Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 468 The Way to Deal with the Snake Emperor

Chapter 468 The Way to Deal with the Snake Emperor

When the Snake Emperor was mentioned, Chen Youliang frowned slightly, and turned to look at the sleeping Snake Emperor over there. He really didn't know any good way to restrain the Snake Emperor. This guy's character is absolutely too strong. No matter what kind of martial arts you use to fight it, if you can't kill it with one blow, you will definitely let this guy learn it. If you let it learn all its moves, then he will have nothing to play.

So the only moves that can be used now are Beiming Divine Palm and Beiming Thousand Palms, which can only be played with pure Beiming Divine Art, but these two moves are useless to this guy at all, even if they continue like this, Chen Youliang was worried that even if he bombarded for a few days and nights, he might not be able to kill the snake king. He really didn't understand what the blood of the snake king was. become so strong.Just now, this guy just used his aura to let Chen Youliang block it so hard. If he really made a move, Chen Youliang really didn't know if he could beat it, although the Snake Emperor's attack before was a bit of a sneak attack.

The most terrible thing is that this snake king is so strong that he has no inner strength. If he had inner strength, this thousand-year-old snake king would make Chen Youliang feel so happy. But if the snake can cultivate inner strength, it will really become a snake demon.But that made it easier for Chen Youliang to deal with, as long as he absorbed his inner strength, he could win without any effort.

"Huh? Wait a minute..." Chen Youliang was thinking about this, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something, he secretly said, "It's not enough to suck energy, but it should be okay to suck blood, right? The suction power of Ji Beiming Divine Art is so strong, if If the absorption is not internal strength, but blood, wouldn’t it be possible to turn the snake king into jerky? Moreover, the snake king’s strength is also because the snake king’s blood is at work. If the snake king’s blood in his body If the blood is sucked out, then it is just an ordinary hundred-year-old snake king. At most, it is absolutely a little bit stronger. It is nothing to be afraid of at all. At that time, the blood sucked out can be given to the spirit beast gate, and then it will be a favor. Give them the Snake Emperor, and these people will die if they think about it or not."

Thinking of this, Chen Youliang smiled triumphantly. Zhang Tingxian and the others saw Chen Youliang smiling so proudly, and explained their joy in their hearts. Zhang Tingxian quickly asked, "Does the deputy leader Chen have any ideas?"

Chen Youliang nodded, and said with a smile, "There is indeed a way to deal with the Snake Emperor, but this way is to find someone who is not afraid of death to help me."

"I'm coming!" Just as Chen Youliang finished speaking, the eleven disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect standing behind Zhang Tingxian stood up and shouted in unison
Chen Youliang looked at them appreciatively, nodded, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of death? Are you still vying to go?"

"What are you afraid of! We would have died just now if Vice-religion Master Chen hadn't rescued us. Now that Vice-religion Master Chen is helping us, how can we shrink back?" a disciple of the Spirit Beast Sect, Dayi, said awe-inspiringly.
Chen Youliang nodded with a smile, and glanced at the relieved Zhang Tingxian and Zhang Meifeng. Zhang Tingxian smiled slightly and said, "Vice Hierarch Chen, let them go, it's rare for them to have such a heart."

"It seems that the disciples of Old Zhang are good. Everyone is a hero. Well, I won't be hypocritical. In this way, you can come." Chen Youliang pointed to the disciple who just spoke.

A flash of pride flashed in that disciple's eyes, he nodded and walked out, while the disciples behind him were disappointed that they were not selected.

"Brother, what's your name?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile
"Tian Yuke, is the sixth disciple of the master." Tian Yuke introduced himself

Chen Youliang nodded, patted Tian Yuke on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Brother Tian, ​​I still want to emphasize that the matter I ask you to help me is very dangerous, you must think about it."

"Don't think about Vice-religion Master Chen, it's my honor, Tian Yuke, to help Vice-religion master Chen!" Tian Yuke said with a smile
"Okay." Chen Youliang smiled, pulled out the Pluto sword from his waist, patted the Pluto sword, and said, "I said buddy, let me lend you out for a while, don't hurt this brother."

Everyone present was baffled by what he said. They didn't understand why Chen Youliang was talking to a sword, but if they knew how hard it was for Chen Youliang to draw and hold the sword, they wouldn't think so.Although Yang Xuedan helped her hold the sword before, Yang Xuedan has never used the Pluto sword, but this time he wants to let others use it. Who knows if this bad-tempered Pluto sword brother will be willing to let outsiders use it? .Chen Youliang didn't care for a few words, he was really afraid that Pluto Sword would kill this buddy.

Seeing that the Pluto sword didn't respond, Chen Youliang regarded it as acquiescing, handed it to Tian Yuke, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​take my sword and walk to the Snake Emperor, and find one that is farther away from its head." Put all your energy into the part of your body and slash it with a sword. You are not required to cut it off, as long as it bleeds. When it wakes up, I will use Ssangyong to suck you back, but I don’t know how fast it is. Hurry up, it's very likely that I won't be able to make it in time, and I'm afraid it will be..."

Before Chen Youliang finished speaking, Tian Yuke stretched out his hand to take the Pluto sword without hesitation, and the Pluto sword was indeed very face-saving, and there was no reaction at all.Tian Yuke smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Deputy Master Chen, I will definitely complete what you entrusted, even if I die!" After finishing speaking, Tian Yuke took the Pluto sword and walked towards the Snake Emperor.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly. In fact, he could have chopped it himself, and then used the Beiming Divine Art to suck blood when the Snake Emperor woke up, but that would be too close to the Snake Emperor. , but is it so huge that even the Snake Emperor can't resist? Chen Youliang is about to put a question mark. To be on the safe side, it's better to stay far away from the Snake Emperor. After all, it's blood-sucking rather than energy-absorbing. It doesn't need to be so close, just to exert the suction force That's all.

Chen Youliang led everyone back to the Snake Emperor, and at this time Tian Yuke had already walked in front of the Snake Emperor, found a place farthest from the Snake Emperor's head, holding the Pluto sword tightly with both hands, He looked coldly at the blood-red body of the Snake Emperor in front of him.

Chen Youliang found a position where Tian Yu could be pulled back at any time, and then said to the others behind him, "Stay farther away, spread out, and escape if there is any accident."

The others nodded, said nothing, and scattered in accordance with Chen Youliang's instructions.After Tian Yuke was ready, he turned his head and glanced at Chen Youliang, only to see Chen Youliang nodded, purple awns appeared in his eyes, the purple awns enveloped his whole body, burning like a purple flame, and he spread his hands lightly , On the palms of both hands, two purple lights could be vaguely seen slowly transforming into a dragon shape, eager to fly out of Chen Youliang's palms.

Tian Yuke took a deep breath, mobilized the inner strength of his whole body, a golden light flowed into the Pluto sword from his palms, and the Pluto sword suddenly became purple.

However, at this moment, everyone noticed that the Snake Emperor's eyes suddenly opened!After waking up, the Snake Emperor first noticed Tian Yuke who was about to attack him, but Tian Yuke didn't realize that the Snake Emperor had woken up!With a loud shout, he swung his sword and was about to stab at the Snake Emperor's body. At the same time, the Snake Emperor had already opened his bloody mouth, and was walking around behind Tian Yuke silently. The huge body made it move only the upper body, but the lower body facing Tian Yuke didn't move at all. Tian Yuke didn't realize that there was a deadly person behind him that was countless times faster than his sword swing speed. He was attacking, attacking him.

"Oops!" Everyone cried out from the bottom of their hearts when they saw this scene, Chen Youliang gritted his teeth fiercely, and secretly shouted, "Damn! What's wrong with this Snake Emperor! Why did he get up so quickly! It's over! It's a failure! Thinking of this, Chen Youliang didn't care about any plans, so he quickly waved his palms and shouted loudly, "Shuanglong absorbs water!"

(End of this chapter)

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