Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 654 Educate Zhang Meifeng

Chapter 654 Educate Zhang Meifeng

Zhang Meifeng was a little dazed by Chen Youliang's question. Seeing the confident light in Chen Youliang's eyes, Zhang Meifeng was completely relieved. Indeed, Chen Youliang had never lost, and nothing, anyone, or any strategy could escape him. Chen Youliang must have already found a way to solve the problem of his eyes, and he is just worrying about it now.

"Okay, since you have a way, then I won't say anything, and I will help you save it." Zhang Meifeng said with a smile
Chen Youliang tilted his head, and asked amusedly, "What? Why did you become so obedient today? Didn't you always confront me before? I'm really not used to being so obedient all of a sudden."

Zhang Meifeng gave Chen Youliang an angry look, and said, "You man, don't you feel comfortable fighting against you? I'm fighting against you because you don't tell me anything. No matter what plan you have, you keep it secret and don't say anything. Said, I came here to learn from you. What I want is not entirely to practice with Zhuxing, but more to learn from you. My father hopes that I can learn the third and fourth achievements of Deputy Leader Chen. If you don’t tell me, how can I learn? Then can I not be angry? Would you not be angry?”

Chen Youliang nodded, and asked, "Then why are you helping me again now? Don't argue with me anymore? Has your anger subsided?"

"The anger has long since dissipated. I'm not as careful as you, and..." Speaking of this, Zhang Meifeng's eyes flashed with sadness, and said, "So many sisters and friends have been robbed by people of unknown origin. There are not many people who can help you, if I continue to compete with you, there will be even fewer people around you."

Chen Youliang's heart warmed up. It seems that although this little girl is usually a bit brutal and domineering, she is still very sensible at critical times. Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Well, for the sake of being so obedient, today I am a cheap master. , I’ll teach you something.”

"Teach what?" Zhang Meifeng looked at Chen Youliang puzzled and asked
Chen Youliang put on the airs of a teacher, and said earnestly, "Meifeng, you are by my side now, you are my partner, my helper, but I am your leader, you are from the Spirit Beast Sect." Young sect master, then you will also be the master of the spirit beast sect in the future, and you will definitely be in my current position in the future, so you must understand that under the pressure of this position, you can't make any wrong decisions, and you can't think about it. If you make a mistake in any link, you can't underestimate any enemy. As long as you are negligent, the people under you are very likely to die. To be honest, this is the most painful thing, because the person who died is not you, but these people are Died because of you, watching my partner, my friend, and my fellow disciples die because of my own mistakes, this kind of feeling, this kind of pressure you don’t understand now, but you will definitely understand in the future, so you have to be in my position in the future First, you must do three sentences."

It was the first time Zhang Meifeng saw Chen Youliang teaching herself so seriously, she nodded seriously, and asked, "What is it?"

Chen Youliang stretched out a finger and said, "First, your partners, friends, and disciples must be trusted enough by you, and when you choose them as your partners, you must trust them unconditionally."

Then he stretched out his second finger, and continued, "Second, you must let your companions make the best use of their resources, show their abilities, give full play to their strengths, and bring you the most useful information."

"The third, and most important point, in a word, if the king does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his status, and if he does not keep secrets, he will suffer harm."

Zhang Meifeng asked puzzledly, "What does this mean? Do you want to keep secrets from your trusted partners? Is that still called trust?"

Chen Youliang shook his head and said, "Meifeng, this has nothing to do with trust, it's to protect your friends and partners, and it's also to protect yourself. The idea can succeed. You are a leader, so you have to put yourself in the right position. Your Only you can know the plan. You have to believe that your enemies are not stupid. Even if your partner can't say anything, after they know your plan, they will inevitably show strange behaviors, expressions, and expressions. When your enemy discovers this anomaly, they may notice something and even change their plans, then everything you have prepared will come to naught, but you will kill your friends in this way."

Speaking of this, Chen Youliang put on a relaxed smile and said, "Now you understand why everything about me will be kept secret until the plan is successful, right? It's not that I don't trust you, nor that I don't want to tell you, but It's for planning, for your safety, I can only keep it secret, remember these three sentences, you will use them in the future."

Zhang Meifeng was silent. This was the first time she heard Chen Youliang say these things to her heartfeltly, and it was also the first time she heard such words. She had never heard of these words, but they made sense. She pondered for a long time , then slowly raised his head, revealing the two small dimples on his face, with a gleam of light in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay, I understand, thank you Brother Chen, I will do what you said in the future. Now I am still your partner, and I will do a good job as this partner."

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "That's all right. It seems that you girl and I have not followed in vain these days. You have grown up."

Zhang Meifeng gave Chen Youliang a white look, and spat, "Fuck you, how much older are you than me? You've grown up, so I'm not ashamed."

"Hey! I said you little girl, you crossed the river and demolished the bridge just after teaching? Are you too disrespectful of the teacher?" Chen Youliang scolded with a smile

"Hmph, did I say you are my master? I just said that I came to learn from you, and I didn't ask for a teacher. Okay, let's not talk, I'm leaving." After speaking, he quickly picked up Zhu Xing and ran quickly out of the room.

Just after running out, Miao Yuyue appeared outside the door, looked at Zhang Meifeng's running back in puzzlement, entered the room curiously, and asked, "Youliang, what's wrong with Meifeng?"

Chen Youliang smiled, and said, "This girl is enlightened, and she is more sensible. It seems that we will have another good helper by my side in the future. Yuyue, why are you here?"

Miao Yuyue blushed, and cast a winking glance at Chen Youliang, then murmured, "You...what do you think?"

"Oh! It's time today, I almost forgot about it." Chen Youliang smiled wretchedly. He was teased by Ding Minjun for a long time, and he didn't feel good about it. Now it's time to make up for it.

Chen Youliang quickly closed the door, hugged Miao Yuyue, and said with a chuckle, "Yuyue, I think we can do it once and for all, so that the love gu in your body can be honest, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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