Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 292 Get out of my house, don't let me see you approaching Su Xiang again

Chapter 292 Get out of my house, don't let me see you approaching Su Xiang again

Yan Lin regards Yan Gu as his own son, and has long left the company to him, while he works behind the scenes in Zhenyuan.

The appearance of Su Xiang made Yanlin feel awkward. Apart from admitting relatives, he also had to face family business issues. This was something he had to consider after the joy.

It's not that Qian Quan was exposed after a confession of relatives, but this is a practical issue, and it's better than making a fuss in the future.

Yan Lin knew that he still had a biological daughter, who was left to him by Shen Yan, and he wanted to make up for it, how could he make it up?He wished he could pick off the stars in the sky and give them to her, but in his hands, the best one now is Nanxing Company.

As parents, we always want the best for our children.

But Yan Lin didn't expect that Su Xiang would not admit his relatives publicly.

If she refused to admit it, how could he put the company in her hands with a word of godfather?
Yan Lin nodded and said: "Su Xiang, to be honest, you are right. If you hadn't shown up, everything in the Yan family would have belonged to Yan Gu." There is no doubt about this.

"But I don't want you to be wronged. I owe your mother, I owe you too much..." His tone sank, and besides, he obviously has a biological daughter who is of pure blood from the Ye family. into her hands.

As long as she agrees to publicly recognize her relatives, he doesn't care if Ye Cheng comes back from the dead, and he can let go of the shame of the year. As for Shen Yan... Chen Yan probably hopes that Su Xiang can recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.

Yan Lin also wanted to persuade Su Xiang, but Su Xiang smiled slightly and said: "These days, I insist on looking for answers, wanting to know why I am dumb, why Su Mingdong treats me like that, and why Su Run treats me like an enemy. One piece I found this place after I found several clues."

"I insist on searching because I want to know who I am and where my roots are, not because of some family property, just because of the vain name of a young lady."

Speaking of this, Su Xiang paused, with a sneer on her lips, she said: "If I suddenly become the eldest lady of the banquet family, I may not have a comfortable life."

The forces in Beicheng are complicated. When she was the mute daughter of the Su family, everyone hated her, but she became the eldest lady of the Yan family, and there are many "friends" who come to make friends.

"Besides, I know where my abilities are. I can manage my studio well, but for a company as big as Nanxing Company, I know that my abilities are limited, and that's too tiring."

Like Fu Hanchuan and Qi Lingyang, they read reports, hold meetings, and meet customers every day. They look relaxed and have the air of pointing out the country, but behind this air is the job of tens of thousands of people. A wrong decision may lead to Hundreds of millions of losses.

Su Xiang thought he had a weak back and couldn't bear such a big pressure.At the end of last year, Su Liyi's mischief caused a crisis in her studio. At that time, she was so worried that she couldn't sleep or eat. If it was a big company like Nanxing Company, she would have to stay awake 24 hours a day to stare at her. .

This is just a matter of making money. Internally, it is the shareholders and senior leaders in the company who are planning for their own three-acre land. If she becomes a big boss, she must be able to suppress these people. Just a puppet.

Furthermore, not to mention those shareholders and high-level executives, Yan Gu has worked hard in the company and made great contributions. He is the second person in Nanxing Company after the founder. When she went to Nanxing Company, she could not beat him. Bar?

She didn't pay any effort to the place, and she felt guilty when she went and stayed.

Su Xiang smiled slightly and said, "I've never worked hard or invested a penny in Nanxing Company. How can I persuade people to sit in that position?"

Seeing her resolute attitude, Yan Lin had no choice but to let it go.Thinking about it carefully, he just recognized this daughter and asked her to go to the company to work hard, and he couldn't bear to watch her work hard.When I think about it this way, I don't think about it at all.

She refuses to accept the position of heir. He can leave the company shares to her, take the company's dividends every year easily, and let her do whatever she wants. Anyway, there will be Yan family to support her in the future. Let's see who dares to bully her again ?
Thinking of this, Yan Lin thought of something, took a deep look at Su Xiang and said, "Okay, since you disagree, then according to your wishes, let's get married outside."

There was hope in his eyes: "Then, now you can...can..."

Yan Lin stretched her neck, hoping to hear her call father right away.She was going back soon, and although he would go back to Beicheng as well, he was satisfied now that he could hear her shout.

Seeing the desire in his eyes, Su Xiang bit her lower lip. The word father was extremely heavy to her, and she couldn't utter it for a while, so she stammered: "Father, father."

This is the first sentence she can say about father, this is her real father, and she has a family relationship with him that is thicker than water. When Su Xiang shouted that sentence, he felt that his eyes brightened.

She has a relative again, she laughs, and he laughs too.

Outside the corridor of the study, Fu Hanchuan leaned on the railing with both hands, looking at the hall on the first floor.The flowers on the coffee table in the living room downstairs have been replaced by lilies. The rich fragrance permeates the air. The flowers are fresh and pleasant, but he doesn't like them. He thinks that roses are more beautiful.But he is not in charge of this place, so he can only look at it like this.

He has been waiting here for a while, and the sky outside has already dimmed.Fu Hanchuan glanced at his watch, then turned his head to look at the still closed door.The parting was imminent, and the father and daughter who had just met wanted to talk more, but he couldn't say anything, but he was a little flustered and annoyed, and had the urge to smoke a cigarette.But this place is not his territory, nor is it a public place, so he can only endure it.

Footsteps came from the stairs, Fu Hanchuan glanced over there, and saw Yan Gu walking up slowly.

He is tall and tall, 1.9 meters tall, a few centimeters taller than Fu Hanchuan. He has a cold and arrogant demeanor, with the demeanor of a king. Every step he steps on the stairs is steady, like pinching a watch, and there is a sound of thud The intervals are all the same.

Fu Hanchuan turned his body sideways, and Yan Gu walked towards him. The two just passed each other in the corridor. He didn't stop, and Fu Hanchuan didn't come forward to say hello.

Fu Hanchuan turned his head slightly and glanced at the man passing by him. He had already walked to another study room and opened the door to enter.

The Yan family's father and son's study rooms are designed adjacent to each other, which is convenient for communication, and they are opened independently. After Yan went in, he didn't come out again.

Fu Hanchuan rolled his eyes slightly, and then looked at Yan Lin's study door.He talked with Su Xiang for so long, he should have talked about something, right?
Just as he was thinking, the door opened, and Su Xiang came out, with Yan Lin behind him.Su Xiang was taken aback when he saw him, what is he doing here?
Fu Hanchuan looked past Su Xiang, looked straight at Yan Lin and said, "Boss Yan, I want to talk to you."

Su Xiang looked at him, then looked back at Yan Lin again, and frowned, what's there to talk about?

Only Yan Lin said: "It's just right, I also have something to talk to you, come in." He turned and went in.

Su Xiang went out and Fu Hanchuan entered. When the two passed by, Fu Hanchuan held her hand and whispered in her ear: "Go downstairs and wait for me."

His breath was blowing warmly in Su Xiang's ears, she shrank her neck, and glared at him with one side of her cheek, she didn't look at this place, she even moved her hands and feet, why was she acting so intimate.She withdrew her hand and walked out, stepping on the stairs.

When she reached the edge of the stairs, she put her hand on the handrail, and turned her head to look at the study.Fu Hanchuan asked her to go downstairs and wait. Was he still afraid that she would not be able to eavesdrop outside?
Tch, ridiculous.

Su Xiang curled her lips and walked downstairs, she still wanted to find Mrs. Shen again.

In the study room, Yan Lin was sitting on the Huanghuali chair, with his arms resting on the arc-shaped armrests. Seeing the intimacy between Fu Hanchuan and Su Xiang, his face sank again, and his fingers gripping the armrests tightened. .

Fu Hanchuan closed the door, turned around and faced Shang Yanlin's elongated face.

He just wanted Yan Lin to see the intimacy between him and Su Xiang, so he walked to the chair opposite Yan Lin and sat down in a very natural manner.

In the middle is a tea table carved from huge tree roots, on which there is a complete set of Chinese tea sets, Yixing’s purple sand pot, AH’s Taiping Houkui. In addition to the fragrance of calligraphy in the study, there is only the fragrance of tea.

After Fu Hanchuan came in, he didn't look around. The sunset from the stained glass slanted on him. He was stern and imposing, sitting upright. He didn't appear timid because the person in front of him was the president of Nanxing Company, but because he It was Su Xiang's father, and he restrained his edge a little.

The two men looked at each other without speaking. In the air, the pendulum rattled slowly and powerfully, with only a single rhythm. Fu Hanchuan's breathing was always steady.

The water was boiling in the kettle, and when it boiled, it made a bubbling sound, and white smoke rose up.

Fu Hanchuan glanced down, leaned forward, reached out to pick up the kettle and poured water into the purple clay pot, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Yan Lin: "Uncle Yan."

Yan Lin glanced at the teacup in his hand, but didn't take it, and said indifferently: "It's better for you to call me Boss Yan."

There is a rule in China that if the elders drink the tea handed over by the younger generation in a romantic relationship, it means that they agree with them.Yan Lin has lived in Malay for decades, but he knows more about old rules than Fu Hanchuan.

Fu Hanchuan's hand stopped in mid-air. He was rejected, but he didn't show a look of embarrassment or embarrassment.The corners of his lips curved slightly, his arms sank down, and the tea was placed neatly on the tea table in front of Yan Lin. The tea only swayed slightly, and calmed down after a few ripples.

This shows that the person who puts the teacup has a good sense of morality, neither humble nor overbearing, confident and steady, and sure to win.

Fu Hanchuan withdrew his hands and placed them on his knees.

Yan Lin looked directly at him, and said, "Su Xiang just changed his name to my father."

Fu Hanchuan smiled and said, "Then congratulations."

Yan Lin said again: "She didn't accept the Nanxing company I wanted to give her."

Fu Hanchuan's expression didn't change, and he said, "As expected."

Yan Lin's body moved, leaning on the arc of the chair, rubbing his fingers on the smooth armrest, he looked at Fu Hanchuan, and said lightly: "Fu Hanchuan, although I have friendship and cooperation with your father, but One yard owned by a yard."

He raised his hand, pointed at Fu Hanchuan, fixed his eyes on him, and his face became extremely majestic, he said: "You, leave Su Xiang, and don't get close to her again!"

Yan Lin's words were sonorous and forceful, with an irresistible meaning, the air seemed to freeze when the words fell.

Fu Hanchuan's breathing finally became heavy. He took a deep breath, looked straight at Yan Lin, and said, "Uncle Yan, I call you uncle again because I don't treat your daughter as anything else now. Who, she is the mother of my child. It stands to reason that if she changed her words, I should also change her words and call you father-in-law. But I respect you and think that calling you uncle, let you accept it slowly, just like letting her accept it slowly me too."

Yan Lin suffocated for breath and almost passed out. He straightened his back suddenly, patted the armrest heavily and said, "You—"

He let out a heavy breath, waved his hand, and categorically refused: "Impossible!"

Su Xiang married into their Fu's family, look what kind of life they lived.The storms and storms in Beicheng are all caused by their family.But at that time, he just watched the excitement from the sidelines, but now he is full of distress.

How did he know that it was his daughter, to suffer this wronged and this crime, his heart was pierced like a knife!
They didn't have the support of his father before, and now they don't have this chance anymore!
Yan Lin stood up abruptly, walked to his desk, took out a thick stack of documents from the drawer, walked over and threw them on the coffee table forcefully.

Those materials are all about Su Xiang's life after going to Fu's house, everything about her.

The proof is like a mountain!

From the first day he met Su Xiang, Yan Lin asked people to check everything about Su Xiang again, as detailed as possible.Who would have known that when he looked at these things, every word felt like a needle prick.

Su Mingdong died, he only wished that he could poison Su Run into dumb too, it was really cheap for him!
As for the Fu family, they treated him and Shen Yan's precious daughter so well, he has no friendship with the Fu family anymore!

Squeeze her out, ignore her, think she is a humiliation or a burden, think she has made their Fu family lose face?
Hehe, now you want her with a shy face?
Yan Lin sat down without saying a word, his eyes were full of anger and contempt, these materials are enough to make Fu Hanchuan go, what face is there to talk to him?
Now, he is using these ironclad evidence to humiliate Fu Hanchuan.

When you are in trouble, do you think of Su Xiang?
Fu Hanchuan lowered his eyes to look at the things in front of him, picked them up and turned them over. His expression was not very good-looking, but his expression was still calm.

Yan Lin sarcastically said, "Is there a sentence written on it that is a lie?"

Fu Hanchuan put down the stack of things, and every description on it was no more clear than that of the person involved.He straightened his face and said sincerely: "No."

"Are you ashamed?"

Fu Hanchuan pursed his thin lips, and clenched his fists on his knees.In his life, he felt humiliated when he was rejected by Lu Weiqi, and he was humiliated when he was set up by the Su family. He was even more unwilling and ashamed to marry Su Xiang, but he had never been ashamed and ashamed like now.

He lowered his head slightly and said sincerely: "I'm sorry." Then, he raised his head and said firmly, "But since I know my mistake, I won't make it again, please give me such a chance."

Yan Lin snorted coldly: "I said, it's impossible!"

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, stared at him, picked up the stack of documents at the same time, turned to a certain page with his downcast eyes, and looked at Fu Hanchuan again, wishing to kill him and throw him out of the window.

He flung Fu Hanchuan in front of him and said, "For the sake of being the heir of the Fu family, you designed to use her and push her out. If you had a daughter who was abused like this, how would you feel? Can you agree?" !"

Fu Hanchuan frowned, pursed his thin lips tightly and did not want to speak, but he had to pry his mouth open by himself. He said in a deep voice, "If it was my daughter, I would tear that person into pieces. But now, I implore If Uncle Yan gives me another chance, I will definitely protect her life like I love my own life."

Yan Lin sneered: "Fu Hanchuan, are you using double standards?"

Fu Hanchuan lowered his head and said, "Uncle Yan, she and I have a child named Fu Ying, who is very cute and smart. When you return to Beicheng, I will take him to visit you in your pillow garden."

Yan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, this, this is simply a rascal!
He said: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking in such a humble way!"

"Your father, Fu Zhengnan, was defeated by Fu Zhengkang. You are about to be kicked out of the Fu family, so you want to use Su Xiang again, don't you?"

He swiped his fingers towards the door, his voice became completely cold, and he said as hard as ice: "Get out of my house, and don't let me see you approaching Su Xiang again!"

If it weren't for the fact that he is the father of the child, he really wanted to chop him up and throw him into the sea to feed the fish. Anyway, Malaysia is his territory, and he can be solved quietly without any trouble.

Not only did Fu Hanchuan not roll, he sat motionless on the chair with a firm face.He said: "I kept my voice low because I felt guilty. I wanted to get her back. It had nothing to do with Yanjia. Even if she had nothing, I still wanted her."

Yan Lin: "Shut up!"

"Do you dare to say that you accompanied Su Xiang here, before that, you didn't know her relationship with me?"

Fu Hanchuan admitted: "I have had such suspicions, and I am also investigating your relationship. But I accompanied her to find you, not because you are the founder of Nanxing Company, the leader of Yanjia, and someone with a strong background. people."

"On the contrary, I came to you with her, just to please her."

"Hmph..." Yan Lin snorted coldly, which made no difference to him.As long as he pleases Su Xiang and wins her heart, won't the Yan family be at his mercy?He didn't even think about it.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at him, squeezed his fingers and said, "Uncle Yan, there is one more thing you don't know, and it's impossible to have it in this file."

Yan Lin glanced at the stack of documents, looked at Fu Hanchuan with cold eyes, and only heard him say clearly word by word: "Su Xiang, she is still my wife."

As if a thunder had blown down, Yan Lin's eyes twitched and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, do you really think I dare not do anything to you!"

The information clearly stated how they got divorced back then. Su Xiang was forced to issue a divorce statement and left Fu's family automatically. It also wrote how she was forced to leave Beicheng alone when she had nowhere to go.

She has been wandering outside alone for so long, and she dared not go back for several years. This is all forced by them!

Thinking of this, Yan Lin felt that his chest was about to explode, he grabbed the document and raised it loudly, cursing angrily: "Your mother, Mrs. Zhuo Ya, did such a good thing, dare you say that you are not divorced! "

"Back then, how did Su Xiang leave Beicheng? Do you dare to tell me in front of me!"

Fu Hanchuan pursed his lower lip, pinched his fingers again, and said in a deep voice, "No one knows what happened back then better than me."

"That's why what I said is true. She is still my wife. When she was about to leave Beicheng, I wanted to keep her, so I went to remarry. But at that time, she was deeply hurt and desperate for this place. , I don’t want and can’t force her to stay anymore, so I let her out.”

"Only a few people know about this matter, and Su Xiang knows it too. If you don't believe it, you can ask her."

"But what I want to say is that if I want Su Xiang and conspire against the background of your Yan family to take back the Fu family, I can completely disclose my relationship with Su Xiang. In this way, as long as you have completed the confession, I will still be Yan. The son-in-law of the family."

"Uncle Yan, do you think so?"

Yan Lin's breath sank, his eyebrows were twisted into a pimple, he glanced at Fu Hanchuan suspiciously, and didn't get angry immediately.

But it was only for a moment, he said: "Even if she is still your Fu Hanchuan's wife, she can leave again, I don't think she has feelings for you."

This sentence is more lethal than his previous scolding, and a sentence without emotion has become Fu Hanchuan's wishful thinking.

Fu Hanchuan took a deep breath and said, "I'm not announcing the news now, but I'm slowly developing a relationship with her. Otherwise, I can definitely let her come back to me."

Yan Lin slowly climbed up from the bottom, disgusted with his big man thinking, this is the innate sense of superiority of those who are superior, think that it is his, and they have to control everything of others.

He said coldly: "I don't think so. Su Xiang's temper, is it because you said one is one?"

The child has a stubborn temper and has his own ideas. Even if he has only been with her for a few days, these characteristics can be seen.

Thinking of Su Xiang's stubborn temper, Fu Hanchuan's lips curved slightly.He said: "Indeed, so, I will respect her in the future."

"It's late." Yan Lin was an eyesore when he saw his smile, anyway, no matter what he said, he would never agree.He said: "I don't know if Su Xiang is married to you, and I won't ask her. But I know that she and the child of the Qi family are getting married."

Yan Lin doesn't like to participate in the gatherings of those celebrities, and he doesn't like to gossip, but his pillow garden is a place for information exchange. Su Xiang is close to the Qi family, and he has also seen Qi Lingyang's considerateness towards her.

Although the Qi family has experienced some ups and downs, compared to the Fu family, the Qi family is not much better.Just for Fu Zhengnan, Mrs. Zhuo Ya's in-laws, he doesn't want Su Xiang to be wronged again, don't even think about it.

Yan Lin said: "If you really have something to do with her, let her go early, and don't let her suffer any more harm because of you, or I will definitely not let you go!"

Fu Hanchuan said so much, but still made no progress. Since Yan Lin didn't listen to what he said, he could choose not to listen to Yan Lin's words.

(End of this chapter)

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