Chapter 353

"What?!" Everyone in the big tent, including the head leader, shouted in surprise, and the head leader quickly shouted angrily, "What's going on! How could Yin Li be rescued! You have so many guards! Looking at Yin Li, can't you just look at it!"

"My lord, forgive me!" Bowed in horror and said, "My lord, the martial arts of this person is extremely high, and the skill of hiding his breath is also superb. He suddenly appeared in front of us, and we didn't even have time to react. I was knocked unconscious by him, and after we got up, he and Yin Li disappeared."

Hearing this, the head leader's anger suddenly subsided, and he turned to look at the masked man next to him with a look of doubt.

But the Great Sacred Treasure Tree King was very surprised and asked, "This...what's going on? Didn't the people patrolling around find him?"

□□Shaking his head, he said, "No, I asked all the congregants who were patrolling around after I got up, and no one found him, not even a single person."

"What does he look like, have you seen clearly?" Wisdom Treasure Tree King asked in a deep voice
"Damn the subordinate, we couldn't see the other person's face clearly, we only knew that he was wearing night clothes and covered his face, and we couldn't take off his mask." □ said in panic
"Are you all idiots! You can't look down on anyone! We teach hundreds of people to let a person save a person so easily under the blue sky and broad daylight! What use do I need you!" King Confidence Tree He shouted angrily, and as he said that, he was about to rush to the front of the boss and give him a slap.

"Treasure Tree King of Confidence, keep people under his command!" At this time, the Treasure Tree King of Wisdom blocked the Treasure Tree King of Confidence, and said lightly
"Lord Wisdom Tree King, why are you stopping me? It's useless to keep this group of idiots!" The Confidence Tree King shouted angrily.
The Wisdom Treasure Tree King shook his head lightly, and said, "We can't blame them, the tent where Yin Li was imprisoned is not very far from us, but even we didn't feel anything unusual, so how could they feel it?" What? The skills of the coming people must be extremely high, and they can't stop the coming people, so it's not a dereliction of duty."

The Tree King of Confidence gritted his teeth, so why didn't he know that what the Tree King of Wisdom said was true, but he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he had to vent it on the bastard.The Confidence Treasure Tree King sighed heavily, and shouted unwillingly, "If I hadn't been seriously injured by that bastard Chen Youliang, how could I not have heard someone sneaking in. The person who came here must be the accomplice next to Chen Youliang!"

The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King pondered for a while, turned his eyes, and bowed to the chief leader, "My lord, now that Yin Li has been rescued, we have no bargaining chips in our hands. In my humble opinion, I still order this sect to □, control the pier, and before I recover from my injuries, we must not let Chen Youliang and his group escape."

The Chief Hierarch thought for a while, and when he was about to speak, he saw the masked man next to him approaching the Chief Hierarch's ear, and whispered something in a low voice. The Chief Hierarch immediately smiled and nodded lightly, confidently He said, "No need, it seems that everything is in the plan, everyone can rest assured to recover from their injuries, and don't worry about Yin Li's affairs."

"But..." The Great Sage Treasure Tree King was stunned, and asked in confusion, "But what if Chen Youliang and his gang run away?"

"Everyone, please rest assured that Chen Youliang and the others can't leave. After you recover from your injuries, I'm afraid they will come to you by themselves. Well, there's no need to say more, let's go and heal your injuries." The chief teacher smiled slightly.

The Twelve Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and Fengyunyue Sanshi looked at each other puzzledly, and then turned their heads to look at the masked man. At the same time, a thought arose in their hearts, is this all within the masked man's plan?He's already figured it all out?

Everyone thought for a while, but they didn't come up with any results, so they had to bow and leave the big tent together.

After nightfall, Chen Youliang appeared alone in the woods to the west, and when he walked into the cave entrance of the big guy, he saw Zhu Xing rushing out of the cave entrance, happily rushing to Chen Youliang's legs, and shouted excitedly, It seemed to be saying that the task assigned to it by Chen Youliang had been successfully completed.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, nodded, and said with a smile, "Not bad, Zhu Xing, well done."

Zhu Xing became even more excited when he heard Chen Youliang's praise, and kept yelling "Aww".Chen Youliang chuckled, and walked slowly into the cave. This was the first time Chen Youliang entered the cave, and it was surprisingly big inside, but Chen Youliang had guessed it a long time ago. If it wasn't so big, it wouldn't be possible for this big guy with a height of more than three meters live in.

But what made Chen Youliang a little puzzled was that it didn't look like a place where wild animals lived, it seemed like a place where a person lived. There were many candlesticks around the walls of the cave, although it seemed that no one had used them for many years, and There are also many stone caves of different sizes, which seem to be rooms, but the furnishings inside are invisible to Chen Youliang, because the inside of the cave is pitch black. If Zhu Xing was not leading the way, Chen Youliang would not Know where is where.

Zhu Xing took Chen Youliang to the innermost hole of the cave. Chen Youliang felt that the big guy was lying there, and the big guy also felt Chen Youliang, and roared in a low voice, as if to tell Chen Youliang where he was again.

Chen Youliang smiled wryly, looked at the darkness around him, and asked, "Big guy, do you have any candles here? What can I see in such darkness?"

"Aww." The big guy didn't make a sound, but Zhu Xing yelled twice, and then saw Zhu Xing run away. After a while, Zhu Xing ran back and rubbed his little head against Chen Youliang's. leg.

Chen Youliang and Zhu Xing had been living together for half a month, and they knew what Zhu Xing meant, so they squatted down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Xing supported Chen Youliang's hand with his front paws, and put the thing in his mouth on Chen Youliang's hand. Chen Youliang touched it, and it turned out to be a candle and a torch. Chen Youliang frowned slightly, and secretly said "here There is such a thing? Could it be that someone really lived there?"

However, Chen Youliang didn't think too much about it. He opened the fire folder and lit the candles. With the help of the faint light, Chen Youliang could see clearly what the cave looked like.

"This is indeed a place where human beings lived!" Chen Youliang looked around and said in secret surprise
This place is like a stone room similar to an ancient tomb, at most there is no stone door, this big hole is about seven or eight meters high, surrounded by dozens of candlesticks, the big guy is sitting curled up on one side, guarding a stone bed next to it , and on the stone bed lay the spider who was still in a coma.

After Chen Youliang finished watching the cave, he turned his head to look at the big guy, and asked, "Big guy, has anyone lived here before?"

(End of this chapter)

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