Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 467 The Weakness of the Spiritual Beast Formation and the Reason for the Winning

Chapter 467 The Weakness of the Spiritual Beast Formation and the Reason for the Winning
Hearing what Zhang Meifeng said, Zhang Tingxian and other disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect all looked at Zhang Meifeng in surprise, and Zhang Tingxian hurriedly asked, "Meifeng, what do you say?"

Zhang Meifeng took a look at Chen Youliang and explained, "Father, just after I saw that you have opened the three square spirit beast formations, I explained its characteristics and functions to Deputy Hierarch Chen. Come over and have a look. When you were fighting with the Snake King, I noticed that Vice-Chairman Chen was staring at you all the time with a serious expression, and his hands were tense, as if he was ready for something at any time. As a result, we all thought that the Snake King was dead. When you were paralyzed and almost got caught by the Snake King, Deputy Hierarch Chen took action in time to save you. Thinking about it now, it seems that Deputy Hierarch Chen already knew the failure of the battle, and was ready to save you all a long time ago. of."

At this time, Zhang Tingxian and the others suddenly realized that they had been in a state of panic just now, and later they were stunned by Chen Youliang's astonishing move, and they didn't expect it for a while.The speed with which Chen Youliang came to the rescue just now was indeed too fast. According to the situation at the time, no one could react so quickly to help, unless they were prepared early in the morning, which means that Chen Youliang had already seen through three ways The Quartet Spirit Beast Formation cannot defeat the Millennium Snake King.

Thinking of this, everyone in the Spirit Beast Sect looked at Chen Youliang curiously, Chen Youliang smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I didn't see it long ago, but I think the three square spirit beast formations are likely to fail, so I To be on the safe side, you will make preparations in advance, and after you think you have succeeded, you will immediately check the breath of the Thousand Year Snake King, only to find that it is not dead yet."

"But why? Why does Deputy Hierarch Chen think that the three-way and four-way spirit beast formation will not succeed?" Zhang Tingxian asked in confusion

Chen Youliang tilted his head and said with a smile, "Actually, I don't think there is any problem with the first square formation and the third square formation. The key lies in the second formation." The four disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect in the second square asked with a smile, "Four brothers, if I guessed correctly, the internal strength characteristics of the four of you should be based on poison and corrosion, right?"

The four spirit beast disciples nodded together and said, "Yes."

"That's it. In fact, there are many internal energy in the world that have special effects. Of course, this effect is not as obvious as your spirit beast door's internal energy, but it is inseparable. The only characteristics of internal energy that can weaken the enemy's strength are poison and corrosion. Generally speaking, corrosion can be regarded as a kind of poison. This kind of internal strength is indeed very effective when facing the enemy. The formation created by Mr. Zhang is indeed very strong. If I was in the formation at that time, I don't think I'm going to have a good time either. But Mr. Zhang, you forgot one very important thing, your opponent is not a human, but a snake." Chen Youliang said with a smile
"I would also like to ask Deputy Hierarch Chen to clarify." Zhang Tingxian still didn't quite understand, and asked in puzzlement
But Zhang Meifeng seemed to understand something, and said suddenly, "So that's the case! No wonder! Oh! I'm so stupid! Why didn't I think of it!"

Zhang Tingxian and other disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect looked at Zhang Meifeng in puzzlement, not understanding what she had figured out, but at this time Chen Youliang smiled and said, "It seems that Meifeng understands, Mr. Zhang, brothers, the snake What is the biggest characteristic? The biggest characteristic of snakes is poisonousness. There are at least 99 poisonous snakes out of a hundred snakes. This is the millennium snake king. , even if it is not poisonous, it has lived for so many years under the support of so many poisonous snakes. It should be all poisonous. Even if it is not an ancestor who uses poison, it is also an ancestor who prevents poison? Otherwise, it would not be able to live like this For many years, you have used poison to weaken the strength of the Millennium Snake King. Isn't this the same as not weakening it? Then your second square formation is useless at all, and your third full-strength attack becomes to deal with an invincible snake. The Millennium Snake King in its heyday, I believe you all know what the result will be."

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized, especially Zhang Tingxian, who slapped himself on the head and blamed himself, "I see! I was so careless! I forgot to deal with the thousand-year-old snake king, and used poison to weaken the snake king." , I’m really the biggest joke in the world! Fortunately, Vice-Chairman Chen is here today, otherwise our Spirit Beast Sect will disappear forever.” Speaking of this, Zhang Tingxian looked at Chen Youliang gratefully, clasped his hands together, and knelt down with a “plop” After getting down, he said solemnly, "Vice Hierarch Chen! Thank you for saving your life!"

Zhang Tingxian knelt down like this, and together with Zhang Meifeng, he knelt down with the rest of the disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect. He clasped his fists gratefully to Chen Youliang and said, "Thank you, Vice-Master Chen, for saving your life!"

Chen Youliang hurriedly helped Zhang Tingxian up, and said with a wry smile, "I said, what are you doing? Don't just kneel down, can't you? Meifeng also saved me just now, so let's get up quickly."

Having said that, everyone still looked at Chen Youliang gratefully. They felt that Zhang Meifeng saved Chen Youliang at all. They all saw how dangerous the situation was when Zhang Meifeng rushed over just now. It was clear that Chen Youliang saved Zhang Meifeng regardless of danger. , but everyone didn't intend to embarrass Chen Youliang too much, as long as they expressed their gratitude, they didn't feel too hypocritical and stood up one after another.

"Master! The Millennium Snake King is really dead! And the body is still intact! It was not beaten to death by Deputy Leader Chen! But there is a lot of blood, and the internal organs are probably broken." At this time, the disciple who was sent to investigate came back and reported happily

He was very happy, but Chen Youliang was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't expect it to be so serious. Can the thousand-year-old snake king still be used?"

"Haha...Of course it can be used. It doesn't matter if the internal organs are broken, as long as they remain in the snake king's body, you don't have to blame yourself. We should thank you. If there is no deputy leader this time, Not only will we lose our lives if we don’t get the Thousand Year Snake King, in fact we should be embarrassed, you attracted and killed the Snake King, but you have to give this treasure to us.” Zhang Tingxian was a little old-fashioned as he spoke Redness means.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Old Zhang, don't be so polite to me, you have been looking for this snake king for so long, and it should indeed be yours, but don't forget to owe me a big favor. Ha ha……"

For Chen Youliang's blatantly saying that he owed favors, not only did the people in the Spirit Beast Sect not feel disgusted, but they admired Chen Youliang a little bit. Chen Youliang's ability to say it meant that he was not hypocritical, not those hypocritical villains. He is full of benevolence and morality in his mouth, but in fact he harbors evil intentions.In fact, everyone understands that this is Chen Youliang who gave them a great favor. Even if he is a hero, he can't help this kind of help at all, and almost does not help, and he wants all the benefits afterwards. They will not give up the benefits in vain. If they do so, they will not be heroes, but fools.

Although it is said that the Snake King is urgently needed by their Spirit Beast Sect, Chen Youliang has already agreed to help the Spirit Beast Sect and deal with the Bone Sect. In this case, it is indeed a bit too much for them to ask for the Snake King, unless of course they killed the Snake King of.But in this situation, if Chen Youliang wanted to say something benevolent and moral, they really didn't believe it. On the contrary, it made them feel more at ease and at ease.

"Haha... OK! No problem! Vice-religion Master Chen will be our benefactor of the Spirit Beast Sect from now on. As long as Vice-religion Master Chen is alive, our Spirit Beast Sect will do our best to help Vice-religion Master Chen!" Zhang Tingxian said righteously

Chen Youliang smiled secretly. This is exactly what he wanted. Although the three-way square spirit beast formation did not subdue the Millennium Snake King this time, it made Chen Youliang look at their spirit beast sect with admiration. In all fairness, Chen Youliang admired this formation. If the person in the formation really changed himself, it would be really difficult for him to break the formation.What he admired even more was that the combination of the four young disciples of the Spiritual Beast Sect, coupled with the strength of the improved formation, was able to be similar to the power of his Beiming God's Palm. The Beast Sect has a reason for Chen Youliang to win over.

Now that the five hidden sects have appeared, Chen Youliang does not intend to use Mingjiao to deal with the five sects at once. No matter how strong he is, he will not be so arrogant that he thinks that he can be the opponent of the five hidden sects alone, at least not yet, but he also He didn't want to woo too many, one was enough, and the Spiritual Beast Sect was the one he was most optimistic about. The reason was simple, because the Spiritual Beast Sect was the worst of the five sects.Chen Youliang's idea is very simple, if you want to win over, you must win over the worst, and help the worst sect become the strongest sect, this is what you can do!How about the five hidden sects?What about martial arts leaders?In my eyes, it's just a pawn in a game.

"By the way, Vice Hierarch Chen, what about the Snake Emperor?" Just when Chen Youliang was thinking about it, Zhang Tingxian looked at the Snake Emperor who was hibernating in the distance with a serious expression, and asked worriedly

(End of this chapter)

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