Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 653 Have you ever seen me lose?

Chapter 653 Have you ever seen me lose?

Although Chen Youliang knew that Ding Minjun would definitely take advantage of him today, he didn't expect him to take the initiative so quickly!Sure enough, Miss Yu is different!Once in love, is generous!She didn't even know how to be ashamed, so she kissed her directly!

As Ding Minjun's tongue got into Chen Youliang's mouth, Chen Youliang didn't care about it anymore, hugged Ding Minjun, stuck out his tongue, and started to stir with Ding Minjun crazily. Not very proficient, probably not kissed many times with ex-boyfriends, after all, in this day and age, skin-to-skin kisses are very important, Ding Minjun can be considered a very bold woman if she kissed someone before getting married.

But Chen Youliang was an old hand, and after a while, Ding Minjun dropped his helmet and armor, his whole body was hot from Chen Youliang, his breathing became short of breath, and he stretched out his hands and began to take off his clothes.

"Wait." Just as Ding Minjun was taking off his clothes, Chen Youliang suddenly held her back, and said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid we can't do it today?"

"What? Are you worried that my master and the others will hear?" Ding Minjun asked while panting delicately

Chen Youliang shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's about the same. Now those seven ancestors haven't returned to the back mountain, and you are not the head of the sect. I'm afraid it won't do you any good if something like this happens now. But the most important thing is because she With that said, Chen Youliang pointed to the door.

"Bang bang bang" Following Chen Youliang's finger pointing, there was a rush of knocking on the door outside.

Ding Minjun tidied up his clothes quickly in surprise, looked at Chen Youliang in confusion and asked, "No, I didn't hear any footsteps outside just now?" You must know that she has Jiuyin Zhenqi for 50 years now. If the seven ancestors hadn't deliberately concealed their aura, she would have heard their movement.

"There is only one person who can not let you feel it without intentionally." Chen Youliang smiled wryly, "Meifeng, come in."

With a "bang", Zhang Meifeng pushed the door open and walked in, holding Zhu Xing who was sleeping in her arms, looking anxious. When she entered the door and was about to speak, she suddenly saw Ding Minjun in the room and asked curiously. "Senior Sister Ding? Why are you here?"

Ding Minjun smiled slightly, and said, "Oh, I'm here to talk to Deputy Leader Chen about something. He helped me teach the exercises today, and I haven't thanked him properly yet."

Zhang Meifeng nodded, and said, "Oh, that's it, Senior Sister Ding, can you please avoid me for a while? I have something I want to talk to Big Brother Chen in private."

"Of course, you can tell me, I should go back." If someone else said this, Ding Minjun would definitely be upset, but if Zhang Meifeng said it, she would be fine. Although she still doesn't know Zhang Meifeng's identity, but He also guessed that her identity was not easy, and she was someone close to Chen Youliang, so naturally he couldn't treat her badly, so he winked at Chen Youliang secretly and coquettishly, then turned and left the room.

After Ding Minjun left, Zhang Meifeng closed the door, and asked anxiously, "Brother Chen, something is wrong, Zhu Xing hasn't woken up since you practiced exercises, and just now when I held it in my arms and practiced , I also felt that his aura was particularly chaotic, did something happen to Zhu Xing?"

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to let Zhang Meifeng sit down, and said with a smile, "Will that harm your practice?"

"That's not true. On the contrary, it seems to be faster than before. My spirit beast art is about to touch the threshold of the fifth floor. It is estimated that after about seven days of practice, I will be able to reach the fifth floor. Wait for my father The blood of the Snake King and the Snake Emperor is fused into the spirit beasts over there, and I guess I might be able to directly enter the sixth floor, or even touch the seventh floor." Zhang Meifeng couldn't help getting a little excited when talking about her own skills.

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Isn't that all right? As long as it doesn't hinder your practice?"

"What are you talking about! Zhu Xing is not a tool! Are you its owner? Why are you so dismissive of its safety! Cold-blooded animal! I think it must be the essence of the Snake Emperor that turned you cold-blooded !" Zhang Meifeng yelled, staring at Chen Youliang beautifully.

Chen Youliang smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, since the essence of the snake emperor entered my body, I haven't found any benefit from it, and I don't think it has any effect. How cold-blooded I have become, don't worry, Zhu Xing is sleeping now. Chaos is normal."

"Normal? Is it normal to have a chaotic breath? Aren't you afraid that it will go mad!" Zhang Meifeng said angrily
Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, and said, "Sister, do you know how much internal energy the stars have absorbed today? I'm afraid you will never get the internal energy in your life, but this little guy can't digest those internal forces at all, and there are so many internal forces that you don't even know Where did it go? I'm afraid the internal force in its body has reached its peak. It now needs rest to stabilize the huge internal force that suddenly appeared, and to reconcile the body by the way. It is the same as our retreat. It is in retreat now. Do you think I have Why worry about it?"

Speaking of this, Chen Youliang is angry, the internal strength of 200 years!How much did this kid drink?His own internal energy is more than 200 years old, and now it is only 500 years old, and he has only absorbed a fraction of it!Nearly 1000 years of internal power are all gone!This made Chen Youliang cry and couldn't find a place to cry. He still couldn't figure out where the internal energy of nearly 1000 years had gone.Is it just gone?

"Oh. It turned out to be like this. It scared me to death. I thought something happened to Zhu Xing." Zhang Meifeng patted her small chest, smiled, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked, "There is one more thing , why did you agree to let those sixteen people go back? These sixteen people already know my identity, aren't you worried that they will reveal that the Spirit Beast Sect has notified you about the secret sect?"

Chen Youliang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I was worried before, so I kept hiding your identity and let you be my junior sister, but I just wanted to hide it for a few days. At the beginning, I was thinking about it. After the uncle came out, there is actually no need for you and Fei'er to hide it, and it is even more unnecessary now."

"Ah? You have planned it long ago? But why is this? Why do we only need to hide it for a few days? Don't you worry that Gumen will not let you participate in the martial arts conference? Will it deprive you of the qualification to enter the secret martial arts?" Zhang Meifeng asked curiously

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "Meifeng, don't worry, I can guarantee that even if you are exposed, Gumen will still come to notify me, and they are very confident that I will return if you notify me first. Would choose to fight them against you, even though I knew they were using me."

"Ah? Then... what should we do? Are you so willing to be used?" Zhang Meifeng asked anxiously
Chen Youliang's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a smile, "Meifeng, have you ever seen me lose?"

(End of this chapter)

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