Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 286 Here Comes Again

Chapter 286 Come Back Again

Zhao Min gave Chen Youliang a hard look, and then said with a smirk, "Okay, then I will ask Vice Hierarch Chen to wrong me and sleep with the little girl, but the little girl sleeps very dishonestly. When I was sleeping, I took the sword and slashed blindly. If I accidentally stabbed Vice-rector Chen, who is under the nine springs, don't blame the little girl."

Uh... Chen Youliang was about to get goosebumps all over his body, scratched his head, and said with an embarrassed smile, "This, this... let's forget about it today, another day... let's talk about it when we have time."

"Huh!" Zhao Min snorted lightly, and said, "You big piece of wood!"

"Hey, big sister, why did I recruit you again? I have a name and a surname, okay? The word wood doesn't have much to do with the deputy leader, so please don't use it, my lord." Chen Youliang looked dissatisfied. said
Zhao Min waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, let's forget about the matter of the Seventh Prince, I will find a way to deal with it myself, and tell you the serious thing." In fact, Zhao Min doesn't need to think of any way to deal with it, no matter how powerful the Seventh Prince is He is not the emperor, and has no ability to weaken military power, so even if the Seventh Prince sees something, he will not make any movement for the time being.So Zhao Min wasn't too worried.

Chen Youliang nodded and said, "Okay, tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's the second thing I want you to do." Zhao Min said a little more seriously
"Oh?" Chen Youliang became more interested now, and asked, "Tell me, the second thing you want me to do for you?"

"Let me ask you first, what are you going to do after this matter is over?" Zhao Min asked

Chen Youliang shrugged and said, "Our original plan was to find Wuji's adoptive father, the Golden Lion King Xie Xun. After this matter is over, we will go... You mean to say that you also want to go with us, right? "Chen Youliang then remembered, Zhao Min's first thing in Jin Daxia's novel was this, did the first thing become the second, and then turned back after going around?

Zhao Min smiled sweetly and said, "Smart, my second thing is that I want you to take me to see the Dragon Slaying Knife."

Damn, it really is. It seems that the general direction has not changed. Chen Youliang smiled slightly and said, "Miss Zhao, I'm afraid I can't do anything about your second matter."

"Why! How can you be powerless? This matter doesn't violate some chivalrous principles, right? I just want to see the dragon sword, but I don't want it." Zhao Min said hastily
Chen Youliang smiled and said, "This is indeed not against the way of chivalry, but I can't do it. It's better for you to ask Wuji to help you with this matter. If you ask me to help, you are asking the wrong person. Don't even think about it. Back then, the lion After Wang got this dragon-slaying knife, he regarded it as a treasure and took it with him every day. I heard from Wuji that he is blind now, and the dragon-slaying knife is his spiritual support. How could you give it to me so easily? I don’t know him well, Wuji is his adopted son, if he borrows it, maybe it’s okay, you go ask him.”

"Why should I go to him! He didn't promise me to do the three things for me. Anyway, I don't care. Zhang Wuji is your younger brother, and you are his elder brother. Go and beg him to help me get the dragon sword, anyway. I'm just looking, and I don't do anything else. Oh, I see, are you afraid that I won't return the dragon sword to you when I bring it? Don't worry, you and Zhang Wuji are by my side, two masters Look at me, no matter how smart I am, I won't be able to take the Dragon Slaying Saber away." Zhao Min said

Chen Youliang secretly smiled, yes, yes, now I ask her to go to Zhang Wuji, but she won't go, it seems that even if I take her to go with Zhang Wuji, there won't be any accidents, that's it!
Seeing that Chen Youliang had been silent, Zhao Min thought he was still unwilling to agree, so he quickly shook Chen Youliang's arm, and begged, "Master Chen, Daxia Chen, Brother Chen, Mr. Chen! Just promise me, I really just want to take a look." Yes, there is absolutely no other intention, how about an hour? I only need an hour, and then I will return the treasured sword."

Chen Youliang said amusedly, "Miss Zhao, you have to see, isn't this Dragon Slaying Saber just for those few words in the Jianghu? The supreme martial artist, the precious sword slaying dragons, commands the world. Don't dare to disobey. Who will compete with these few words?" In a word? No matter what you say, Mr. Xie can be regarded as a senior expert in the martial arts, and he is also extremely intelligent. He has studied it all his life, but he has not researched it. Why, you only have an hour, do you think you can research it?"

Zhao Min smiled and said, "Isn't there still you? I dare not say anything else. In terms of intelligence, the two of us are among the most intelligent people in the world. Let's take a closer look together, and maybe we can find some clues Ah, and if we find out the details, it can be regarded as an explanation to Mr. Xie. He has been enlightened all his life. If he doesn’t know the secret of the Dragon Saber until he dies, wouldn’t it be a pity? We are also thanking Mr. Xie Make a contribution."

"Cut, still making contributions? If we really get the details out, wouldn't we be so mad at Mr. Xie? An hour can change someone's life. If it were me, I'd rather commit suicide." Chen Youliang laughed.

"Oh! Are you going to agree or not? Let me tell you, if you don't agree, I will take soldiers and horses to encircle Mingjiao tomorrow!" Zhao Min saw that he was being soft, and then he became tough.

"Hey, do you think I'm afraid of you? Just come, we happened to have a fight on the battlefield, I really want to see how you destroy our Demon Sect, General Demon Slayer." Chen Youliang smiled without fear at all.
"You!" Zhao Min stared at Chen Youliang angrily, turned his eyes, and suddenly cried on the table, " bully me! You bully me! A big man bullies me, a weak woman, what do you count?" What kind of hero... woo... You broke your promise and became fat. You said yesterday that even if you didn't use black jade to force you, you would help me accomplish three things... woo... I forgot so soon... I believed in the wrong person ... woo..."

Seeing Zhao Min like this, Chen Youliang sat by the side and was stunned. After a while, he covered his face dumbfoundingly and said, "Sister, is there anyone like you? You can't say no to me, don't cry, okay, okay, I I'm afraid of you, you've caught my weakness, don't cry, can't I take you there?"

"Really?!" Zhao Min raised his head with a smile, blinking his big eyes and asked, there were no tears on his face, it was just a triumphant smile.

"Me! With you, there was only thunder but no rain just now!" Chen Youliang looked at it, and said angrily and funny

Zhao Min smiled sweetly, and said, "Master Chen, you have promised me, you are a man, you keep your promises. Don't play tricks anymore, or I will continue to cry." After speaking, she raised her head proudly.

Seeing Zhao Min's proud and cute look, Chen Youliang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely take you there."

"I know that Master Chen is not the kind of person who doesn't count. In fact, you have wanted to take me there for a long time. You just gave yourself a step down, didn't you?" Zhao Min leaned over and asked with a smile
"Hey, don't be so cheap and good-looking. If you say that again, I really won't take you there." Chen Youliang said pretending to be serious

Zhao Min hummed lightly, and said, "It's okay, if you don't take me, I'll keep crying."

"...Forget you! It's okay, it's enough, we're done talking, and we're working! It's been a long time, and Ding Minjun is still waiting outside." Chen Youliang hurriedly urged

"Okay." Zhao Min nodded and smiled, then stretched out his hand and began to unbutton his clothes, but just as he undid a button, he suddenly found Chen Youliang sitting beside him, looking at him eagerly, Zhao Min blushed and spat, "" What are you looking at! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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