Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 291 Su Xiang knew his intentions and called him a traitor in his heart

Chapter 291 Su Xiang knew his intentions and called him a traitor in his heart

In the large living room of the hotel, the girl was sitting on the sofa, Fu Hanchuan and Su Xiang were sitting opposite her, three cups of tea were emitting faint smoke.

Su Xiang picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, his eyes swayed, and he asked, "What's your name?"

The girl is not hypocritical, on the contrary she is very smart, she blinked her sly eyes and said, "Xing Si."

Su Xiang nodded, she didn't care if this girl was called Xing Si or what Si, but now she needed a title.However, this girl looks very young, no more than 20 years old.

She looked at the girl, secretly surprised, are all the little girls so powerful now?

Fu Hanchuan was expressionless and didn't respond to the girl's winking eyes at all. He said coldly, "When did you come to Malaysia, or are you originally from Malay?"

"Besides, did your people know who I was looking for in Malaysia before you approached me?"

Xing Si laughed, and she said: "This is the first time you have said such a long sentence to me." She counted with her fingers, then shook her hand, and said in surprise, "I can't count with both hands."

Fu Hanchuan: "Need I ask again, or should I hand you over to the police?"

Handing over to the police means being prosecuted, which means going to jail.The girl knew how to measure and straightened her body. Her eyes turned cold, she put away her foolishness, and said, "I was arranged to come over the second day you arrived in Malaysia."

"My employer wants to know your every move, who you've seen, where you've been, what's going on, and then I'll report back."

"We lived in the same hotel, but you never paid attention to me."

Fu Hanchuan remembered that at the swimming pool, this girl came to seduce him. He remembered that there were several other girls beside her at that time.He said: "How many people are there in all of you, are those girls all yours?"

Xing Si lowered her head and peeled her fingernails, and said casually: "No, those are friends I just met." She raised her head and looked at Fu Hanchuan, "You are the only friend I didn't make that day."

Fu Hanchuan sneered, his long legs were crossed, one side of his body was leaning on the side of the sofa, his left arm rested on the armrest, his powerful aura made him look extremely noble.

He said: "If you become my friend, wouldn't it be more convenient for you to get news from me?"

Lan Si rolled her eyes and pursed her lips slightly, she said, "Mr. Fu, did you stop being friends with me because you were alert?"

She meant it, but she didn't succeed, not even once.

She turned to look at Su Xiang and said, "Hey, miss, your boyfriend didn't seem to be sincere to you so he ignored me. He just wanted to guard against me."

Su Xiang said lightly: "Are you delaying time, do you want your companion to rescue you?"

This girl will not do things alone, they stare at Fu Hanchuan, in order not to let him find out, they will not be followed by one person all the time, at least there is one person, such as the person who asked the hotel manager out.

Feeling bored, Xing Si shrugged his shoulders, looked at Fu Hanchuan and said, "You're right, they know you sent people here to investigate things, and they want to know what you are investigating."

"I saw that you have been to that tomb, but there is no name on it. I don't know who you want to find, but I saw that you entered Yanjia's villa and met that old lady Shen."

When Fu Hanchuan came to Kuala Lumpur for the first time, Mrs. Shen was not at home. He stayed here for a few days and went to meet the local fruit merchants, trying to disturb Fu Zhengkang's sight.Unexpectedly, Fu Zhengkang was really confused by him, thinking that he was looking for Yan Lin to win him over.

Fu Hanchuan took a sip from his teacup, and said with half-cast eyes, "So, you also dug that grave?"

Xing Si nodded and said: "Yes. They want to know who owns this tomb. There is no name on the tombstone, maybe there is one in it? But—"

Su Xiang interrupted her, and said coldly: "But all you see are some clothes."

She hates everyone who disturbs Shen Yan's peace, not even a tomb!
Xing Si saw her tense face, with fire in her eyes, and she asked curiously, "Are you related to the people in the tomb?"

Su Xiang turned his head and said, "You've caused us to be almost arrested by Mr. Yan."

Xing Si nodded and said, "That's what they planned." She pointed to the only cup of tea left, "Can you replace it with milk tea? I don't like drinking tea."

Fu Hanchuan ignored her, Su Xiang said: "You only have a choice to drink or not to drink."

Xing Si chose not to drink, pouted and leaned back on the sofa.Su Xiang looked at her and said, "Then what about stealing paintings? How did you do it?"

Xing Si looked at the ceiling and said, "I saw you brought a painting into the hotel. You seem to treasure that painting. My employer told me that you bought four paintings in the gallery."

Speaking of this, she looked at Fu Hanchuan and then at Su Xiang: "But I'm very surprised, since she said there are four paintings, but I only see one, and it seems to be different in size from what she said a lot of."

"I told her about it, and she said, you're going to see that Mr. Yan soon, it's urgent, she asked me to get rid of the painting first, and I did as she asked."

When Su Xiang was halfway through her speech, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she turned her head to exchange glances with Fu Hanchuan.

This is almost the same as what she guessed, Lu Weiqi thought that she had dropped the painting that Fu Hanchuan sent over, but she always felt that there was something wrong with it, but she didn't have time to think about it right now.

Fu Hanchuan continued to ask: "Then how did you know to go to the hotel manager to steal the painting?"

Xing Si laughed: "Because my partner was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur. The son-in-law of this hotel often goes to auctions. He likes to collect famous paintings and has even appeared in newspapers. Find a similar size in his collection. Question Not big."

Fu Hanchuan said lightly: "Your organization is pretty big."

Lan Si smiled: "Everyone is just doing it to make money."

Fu Hanchuan is not interested in gang affairs. When it comes to gangs, the Mo family was the same back then, and there are more talented people under it.He is not interested in her partner either, as long as the girl is in his hands.

Su Xiang asked: "I want to ask, if we don't catch you, what are you going to do with this painting?"

She had brought back the Jianghuatu, but luckily it was intact.

Xing Si stole the painting, if it is not arousing suspicion at all, he should put the painting in the hotel manager's collection, so that the whole process of bag swapping is completed.This is also what she has always wondered about.

Su Xiang asked indifferently, not wanting to arouse the girl's suspicion, the girl looked at the painting and said, "Give it to my employer."

Su Xiang's heart sank slightly, sure enough.

When Lu Weiqi heard Xing Si's description of the painting, she aroused her suspicions, but the situation was urgent at that time, and the time to exchange the painting was only when they left the hotel, so she asked someone to do it first.

Lu Weiqi wanted to take a look at this painting, what exactly was it...

Su Xiang pinched her fingers, raised her brows, and thought: Maybe Lu Weiqi has suspected something, and she has already gone to the gallery to inquire.

The cover paper of the painting is the same, as long as she listens to the description, she knows that this painting is also from the Chenfeng Gallery.

Su Xiang calmed down and said, "Then why didn't you send the painting back, but hid it in the hotel?"

Xing Sidao: "You have called the police, haven't you?"

Su Xiang snorted softly, she is not only smart, but also very cautious.

When Su Xiang called the police, he had proved the value of the painting, and the police had to do their best to find it. In addition, Fu Hanchuan had reminded the police that if they could find the painting, they would be able to find the person who stole it. There was also pressure from Yan Gu. , those policemen went to look for the painting with great effort.

Galleries, international mail offices, customs, well-known private buyers, etc., have all been found by the police.As for the hotel, because Manager Fang objected to disturbing his guests and affecting the reputation of the hotel, there was no room-by-room search.

With such a big commotion, Xing Si didn't even dare to take the painting out of the hotel.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at Su Xiang, knowing that she must have other intentions in asking this question, and it doesn't hurt to ask her after the questioning is over.

He looked at Xing Si and said, "The last question, you keep saying that she is your employer, but do you know who she is?"

Xing Si smiled lightly and said: "A woman. You left me from the police. Apart from asking me questions, you just want to take me back to confront her, aren't you?"

Fu Hanchuan did not deny it.He has the phone call records Lu Weiqi made in his hand, even if she denies it, she can't deny the fact.In addition, he didn't want Lu Weiqi to know that the truth had been revealed here.Therefore, Fu Hanchuan's intention to keep this girl is to let her continue to communicate with Lu Weiqi, at least until they go back tomorrow.

He threw Xing Si's cell phone back to her and said, "Make two calls. The first one is to tell your companion that you didn't reveal the truth. The second one is to tell your employer that Yanjia is very angry with us."

"I believe that with your intelligence, you can get away with it, can't you?"

Organized people are different from ordinary people who work alone. They have levels. The higher the level, the higher the price. Once they miss, the level will be lost. Some missions will even be cleared.

This girl should not have been out to work for a long time, so she received a simple follow-up task, but she was unlucky and didn't complete the points.

But looking at it the other way around, Lu Weiqi's actions were impressive enough, and she hired a gang organization to work.

After the questioning, Su Xiang handed Xing Si over to Yan Gu, asking him to find a place to put her up.

After Xing Si was taken away, Su Xiang looked at Fu Hanchuan and asked, "Is there any evidence left?"

Fu Hanchuan turned off the camcorder, pulled out the memory card and shook it in front of her eyes.

In fact, they didn't intend to bring someone back to confront Lu Weiqi, that would be too troublesome, and they also had to risk the girl's escape.

As long as he confronts Lu Weiqi, Xing Si can be released, and he doesn't need to send him to prison. Offending a gang will be very troublesome to deal with.

No matter where he hangs out, many friends are better than many enemies, and he can still get a favor, why not?You know, it's very embarrassing in Jianghu if the gang misses.

Su Xiang knew his intentions and called him a traitor in his heart.Fu Hanchuan put the deposit card in a small box, and he said, "You are scolding me?"

Su Xiang lowered his head and sent text messages and ignored him. Fu Hanchuan turned around and said to her, "What did you mean when you asked Xing Si that question?"

Su Xiangdao: "I suspect that Lu Weiqi went to the gallery to look up pictures of ginger flowers."

Xing Si didn't send the painting back, but he could send her the photos. With Lu Weiqi's suspicion, she must go to the gallery to check something before she is reconciled.

Fu Hanchuan came over and saw that she was sending a message to Qi Lingyang, and his face was not very good-looking.He said: "Don't you know He Lao He, can't you contact him directly?"

He walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, poured cold tea into the tea tray, poured another cup, and muttered: "It's over if you contact Lao He directly, it's such a trouble..." I'm afraid he doesn't know, she and Qi Lingyang seem to have a close relationship , I have to ask him to do everything.

Hearing his muttering, Su Xiang turned to glance at him and said, "What if Lu Weiqi has already been to the gallery?"

Su Xiang sent a message to Qi Lingyang, hoping that he could negotiate with Lao He in person and let him keep it a secret.When they went to buy paintings, they only asked about Ye Cheng, Lao He didn't know their intentions, and he was greedy for money, Lu Weiqi didn't lack money, so she could buy news about Ye Cheng from him.

Lu Weiqi is a smart person, if she knew that painting was so important to her, she would continue to pursue it.

Su Xiang called Lao He, but she couldn't explain a few sentences clearly, and asked Qi Lingyang to go there in person to make her feel more at ease.If Lu Weiqi had already been to the gallery, Qi Lingyang could find out, and she could also prepare for it.

Fu Hanchuan heard what Su Xiang meant, and felt that she didn't want people to know about her relationship with Yan Lin.He said, "You don't want to disclose your relationship with Yan Lin?"



The matter of digging the grave and stealing the painting has come to light, Su Xiang handed the painting to Yan Lin: "This is the painting you gave to my mother."

Regarding the lost and recovered painting, Yan Lin was filled with emotion in his heart. He stroked the frame and said, "It's been more than 20 years. I never thought I could see it again."

Su Xiangdao: "I want to keep this painting with you."

She bought the painting, and she thought it was precious at the time, but compared to Yan Lin, she thought he was more suitable to own the painting.

Yan Lin looked up, looked at Su Xiang's sincere and clear eyes, and nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Sometimes, there are some things that don't need to be said, and can be understood with just one look.

He stroked the eyes on the painting with his fingers, and said in a low voice: "When you first saw these eyes, you recognized them. This is your mother, right?"

When she found out that the painting had been swapped that day, he believed her when she mentioned the eyes.

Su Xiangdao: "Yes." She looked at Yan Lin, "Actually, you really want to take this painting back from Mr. He, right?"

Although he has changed his face and name, Lao He and him are old acquaintances, and he is afraid that he will recognize him, but he can leave it to Yan Gu to do it, just find any reason.

Yan Lin nodded and shook his head again, he said: "I can't let her go, but I am disappointed in her and hate her..." Now, he doesn't hate her anymore, he only regrets not going to her.

Su Xiang looked at his sadness and didn't speak any more.

There were only the two of them in the study, and the heavy pendulum was ticking, and the time passed by every minute.

Su Xiang picked up the tea and took a sip, moistened his lips and pursed it lightly, then turned his head to look at the light coming in from the window.

The semicircular upper frame and the lower one are rectangular, inlaid with stained glass, which is the style of old Shanghai.The sun shines through the stained glass, forming colorful colors.Time slips away in the sound of the pendulum and the slanting sunlight bit by bit.

After a while, Yan Lin finally stopped looking at the painting, and said, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Su Xiang nodded: "Yes." She felt that she should say something more, and added, "Flight at five o'clock in the morning."

They were supposed to leave tonight, there was a flight to Beicheng at night, but Fu Hanchuan said that he wanted to rest before leaving, and he said it was not too late for the night.

Yan Lin looked at Su Xiang, and finally said what he wanted to say all the time, he said: "Su Xiang, you are my daughter, I plan to hold a recognition ceremony to let you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. This ceremony will be held in Kuala Lumpur or The North City can be completed, what do you think?"

Su Xiang pursed her lips. In fact, she knew what he would say about his decision sooner or later.

She was silent, Yan Lin frowned: "You don't want to?"

Su Xiang shook his head and said, "How could that be?" Yan Lin was more like a father than Su Mingdong, and believed that he would treat her well.However, the recognition ceremony is not just in front of the clan, these people with status will also invite other powerful people to witness, and change of household registration and so on.

Su Xiang dug his palm with his fingers, considered his words and said, "I think, can this recognition ceremony be changed to recognition of a daughter?"

Yan Lin was stunned: "Why?" Then a disappointed expression appeared on his face, and he murmured, "You don't want people to know that you are an illegitimate daughter. This status is disgraceful..."

Even if she is Yan Lin's daughter, she is also an illegitimate daughter, and she will be gossiped behind her back.

Su Xiang smiled lightly, it's not a day or two for her to be gossiped by others, she is gossiped by others almost every day.

"No." Su Xiang shook his head, lowered his eyes and said slowly: "Because Shen Yan is different from Yu Kelan."

Yu Kelan was pregnant with Qi Lingyang, but she married Qi Haipeng dignifiedly, so Qi Lingyang's birth was also dignified. In a sense, he was not an illegitimate child, he belonged to the Qi family, even though he was neglected and neglected since childhood, But Yu Kelan gave him a bright identity.

But Shen Yan... No matter how unbearable it was for her to marry Su Mingdong at the time, they were not divorced legally. She gave birth to a child who did not belong to Su Mingdong. This is called an illegitimate daughter.

If Yan Lin wanted to recognize her words, how did he recognize them?
Everyone knows that Shen Yan has only married one man, that is Su Mingdong. If Yan Lin recognizes her, he will tell the whole world that Shen Yan once had a relationship with other men.

No matter how sincere and passionate the love between Yan Lin and Shen Yan is, in the eyes of others, they will be despised and cast aside by the world.

Su Xiang didn't want her parents to be looked down upon by others, Shen Yan was dead, she didn't want to disturb her peace.

Yan Lin's fingers on his knees slowly curled up, clenched tightly, and his breathing sank.With just this one sentence, he knew what she meant.

Su Xiang glanced at him, and then continued: "Besides, those who still remember my mother know that she has only two men in her life. One is Su Mingdong and the other is Ye Cheng."

"Ye Cheng is already dead, so even if you have succeeded in your revenge, you haven't restored Ye's surname, isn't it for this reason?"

"If you admit me publicly, won't you just tell everyone that Ye Cheng is not dead?"

Su Xiang once thought about why Yan Lin did not show up in front of Su Mingdong to humiliate him even though he succeeded in revenge, nor did he tell Su Run who was bringing down the Su family.

Because Yan Lin wanted to make Ye Cheng a thing of the past, the Ye Cheng who was trampled on the ground and humiliated by Su Mingdong was dead, and there would be no more Ye Xiang's Ye family in this world.

She said: "I can't let people expose your pain points and Shen Yan's unbearable situation because of me. So this recognition of relatives is not allowed."

There were deep wrinkles at the corners of Yan Lin's eyes. At this moment, those wrinkles seemed to be stained with tears and were wet.

"Isn't this going to wrong you?"

Su Xiang laughed, her eyes were soft and satisfied, she said: "Where there is perfection, there are shortcomings. Since I recognize you, don't care about other things."

Su Mingdong made her a mute, but it gave her the greatest benefit. She learned to be content, and contentment is always happy.

She didn't want Su Mingdong to be her father at all, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't do that.

"Anyway, if you know your relatives, what does a title matter? Externally, I'll call you godfather, internally, I'll call you father. That's fine too."

Yan Lin was both moved and reluctant, he shook his head and said, "Son, it has a lot to do with it."

Su Xiang knew what he was talking about. Before that, she asked a question: "Yan Gu, is he my elder brother?"

Yan Gu was several years older than her, and according to the calculation of time, Yan Lin was still painting desperately at that time, trying hard to get ahead.

He and Shen Yan are deeply in love, it is impossible to accept another woman, otherwise he would not risk his life and take her away.

Yan Gu's name, a "Gu" reveals a little information, ordinary people would not use this word.

Yan Lin looked into Su Xiang's clear eyes and said, "You must have guessed it."

Su Xiang nodded, and Yan Lin admitted: "He is my adopted child."

"I was seriously injured, and I will never have children in this life. After I came to Malaysia, I slowly set up my own family business and began to prepare for revenge. The old lady worried that I was too obsessed , and didn’t want my Ye family to be extinct, so I went to the local orphanage to adopt one.”

"He was the child of a Chinese businessman. At that time, Malaysia was in chaos. His parents were killed in a burglary, and he was sent to an orphanage."

"When I adopted him, he was already six years old, but he has been by my side all these years. I raised him, and he is very competitive and outstanding in everything he does."

Su Xiang listened to him quietly, and when he stopped, she said: "If I hadn't appeared, he would have been your heir, taking over everything in the Yan family."

This point can be seen from Yan Lin's arrangements after he returned to Beicheng. He hoped that the Ye family would exist as a Yan family and become one of the families at the top of the pyramid.

(End of this chapter)

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