Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 354 I Didn't Do It On Purpose

Chapter 354 I Didn't Do It On Purpose
"Aw!" The big guy roared and nodded heavily.

"Oh? Someone really lived here? Who is that?" Chen Youliang asked curiously

The big guy rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to tell Chen Youliang. After a while, the big guy raised his big paw and pointed at Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang was taken aback, and smiled wryly, "Me? Isn't it?"

The big guy shook his head, then raised his claws and pointed at Zhu Xing, then at himself, then at Chen Youliang, and finally at the cave.

Chen Youliang frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly realized and asked, "You mean, the person who lived here back then was your master?"

"Aww!" The big guy nodded excitedly and called out.

Damn, it still has an owner?What are you kidding?Why haven't I heard that there was an expert who raised such a big unknown beast more than 100 years ago in the Yitian era? 100 years ago?It should be when Yang Guo was around, but at that time there were only pets like Xiaolongnv, a beekeeper, and Yang Guo, a vulture. Who ever kept this thing?Could it be earlier?It hasn't happened earlier, so is it some kind of hermit master who has never appeared in Jin Daxia's works?
Chen Youliang shook his head, he didn't bother to think about it, anyway, it doesn't matter if there is such a person, he must have died a long time ago, there is nothing to pursue about the dead person, even if Chen Youliang really wants to ask who it is, unless This big guy can speak human words.Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to explain clearly just looking at the big guy's clumsy gesture skills.

Chen Youliang walked up to Zhu'er, sat on the stone and helped Zhu'er up, carried a trace of Beiming Zhenqi in his hand, and lightly hit Zhu'er on the back. Spider's whole body trembled, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

"Spider, spider, it's me, I'm Chen Youliang." Chen Youliang gently shook the spider and said softly

The spider was still a little dazed, turned her head, looked at it for a while with the help of the weak candlelight, and then recognized Chen Youliang, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes, she became sober all of a sudden, and exclaimed happily: " Brother Chen! It's you! Brother Chen!"

"Well, it's me, how are you? Are you okay?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile
Zhu'er shook her head and said with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm fine, but where is this place? I'm obviously in a place called the Chief Teacher of Persia."

"Here, you are very familiar with this, this is Spirit Snake Island." Chen Youliang said with a smile
Zhu'er was startled, and quickly looked around, and suddenly saw Zhu Xing beside Chen Youliang and the big guy curled up beside him, shrank back in horror, and shouted, "Ah! What... what is this! Brother Chen! "As he spoke, he shrank behind Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang laughed. Although this girl is savage and courageous, she dares to use flower spiders to practice kung fu, but she still can't get rid of her girl's nature. When she sees some unknown monsters, she will still be afraid.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this little guy is called Zhu Xing, and this big guy is Zhu Xing's mother, they...they are all my friends." Chen Youliang thought about the address, although he doesn't like animals, but that's just a person Their likes and dislikes can be regarded as instinctive resistance, but if there is no such resistance, Chen Youliang thinks that they can still be regarded as friends.Zhu Xing is still very sensible and well-behaved. The big guy also saved his life. Although he has already paid back the favor, Chen Youliang's resistance to them is not very strong. In fact, Chen Youliang also finds it quite strange. Xing has been with him for a long time, although he still doesn't like it to jump on him and let him hug him, but he doesn't care about Zhu Xing's intimate movements at his feet, which he has never done before.

When Zhu Xing and the big guy heard Chen Youliang say that they were friends, they suddenly became excited. The big guy even stood up and gave a low groan in excitement, while Zhu Xing even jumped onto the stone bed and got close to the spider. She rubbed her big head against the spider affectionately, as if thanking her for letting Chen Youliang call them friends.

To this lovely Zhu Xing, Zhu Er obviously had no resistance at all just like Yang Xuedan and the beauties. After being rubbed by Zhu Xing for a while, Zhu Er happily hugged Zhu Xing and said with a smile, "This little guy It's pretty cute."

Zhu Xing happily wagged his tail, and licked Zhu'er's little hand affectionately, which made Zhu'er laugh happily, and was no longer afraid.

"Brother Chen, is this really Spirit Snake Island? But I've never seen them before?" Spider teased Zhu Xing for a while and asked curiously

Chen Youliang nodded, and said with a smile, "Of course this is Spirit Snake Island. Didn't you hear that the Persian Head Teacher said that he would take you there?"

"I heard that I heard that I was going to take us to Spirit Snake Island. I was very happy at the time. I was going back to my home, so I could teach those people a lesson. But where is this place? Is it here? The west forest that my mother-in-law said you must never come to?" Zhu'er asked

"That's right, this is the forest on the west side. I'll tell you everything directly." Chen Youliang explained why he came to Spirit Snake Island, the identity of the golden flower mother-in-law, the confrontation with the head teacher of Persia, and the man in black. The matter, and so on to tell the spider.

The more Zhu'er listened, the more surprised she became. She never closed her mouth. After Chen Youliang finished speaking, it had been more than half an hour. Zhu'er was almost numb from what she heard, and asked stupidly, "Then... ...So that means Brother Aniu is here too?"

Chen Youliang was taken aback, and couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly. After telling her so many things that surprised her, the first question she asked was actually Zhang Wuji. It seemed that Zhang Wuji was the most important thing in her heart.

Chen Youliang nodded lightly, and when he was about to speak, Zhuer suddenly waved his little hand and slapped Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang was startled, and quickly raised his hand to grab Zhu Er's arm. Zhu Xing, who was sitting in Zhu Er's arms, thought that Zhu Er was going to hurt Chen Youliang, so he stood up angrily from Zhu Er's arms, and the big guy also stood up angrily. Getting up, the two beasts, one big and one small, wanted to fight the spider desperately.

"Big fellow! Zhu Xing! Don't move!" Chen Youliang hurriedly shouted

The big guys and Zhu Xing paused, but they all listened to Chen Youliang's words and didn't move, but they all turned their heads and looked at Chen Youliang with puzzled looks in their eyes.

Chen Youliang breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Zhu'er, and asked angrily, "I said why are you crazy, why did you hit me?"

"Why do you say! Why didn't I hit you! You clearly know that Brother A Niu is Zhang Wuji, and you also know that I am against Zhang Wuji...why did you send me here? You didn't send me to Brother A Niu!" Spider screamed angrily
Chen Youliang smiled helplessly, and was about to explain, when suddenly he saw Zhu'er slapping himself with the other hand, Chen Youliang helplessly raised the other hand, grabbed Zhu'er's arm, and asked with a wry smile, " I haven't explained it yet, why are you hitting me again?"

"My slap is to slap you, why save Yin Liting first and not me! Don't you fear that I will be killed by the Persian leader! Let me go! I will slap you twice today! Otherwise, I won't be reconciled! "While speaking, Zhu'er struggled with both arms, trying to break away from Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang smiled wryly and shook his head, saying, "You are really barbaric enough, it's alright, don't make any money, it's no wonder you can break free."

"I don't believe I can't break free!" Zhu Er shouted angrily, pulling her arm vigorously.

However, Zhu'er's little strength is not as powerful as Chen Youliang's, but seeing Zhu'er pulling his arm so vigorously, Chen Youliang was afraid that he might hurt Zhu'er with too much force, so he relaxed his hand a little. But just as Chen Youliang let go, Zhu'er just twitched back at this moment, but the force was so strong that Zhu'er fell backwards.

Chen Youliang was startled, and quickly grabbed the spider, and pulled it towards him, but the pull was a bit too strong, and the spider's body rushed towards Chen Youliang. What's more, when the spider rushed to Chen Youliang, At the time, the fiery red lips just touched Chen Youliang's mouth.

"Boom!" Chen Youliang and Zhu'er kissed each other tightly.

Chen Youliang and Zhu'er's eyes widened in shock, and they were both stunned. After staring blankly at each other for a while, Zhu'er shrank back like lightning, covered her mouth with her hands, and her face suddenly became pale. Huohong, and Chen Youliang sat on the edge of the bed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, gesticulating with his hands in front of him at a loss, and said falteringly, "Yes... yes... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it."

(End of this chapter)

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