for me so soon After three things, don’t you want to see me anymore? Oh! I know! You must think I’m annoying! You want to get rid of me quickly and go back to your Miss Zhou, and that senior sister! Right! "

Chen Youliang smiled wryly and said, "Sister Zhao, why do you think so much? Why are you talking about them? I haven't seen Miss Zhou until now. After saying hello to the Mingjiao people After that, I came to see you directly, and then I have been doing these things for you, and I have done my best for you, and you still wronged me?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she smiled sweetly in her heart, but still kept a straight face, and shouted, "So! So you are anxious, and you want to finish the work quickly, and go back to meet your Miss Zhou and Senior Sister, right?!"

"Please, if I was really in a hurry, would I still have such a leisurely chat with you here?" Chen Youliang said depressedly

"Hmph! Didn't you just tell me to start quickly?" Zhao Min snorted softly
Chen Youliang patted his head and shouted helplessly, "But you asked me to chat with you, so why don't I just chat with you?"

"That's why you think I'm annoying! You don't want to chat with me, but you want to see your Miss Zhou, don't you? Okay! I'll help you! Let's start now, so as not to delay your good deeds of Vice Leader Chen!" Zhao sensitive airway

Chen Youliang couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Hey, I said you can really talk, and you came back again. Elder sister, don't you have a good brain? If you really find you annoying, if you really want to see Miss Zhou, I won't be early Has it passed? But I have been helping you with things from the beginning to the end, your business is much more important than seeing Miss Zhou..." Just now, Chen Youliang realized that he had slipped his tongue and was being pestered by Zhao Min. After a pause, he even spoke the truth, and quickly covered his mouth.

But Zhao Min heard it clearly, bowed her head shyly and happily and laughed, secretly glanced at Chen Youliang, and asked in a low voice, "Really? I'm really more important than Zhou Zhiruo?"

Chen Youliang laughed dryly, and cursed secretly, "Damn! I'm really stupid than a pig! I know that this girl likes to use aggressive tactics, but I foolishly fell for it. Hey, forget it, let's fall for it, anyway. It’s not a confession, and it’s nothing to say it.”

Originally, Chen Youliang planned that when Zhao Min could not accept that he had other women, he would not show too much love to her. After all, if he showed too much, then he would let the other party know that it was you who liked her first. For her, even if the other party knows in her heart that the real situation is the opposite, she will still think that way. Once she thinks so, then when you go to another woman and show favor to other women, the woman will think that You are ungrateful and ungrateful, you like the new and dislike the old, you will think that you betrayed her,

But if it is the woman who expresses her love first, it will be another result. The moment the woman expresses her love to you, she will subconsciously think that she is already yours, no matter what you become , no matter what you do to her in the future, she will not feel too much and will accept it willingly, because she thinks her love for you can accommodate everything about you. After all, she thinks that she liked you first, so she must like you Everything about you, if you choose it, you will have no regrets.

The so-called men are not bad and women don't love, but these bad men all have one thing in common, that is, the women around the bad man are all actively pursuing him, and none of them have been confessed to by a man, just because it is a woman. She will feel that she is a head shorter than a man psychologically, and she will cherish and take care of this love, so no matter how many women that man has, she will not mind.

Modern monogamy is like this, not to mention polygamy in ancient times. Moreover, ancient people have older ideas than modern people, so this kind of trick is even more effective. So until now, Chen Youliang has never If you have confessed to any woman, at most it is to show your favor, just to wait for them to confess.

But Zhao Min is a bit too smart. Although she doesn't understand the truth that men are not bad and women don't love her, she clearly knows that it is better to let others confess to her than to confess to a man herself. There is also a bit of reserve in it, which is why Zhao Min has been holding back from confessing his confession, and has been provoking Chen Youliang.

"You...why don't you speak!" Seeing that Chen Youliang didn't answer her, Zhao Min gave Chen Youliang a blank look and said
Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and said, "You have already told me to say it, what else can I say?"

"Then you mean, I'm really more important than your Miss Zhou?" Zhao Min asked with big eyes blinking

Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, and said, "All right, all right, you can do whatever you want."

"Hmph! What kind of answer is this!" Zhao Min said angrily, "No! You must give me an answer today! Otherwise, you don't want to come out of this door!"

Chen Youliang chuckled, rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "That's fine, if you don't come out, you won't be out. How about sleeping with you tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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