Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 293 Two Beauties Are Caught

Chapter 293 Two Beauties Are Caught
Chen Youliang really didn't expect that Yang Xuedan would leave so soon. Originally, he wanted to take Yang Xuedan to Spirit Snake Island, and then cultivate and cultivate his relationship. Because of the appearance of that rival in love, Chen Youliang felt more and more in danger. He wanted to cultivate a good relationship with Yang Xuedan on Spirit Snake Island. If that love rival came out in the future, he didn't have to worry about it.

But if Yang Xuedan wants to leave now, then he has to train a fluff!I don't know how long it will take to go to Spirit Snake Island. According to the time in the original book, the time will be too long. Chen Youliang reckons that the time he went there will definitely not be shorter. Even if it can be faster than the original book, it will not be a few days sooner. If you wait until then to soak Yang Xuedan, the day lily will be cold.And if Yang Xuedan meets that rival in love at this time, maybe when he comes back, his children will be soy sauced.

"No! You must not let this bitch go back! You must keep her!" Chen Youliang thought to himself
"Junior brother, I don't have anything important to do here. You know the purpose of my coming here. Now that this purpose is no longer needed, why do I stay here? Since you are going to do serious things, I won't follow you." Yes, when I return to the ancient tomb, I will send another girl out." Yang Xuedan said lightly

Chen Youliang rolled his eyes. He knew that for a cold beauty like Yang Xuedan, once she decided on something, it would be difficult to change it, unless there was another reason for her to change her mind. In his ear, he asked in a low voice, "Senior sister, I don't think you should go back. I know what you plan to do when you go back. Are you going to wait for the person you like?"

A rare blush appeared on Yang Xuedan's face, and he said softly, "Yes, I want to go back to the ancient tomb and wait for him, I believe he will definitely come back to find me."

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Senior Sister, when are you going to go? Have you forgotten what he told me before? He will still come to me, maybe in the near future, if you want to go sooner If you see him, why not go with me? If you stay with me, you can see him? Besides, after so long, who knows if he still remembers the location of the ancient tomb? What should I do? Is the senior sister going to wait foolishly for a lifetime? Instead of waiting passively, why don’t you take the initiative to look for it, and when he comes to me next time, you can take the initiative to recognize him, won’t it be enough?”

"Brother, which one are you talking about?" Zhang Wuji asked puzzled.

Chen Youliang waved his hand and said, "You don't know, I'll tell you when I have a chance." Then he turned his head and asked, "Senior Sister, what do you think?"

Yang Xuedan hesitated for a while, from her vacillating eyes, Chen Youliang could tell that she didn't know what to do, Chen Youliang didn't say anything, generally a woman like Yang Xuedan, if it wasn't her husband, couldn't force her What to do, let alone help her make decisions, otherwise it will arouse the other party's resentment, so I can only give her suggestions and let her think about it.

"Xiao Zhao, don't regret it, you two go buy some dry food first, we haven't prepared anything for going to Binghuo Island this time. Besides, Wuji, let Yang Zuoshi, Fan Youshi, Wei Batwang, Brother Chang came in, I have something to ask them." Chen Youliang turned his head and said
"Okay." Zhang Wuji, Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui nodded and said
"Brother Chen, let me go with Xiao Zhao and the others. I won't be able to get in the way if you want to talk about serious business later. Why don't you go shopping with them?" Zhou Zhiruo stood up and said with a smile

Chen Youliang nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, then the three of you go together, and be careful on the road."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and nodded, then left the room with Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui chatting and laughing, and after a while, Zhang Wuji walked in with Yang Xiao and the others.

"Deputy leader!" Everyone said respectfully
Chen Youliang waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Here you go, sit down first, I have something to tell everyone."

After everyone sat down, Yang Xiao asked, "Deputy Hierarch, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I don't have any orders, I just want to ask you, is there any news about the Sixth Master?" Chen Youliang asked with a frown

As soon as Yin Liting was mentioned, everyone's faces became a little embarrassed, you looked at me, I looked at yours, but no one said a word.On the contrary, Zhang Wuji sighed, and said, "Brother, the master uncle told me what you wanted him to convey, so when I went to look for the elder brother again, I had already ordered Yang Zuo to order the whole teaching to find the sixth master uncle together." whereabouts, but until now there is no news."

"Oh? Our Mingjiao people are all over the world. Every province and every city has our branches and forums. Is there no news at all?" Chen Youliang asked unexpectedly

Yang Xiao shook his head and said, "Reporting to the deputy leader, I just received letters from Feige from other sub-forums yesterday, and they all said that they could not find Yin Liuxia. The news has come back, there is no news at all, I really don't know where Yin Liuxia has gone."

The matter of Yin Liting has always been Chen Youliang's heart disease. Since Chen Youliang came to Yitian's world, everything has been under his control. Only the matter of Yin Liting made Chen Youliang feel uneasy, and he still doesn't know about Yin Liting. Where did he go, and where he could find it, he really didn't know who those mysterious people were, why he rescued Yin Liting, and why didn't he release him after he was rescued? In Chen Youliang's impression Well, there is no organization in the world that has this kind of ability. It can leave under Zhao Min's command without being discovered by Mingjiao's spies. Those mysterious masters in the book, who should appear and shouldn't appear, have appeared. Now the only person he could think of was Grandma Jinhua, but how could she save Yin Liting?It's useless to save him.

Chen Youliang frowned, and thought to himself, "Could it be some people I don't know?" Thinking of this, Chen Youliang turned his head to look at Yang Xuedan who was still thinking about it, and thought of what the love rival said before he left, thinking secretly: " Could it be that kid who saved Yin Liting? But what is the use of him saving Yin Liting? Besides, what does saving Yin Liting have to do with testing my martial arts?"

Chen Youliang really couldn't figure it out, so he simply shook his head and said, "Forget it, we can only do our best and obey the destiny now, Yang Zuoshi, let our spies who are in different forums and rudders keep inquiring whether there is any news or not. , we must find out where the Sixth Master Uncle is."

"Obey!" Yang Xiao said, cupping his hands

"It's not good!" At this time, Xiao Zhao suddenly ran back in a hurry, pushed the door open with a "bang", and shouted, "My lord! Sister Zhiruo and Sister Buhui were taken away!"

(End of this chapter)

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