Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 368 That devil finally died

Chapter 368 That devil finally died

When Zhang Yeting saw the real estate record on the information, his breath suddenly became heavy, he squeezed the paper into a ball, and threw it out viciously.

With such a person around, it was difficult for Qiao Ying to change her mind.

One hurt her severely, and the other took good care of her after breaking up. What would she think?
Zheng glanced at the ball of paper rolled to the corner again, frowned and said, "Doesn't that Mr. Pei have a girlfriend? He doesn't have a clear relationship with his ex, so don't you worry that his incumbent is unhappy?"

Zhang Yeting raised his eyebrows, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.


With Qiao Ying's medical skills and experience, it is not a big problem to find a well-paid job in a private hospital.She was quickly re-employed in a private clinic run by a Hong Kong doctor.

Passing by the front desk, the receptionist stopped Qiao Ying: "Miss Qiao, I have your flowers and a courier."

Qiao Ying glanced at the bunch of double eustomas.She hadn't received flowers for a long time, so she was slightly taken aback for a moment.

Double eustoma was her favorite flower, but that was a long time ago...

Her face turned cold, she didn't take the bouquet, and said lightly, "Where's the express delivery?"

The front desk was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the beautiful bouquet of eustomas, shouldn't the girl be very happy to receive the flowers?

Qiao Ying took the express box and walked into the office.She didn't take most of the things that were placed in the city hospital before, and gave them to the nurses. This time, she bought some online again.

Opening the box, it was not what she bought inside.

Qiao Ying picked up the jewelry box lying inside, opened it, and found a diamond necklace inside.

She didn't look at the necklace, and took off the card attached to the box cover: Guess you probably won't accept my flowers, the necklace is beautiful, and it complements the most beautiful you.

Qiao Ying directly covered the box, re-sealed the carton, sent it to the front desk and said, "Send it back according to the place of delivery."

The front desk lady was taken aback for a moment, seeing her ugly face, she nodded, "Oh."

Qiao Ying returned to the office, sat in silence for a while, opened the drawer and took out the real estate certificate of Shujinyuan.

With Zhang Yeting staring at him, how can this house be delivered to Lian's family?

When she thought of Qiao Shen's investigation from the United States, her mind became even heavier.

She thought about giving the house away after she dragged it to Zhang Yeting and returned without success. In this way, she could show some love to the Lian family couple before Lian Liang grew up.

But right now, Zhang Yeting came with a mission.He won't go back easily, he is going to waste with her.

Qiao Ying didn't know where she would go in the future, and she didn't know how long her cover-up could last...

The more Lian Liang grew up, the lack of her in her life, and the unrepayable gratitude to the Lian family couple, weighed on her so much that she couldn't breathe.

Qiao Ying felt as if she was trapped on a single-plank bridge, with jackals approaching at one end and ropes gradually cutting at the other end. She stood alone on the bridge, ready to be crushed to pieces at any moment.

There was no corner for her to avoid anymore... Qiao Ying pinched her fingers, and her eyes calmed down, resolute and calm.

She put the real estate certificate back in the drawer, stood up and walked out again.

The front desk was calling for express delivery, Qiao Ying walked over and said, "Where's the box?"

The front desk held the phone blankly, glanced at the box, Qiao Ying took it over and said, "No need to send it, I will handle it myself."

"I'll go out for a while and ask for an hour's leave. If Dr. Song asks, just say I'm out."

Then, the front desk watched Qiao Ying take the express box and walked out to the door.


Zhang Yeting has set up an office in Beicheng. When he comes back this time, he still has another task to be a pioneer of American companies and open up the domestic market.

At this moment, he was looking at a report, and slowly rubbed his fingers with the other hand.

Zheng Zai was narrating: "...this boy was born in the Women's and Children's Hospital, and his parents were very sure that he was not that child."

Before Zhang Yeting asked him to investigate the identity of the boy Qiao Ying gave the gift to, and soon got detailed information.

"It seems that this is a smoke bomb intentionally made by Ms. Qiao. We were deceived by her..."

Zhang Yeting's eyes flickered slightly, and another photo appeared in his mind.One of the boys was Fu Hanchuan's son, and the other girl, Qiao Ying, was close to her. At first he thought it was because of Fu Hanchuan's son, but now that he wanted to come... The vague guess in his heart gradually became more firm.

He interrupted Zheng Zai, and took out the photo from the drawer: "Go and check this girl."

Zheng Zai looked at the photo and said, "Miss Qiao met Fu Hanchuan because of Pei Xian. She broke up with Pei Xian and wanted to get protection from Fu Hanchuan and take care of this girl, which is reasonable. Why do you doubt it?" Is it this girl?"

Zheng Zai subconsciously hoped that Qiao Ying's child would be a boy.

Zhang Yeting's face was cold: "You don't understand her. She is not a person who flatters the rich and powerful."

"I know what you think, but if this is the truth, do you want to find someone who has no blood relationship with him to explain?"

He looked at Zheng Zai with a stern expression.

Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and a bit of dissatisfaction appeared on his face.He said: "Mr. Zhang, according to my idea, instead of finding clues from Ms. Qiao in such a devious way, it is better to go directly to Qiao's family. Back then they dared to abandon Mr. Zuo's heir, it was an unforgivable crime!"

Zhang Yeting sneered: "I see, are you dissatisfied with me?"

Zheng Zai is his assistant in name, but he is also an eyeliner placed by his side by the United States.The United States is afraid that he will not do things with all his heart, and at the same time promises that whoever can accomplish things will be the president of the Asian region.

Zhang Yeting said coldly: "Do you know the Qiao family better than me?"

Zheng Zai was at a loss for words, and then he countered in a cold voice: "I see, you want to have your cake and eat it too. After all these years, you have lost your old love for Ms. Qiao. But I also remind you that Mr. Zuo's patience is limited. If you procrastinate like this, I will report the truth."

Zhang Yeting looked at Zheng Zai coldly, the smell of gunpowder between the two became more and more intense, but they heard noisy voices coming from outside the door.

Zhang Yeting gave Zheng Zai a wink, and glanced at the door: "Go out and have a look."

Although Zheng Zai dissatisfied with Zhang Yeting, but because of his position, he could only act according to the order.

Zhang Yeting's office address was written on Qiao Shen's profile, so Qiao Ying took the box and went to his place.

Without being notified by the front desk, Qiao Ying went straight to Zhang Yeting's office, walking like a flame.The receptionist stepped forward to stop him, Qiao Ying glanced over with sharp eyes, the receptionist was stunned, and explained weakly: "Mr. Zhang will be unhappy..."

When Zheng Zai came out, he was taken aback when he saw Qiao Ying coming to the door suddenly in the corridor, and then waved to the front desk: "Go and do your work."

Qiao Ying glanced at Zheng Zai indifferently, walked around him to the office.Zheng Zai turned his head slightly, watched Qiao Ying pass by, and followed her with a turn.

Sitting in the leather chair, Zhang Yeting saw Qiao Ying's arrival, his eyes shone with joy: "Little Shadow—"

He stood up, saw Zheng Zai coming in from behind, and said coldly, "Go out first, I have something to talk to Miss Qiao."

Zheng Zai's face turned cold, but he could only obey and backed out.

Zhang Yeting looked at Qiao Ying: "Xiaoying, why are you here?"

Qiao Ying put the thing in his hand on his table and threw it with a muffled bang, completely ignoring what was inside.

Zhang Yeting glanced down at the box, and frowned.

Only Qiao Ying said in a cold voice: "Don't send this kind of thing to me, my place is not a garbage collection station."

Zhang Yeting's smile froze a bit, then he smiled and said, "I just want to give you a present."

Qiao Ying turned her head and said coldly, "I don't need it."

But Zhang Yeting said indifferently: "I know you don't need it, but it's another thing for me to give you a gift. Just like you don't love me, but you can't stop me from loving you."

Qiao Ying was slightly taken aback, her eyes drooped slightly, and her cold eyes softened slightly.

Zhang Yeting noticed her change, and his tone became softer, he said: "Xiaoying, since I returned to China, the past events have become clearer in my mind, as if it just happened yesterday..."

"I still remember that you came to my school specially to cheer me up. I got No.1 because of your encouragement that time. I still remember that when I was running weak, you gave me The water was handed over, and at that moment, my whole body was filled with strength..."

"Xiaoying, I'm back... In the future, I hope we can support each other for the rest of our lives, give me a chance—"

Qiao Ying sneered and interrupted him: "Okay, then can you quit your job and leave here with me to start over elsewhere?"

Qiao Ying's gaze was sharp and cold, piercing people's hearts like the tip of a needle.Zhang Yeting was stunned, he didn't expect Qiao Ying to agree suddenly, and he agreed conditionally.

Looking at the stunned Zhang Yeting, Qiao Ying sneered, took a step forward, and said sarcastically, "Didn't you say you forgot the past and started over?"

Zhang Yeting opened his lips, his smile fell, and he said: "You know..."

Ever since Qiao Ying deliberately hid the child's information, she has been on guard against him.

Qiao Ying said sarcastically, "Can't you pretend?"

"Zhang Yeting, you and I have long since stopped being innocent people. You are not, and I am even less!"

"Huidong Group...he opened it, didn't he?"

"He promised you a better future, didn't he?"

Zhang Yeting's lips tightened, and his breathing sank: "Qiao Ying—"

"Don't try to get any information from me!" Qiao Ying's voice suddenly rose, and the words fell like a thousand catties, "Zhang Yeting, your sins, don't worry that you will not be able to wash away your sins in this life, and you will die!"

Zhang Yeting was shocked, his face twisted slightly, and he said in pain, "Qiao Ying, he's dead...he's dead!"

He looked at Qiao Ying with a sad face: "He is dead, can't you let go of your hatred?"

Qiao Ying gritted her teeth. She had already seen the news from Qiao Shen's documents, but when she heard his own confirmation, her heart was still agitated.

That devil is finally dead...

She cursed him all the time, and finally died a terrible death.

According to the information, the man drowned in his own swimming pool, but the real reason was that he had overdosed on a new type of drug to induce hallucinations.In order to cover up the scandal, the congressman bribed the police, announced his mental illness to the public, and slipped and fell into the swimming pool.The public was still sympathetic to this, and the matter soon disappeared into silence.

Haha, mental illness again...

Qiao Ying smiled sadly, without any sympathy on her face, took a step forward, stared straight at Zhang Yeting and said, "Good and evil will be rewarded, even if you go to America where you believe in God, this is the same reason, don't you think so? "

A weird smile appeared on her face, as if he was next.

Zhang Yeting's heart trembled, he turned his eyes away and dared not look at her again, and said solemnly: "Professor, he lost his son in old age, so he wanted to know if you were were his only hope..."

After talking, Zhang Yeting looked at Qiao Ying and said seriously: "Let that child go to the United States and return to her relatives. You can also be completely relieved. Isn't that great?"

"Anyway, you don't want that child, otherwise, you wouldn't have let that child stay with you."

Qiao Ying's expression became grim: "Zhang Yeting, you are a dog through and through."

"But do you know why I didn't leave the child by my side to raise it myself?" She sneered, gave him a hard look, then turned and walked out.

"You can go back to that person and tell him that his son is dead, and he will soon be... My curse will not stop. If he still wants to atone for his sins, there may be a decent way to die."

The door closed with a bang, leaving an echo that lingered for a long time, and finally there was silence in the room.

Qiao Ying's words seemed to be engraved on the wall, on the chair, on the computer... It echoed in Zhang Yeting's mind over and over again like a spell.Unable to bear the pressure, he walked to the doorknob and pulled it open, taking a deep breath.

Zheng Zai walked over and saw Zhang Yeting, who was as pale as paper, frowned slightly, looked at the end of the corridor exit, and asked, "What did she say that can scare you like this?"

Zhang Yeting ignored him, and slammed the door. He returned to the office and immediately made a phone call: "Do it."

He felt ashamed in his heart, how could he let himself go after all these years.He knew that only Qiao Ying could redeem him, so he would try his best to get her back.


"Mr. Pei, something happened to Ms. Yan Ling." Lin Feiran walked into the office with an anxious expression on his face.

Seeing that Lin Feiran's expression did not seem to be a trivial matter, Pei Xian stood up abruptly with a serious expression on his face: "What's going on?"

Lin Feiran said: "The news came from the other side of the stage that Miss Yan Ling fell off the wire and is now being sent to the hospital."

In order to make the new song debut at the concert, after a few days of rest, Yanling practiced in closed mode on the rehearsal stage.

Pei Xian's complexion changed, and he picked up his coat and walked towards the door, saying, "Why didn't Jiang Shu directly inform me of such a big incident?"

Lin Feiran quickly followed behind him and said: "Jiang Shu didn't dare to report such a serious accident directly, and wanted to wait for the doctor to explain the situation before telling you. The stage teacher didn't dare to hide it, so he called me first ..."

(End of this chapter)

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