Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 292 Yang Xuedan Wants to Leave?

Chapter 292 Yang Xuedan Wants to Leave?

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a little overjoyed. In fact, one of the reasons why I took you to Binghuo Island was to be the head of the sect. I don't tell you, you know that your Senior Sister Ding is very interested in the position of the head of the sect." It has been coveted for a long time, Ji Xiaofu was her biggest opponent back then, after what happened between Ji Xiaofu and Yang Zuoshi, she was the only candidate to succeed the head, but your talent, aptitude, and talent are all better than Ding Minjun, Even better than Ji Xiaofu back then, Miejue Shitai will naturally choose you as the next head, so you have become another enemy of Senior Sister Ding."

Zhou Zhiruo nodded, and said, "I know all of this, but in fact, I didn't even want to compete with Senior Sister Ding for the position of head."

"I understand, but you, Senior Sister Ding, don't understand. She thinks that all the disciples of the Emei Sect think the same as her and want to fight for the position of master. This time Miejueshi lost the Yitian sword too, and happened to become Miejueshi It's too late to step down as head, Senior Sister Ding is naturally anxious, afraid that you will push her down, so I brought you out, I don't want you to get involved in this kind of dispute for no reason, of course, this is what I promised Ding Minjun " Chen Youliang said with a smile
"En? You promised Senior Sister Ding? What do you mean?" Zhou Zhiruo asked suspiciously

"I asked Ding Minjun to do me a favor before, and the condition was to let her be the head of the Emei Sect. Because I knew you didn't want to be the head, I gave her a favor. Miejue Shi didn't announce you to take over too late. The head of the sect is because this is the capital, and Ding Minjun has not come back, but once Ding Minjun returns, maybe Miejue Shitai will announce it, so I have to bring you out to stop Miejue Shitai's mouth." Chen Youliang laughed.
Zhou Zhiruo nodded, and asked, "So that's the case, but Brother Chen, you are just helping Senior Sister Ding delay for a while, right? After we come back from Binghuo Island, won't the result be the same?"

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Of course it's different. This is also the second purpose for me to bring you out, but I won't tell you now. Before we come back, I will tell you, let's go, come back with me first." Let's go to the inn."

"Okay." Zhou Zhiruo smiled sweetly, she didn't care what Chen Youliang's second purpose was, she just knew that it would be good if she could follow Chen Youliang now, and she didn't think about anything else.

Chen Youliang took Zhou Zhiruo back to the inn, and as soon as he entered his room, he saw that Yang Xuedan, Xiao Zhao, Yang Buhui and Zhang Wuji were all in his room, and besides Yang Xuedan, everyone else was complaining. He looked at Chen Youliang.

"You're finally willing to come back!" Yang Buhui became furious when he saw Chen Youliang, and said
"No, what's the matter with you? I didn't do anything wrong, right?" Chen Youliang scratched his head and asked in confusion
Xiao Zhao pouted angrily, and said, "Young Master, what did you promise Xiao Zhao yesterday? Didn't you say that you would come back after chatting with the princess for a while? As a result, there was no news all night, and you didn't come back until now, you know I don't know how worried everyone is about you?"

"Brother, I won't help you this time. After what happened last time, everyone was like a frightened bird. I was afraid that something might happen to you. In the end, you went out for a day and a night without making a sound. After King Wei Bat took Senior Sister Ding to look for you, there was no news at all, everyone was in a panic, and I was looking for you all night last night." Zhang Wuji also complained.

Uh...Chen Youliang only remembered at this time, it seemed that yesterday he was talking to Xiao Zhao for a while, but suddenly ran into Zha Yadu, and left as planned. He really forgot to ask Wei Yixiao to come back and tell them.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I made everyone worry, I promise there will be no next time, will it work? You adults have a lot, please forgive me once?" Chen Youliang quickly apologized with a smile

"Hmph!" Both Yang Buhui and Xiao Zhao snorted softly, and turned their heads to ignore Chen Youliang angrily.

Zhang Wuji also shook his head helplessly, and said, "Brother, I know that you are very powerful in martial arts, and there are very few people in this world who can fight against you, but no matter how strong you are, Big Brother, you are not immortal. You always go out alone. No one will bring it, what if something happens?"

"Hey, brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, okay? Don't be angry, don't be angry, next time I promise to take someone out, okay?" Chen Youliang hurriedly nodded and smiled.

Zhang Wuji sighed, turned his head to look at Zhou Zhiruo who was standing behind Chen Youliang, smiled apologetically, and said, "Zhiruo, I'm sorry, we were all pissed off by the elder brother, we didn't greet you, don't mind."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled softly and said, "It's okay, I know everyone is worried about Big Brother Chen, and Big Brother Chen goes out alone every time, so we really should talk about him."

Chen Youliang looked at Zhou Zhiruo dumbfounded, just now she thought she was considerate, why is she so ignorant now, instead of trying to persuade her buddies, she turned on her.

Zhang Wuji smiled, stood up and asked Zhou Zhiruo to sit down, and asked, "By the way, Zhiruo, why did you come back with eldest brother?"

"Oh, that's how it is. Brother Chen sent my senior sister back today, and then told Master to let me go to Binghuo Island with you." Zhou Zhiruo laughed.
Hearing this, Zhang Wuji, Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui were all taken aback, Yang Buhui hurried over and asked, "Sister Zhiruo, are you going to Binghuo Island with us?"

Zhou Zhiruo nodded with a smile, Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui looked at each other, jumped up happily, Yang Buhui took Zhou Zhiruo's hands, and said with a smile, "Great! Sister Zhiruo, you will go with us, this time It must be very interesting to go to Binghuo Island for the first time!"

"Hey, hey, am I a little ignorant? When did the three of you get along so well?" Chen Youliang looked at the three of them wonderingly, and asked curiously
Yang Buhui and Xiao Zhao glanced at Chen Youliang and hummed lightly, but no one paid any attention to Chen Youliang, but Zhou Zhiruo smiled sweetly and explained, "Brother Chen, when you disappeared, we searched everywhere because we were worried about you. In the school, the three of us often met, and sometimes we would talk about you, Brother Chen, so we gradually became good sisters."

Chen Youliang muttered depressingly, " can become good sisters like this? It's really easy to build friendship between you women."

"En? What did you say?" Yang Buhui asked dissatisfied when he heard Chen Youliang's muttering voice.
Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and quickly waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, nothing, I mean you guys saw the truth when I was in trouble, it's rare, precious."

Hearing Chen Youliang's words, Xiao Zhao, Yang Buhui, and Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help laughing "puchi". Yang Buhui gave Chen Youliang a white look, and said, "What do you mean when you are in trouble, we see the truth? It sounds like we Taking advantage of your disappearance, it seems to be close to the other party."

"I think it's about the same." Chen Youliang muttered in a low voice
"En?" Now not only Yang Buhui and Xiao Zhao squinted at Chen Youliang with dissatisfaction, but even Zhou Zhiruo gave Chen Youliang a dissatisfied look.

Chen Youliang coughed quickly, and said, "Well... I think it's time to eat, are you hungry? How about I play host?"

"Hmph." The three beauties hummed softly at the same time, and then they all secretly smiled.

Zhang Wuji chuckled, turned his head and asked, "Brother, why did you let Zhiruo go to Binghuo Island with us?"

"There is indeed a reason, isn't it convenient?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile
"No, how could it be? Zhiruo wants to go. Although going to Binghuo Island is a bit dangerous, I am familiar with it, so there shouldn't be any problems. We will go on the road together, and there will be a helper on the way. I must go to Binghuo Island this time. You should be very happy." Zhang Wuji said with a smile
Chen Youliang chuckled, turned to look at Yang Xuedan who had been sitting next to her and said nothing, walked up to her and smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Sister, I promised you that I would notify you in advance if you were to do something else, but there was a temporary meeting yesterday. If there is a change, I will forget about it. But I have never revealed anything that should not be revealed."

Yang Xuedan nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "I believe in Junior Brother, and I am also waiting for Junior Brother here because, like them, I am worried about Junior Brother's safety."

"Huh, I was shocked, as long as the senior sister didn't blame me." Chen Youliang had already felt Yang Xuedan's worry, but he was not very happy.As early as the night when he met his rival in love, when he was about to explode and die, Yang Xuedan had already shown his concern for him, but Chen Youliang knew that this kind of concern was only based on the friendship between seniors, sisters and brothers. There is nothing to like at all. Compared with the previous two days, the relationship between them has not improved much.At most, his smile was brighter than when he saw him two days ago, but who knows whether this bright smile is for him, or because he is happy to see the person he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you. I have another thing to tell my junior brother, I plan to go back." Yang Xuedan said
Chen Youliang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked, "Huh? Senior sister... You, you're going back so soon?"

(End of this chapter)

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