Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 369 Can we talk about chapters alone?

Chapter 369 Can We Talk Alone?
When we arrived at the hospital, before Yan Ling came out of the operating room, Jiang Shu saw Pei Xian, gave the stage teacher a reproachful glance, and then hurriedly stepped forward to explain to Pei Xian: "I was thinking of telling you when Yan Ling came out— —”

Pei Xian raised his hand to stop her from continuing, and said sharply: "There is such a serious mistake, do you still want to hide it from me?"

Pei Xian seldom gets angry, but at this moment he is really angry.

Jiang Shu shrank his shoulders slightly, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Before Yanling fainted, I will tell you not to disturb you..."

Pei Xian stared at him sharply, and Jiang Shu shut up completely.When she saw Pei Xian looking anxiously at the door of the operating room, the corners of her lips curled up imperceptibly, Yan Ling was a blessing in disguise this time.

Jiang Shu had warned Yanling long ago not to indulge a man's feelings, but she jumped into the concert rehearsal as if to avoid it, which made her anxious.If she continues in this silent manner, she will be out sooner or later!

On the other side, the stage teacher looked at Jiang Shu coldly, watching her every move.

At this time, Pei Xian turned his head and began to ask for responsibility: "Who is responsible for the stage safety, and who is responsible for the wire?"

Everyone in the surrounding crowd shrank their heads and dared not make a sound.

Yanling is a big celebrity, and everyone in the circle knows that she is the girlfriend of the big boss of Huangtu. No one cares about her affairs, but such a thing happened, and I can only think that the years are not good.

The person in charge of security has been shocked. He has been in charge of stage security for so many years, and such a situation has never happened before.For the safety of the concert, Yan Ling's team hired him at a high price.

The reputation was all lost in this incident.

Pei Xian's eyes swept over one by one, and finally landed on the person in charge.The man couldn't bear the pressure, so he could only bite the bullet and come out and said: "Mr. Pei, when I get back, I will definitely investigate and give you an explanation."

At this time, a cold snort suddenly came from the crowd, and he said coolly: "Da Lizi, don't take all the troubles on your body. If you buckle up with this trouble, you won't be able to get along in this line of business."

The person in charge of security is surnamed Li, and everyone calls him Big Lizi because of his burly appearance.

Pei Xian turned his eyes to look over, and his eyes fell on the stage teacher.It was she who spoke just now.

Jiang Shu also looked over, and when he saw it was her, his expression sank.

There are also many conflicts in teamwork. Jiang Shu has had several conflicts with this stage teacher, and both of them have the title of "top". No one is convinced, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Shu pointedly said, "What do you mean?"

The stage teacher laughed and said mockingly: "We all know that your manager Jiang can hype. You put all your energy into promoting Yan Ling's concert. But these days, it's popular to hype CP."

"It's impossible for Yanling to hype in this aspect, so you can only hype in other aspects?"

"The news about Yanling Weiya's fall was published, entertainment news should be able to grab the headlines, right?"

"Isn't this able to achieve your goal? However, I feel sorry for Yan Ling. I just fell down like this. I don't know if it will affect my future acting career."

Jiang Shu was so angry that he trembled all over, and said angrily, "Are you always talking like this without thinking?"

"If I was just doing it for hype, I wouldn't take Yanling's life and safety for such a thing. Yanling is injured, if the concert can't be held as scheduled, do you know what the loss will be?"

"Furthermore, even if I want to make a stunt for the fight and ask her to report some news, how much injury can she suffer? Can this kind of thing be controlled?"

The stage teacher didn't have Jiang Shu's sharp teeth, rolled his eyes and said, "Who knows, who can tell the depth of your manager Jiang's mind. I heard you tell Yan Ling with my own ears, asking her to catch her well." I live in Mr. Pei."

What can an artist not do in order to gain a position and keep the news page?
In order to keep a man and fight for favor, what can't a woman sacrifice?
The stage was such a small space, and when Yan Ling was resting, Jiang Shu warned her repeatedly, saying that she was running away like an ostrich, and that if she was not cruel, she would lose everything.When the stage teacher heard a little bit, he looked down on Jiang Shu even more.

Yan Ling is serious about singing, likes to keep a low profile, and speaks with her strength. The company cooperates with Jiang Shu to keep her attention.But people like Jiang Shu, who have a dark background in the entertainment industry, are plotting against her both externally and internally.

If she is an agent by profession, doing so is also an expression of seriousness and responsibility for her work, but the way she does it is hard to agree with.

Jiang Shu was so angry that he jumped up and was about to fight back. Seeing that the two sides were arguing, Pei Xian snorted coldly: "Enough!"

His deep voice was very powerful, and everyone fell silent immediately. Jiang Shu held his breath in his chest, and stared at the stage teacher fiercely angrily.

The veins on Pei Xian's forehead throbbed, and he lost his temper at Lin Feiran: "Why isn't the operation over yet?"

Lin Feiran innocently became a bucket of anger, but also looked aggrieved, and said depressedly: "The operation is not so fast..."

It has been less than an hour since the person was sent to the hospital.

Pei Xian's chest rose and fell, and the lingering crowd around him made him even more angry. He said coldly, "What are you still doing around here? Don't you need to do anything?"

He looked at the person in charge of security: "Didn't you say you were going to investigate?"

As soon as he landed, everyone hurriedly withdrew to avoid being swept by the tail of the tornado, leaving only Jiang Shu, Yan Ling's life assistant and Lin Feiran behind.

Jiang Shu glanced at Pei Xian who was angry and didn't dare to say anything, but he was actually happy in his heart.

As long as Pei Xian is angry, it means he still has Yan Ling in his heart.

Although Jiang Shu was annoyed by the stage teacher, she also took advantage of the stage teacher.She can't say some things directly in front of Pei Xian, but she can say them through other people's mouths.

As for this safety accident, we really need to investigate carefully. If any of Yan Ling's opponents did the trick, she will not be merciful.

After a while, the door of the operating room finally opened, and Yan Ling was sent to the ward to rest.The doctor said: "Fortunately, there is a cushion underneath, which reduces the impact a little. But the waist is injured, so we must rest well."

Pei Xian nodded and went to visit Yan Ling first.

At this time Yan Ling was still under anesthesia, Pei Xian saw her pale face, her brows were tightly wrinkled, and her lips were pursed into a line.

Jiang Shu walked in, sighed and said: "Mr. Pei, I know I shouldn't say something to you. But Yan Ling is like this, I really feel sorry for her."

She looked at Pei Xian, and boldly continued: "Did you take her feelings into consideration when you were with Qiao Ying? She didn't want to embarrass you, and she was afraid that you wouldn't like her being jealous, so she came to me and told me to rehearse." concert."

"She doesn't say anything, but keeps all her thoughts in her heart, rehearsing lifelessly every day, and it hurts me to see her."

"Mr. Pei, think about it for yourself, how much thought have you spent on her during this time?"

Jiang Shu said a lot in one breath, and the life assistant stood at the door, too scared to come in.

Pei Xianqing said with a dark face, "Go out."

Jiang Shu glanced at him. She dared to say that she only said it after knowing Pei Xian's character.Anyway, the words have been spoken, and she walked out after achieving her goal.

Pei Xian sat down and looked at Yanling silently, thinking a lot in her heart.

During this time, he has been looking up things about Qiao Ying, and has neglected her a lot.

Qiao Ying's matter was only related to Zhang Yeting. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was a fact.What's the point of him continuing to dwell on this?
Qiao Shen is right, he has his new life, if he continues to entangle, it will only ruin the life in front of him, and he will not be responsible for himself or Yanling.

"Feel sorry……"


Qiao Ying made it clear to Zhang Yeting that it was a gauntlet. She would not accept Zhang Yeting's apology, let alone his pursuit.

Zhang Yeting still sent flowers to the clinic every day, but Qiao Ying didn't sign for them, and treated them indifferently.

Zhang Yeting sent a valuable gift, but instead of sending it back, she asked the charitable foundation to receive it, and asked the staff of the foundation to send him a thank you note. It was the same every time: May your conscience be at peace.

The people of the foundation were also baffled by this word of thanks, no matter how you looked at it, they thought it was ironic, but the donor made such a request, of course, it is best for the foundation to have a donation, so they followed the order.

After a few times, Zhang Yeting didn't know whether it was because he couldn't bear it, or because he was afraid of the bad influence. Anyway, he stopped giving gifts here, and instead delivered food every day, and they were all made by the hotel chef.Qiao Ying also ignored this, and fattened up the homeless people and stray cats and dogs near the clinic.

Qiao Shen knew that Qiao Ying had approached Zhang Yeting, so she was very worried about her move. "Why are you so courageous and dare to go directly to it?"

Qiao Ying said, "Are you worried that I'll stab him again?"

"Don't worry, I won't be so impulsive again. But in the name of unforgettable old love, he has other calculations. I might as well expose him and settle the matter earlier."

Qiao Shen fell silent. The previous exchanges between you and me seemed to be stalemate, but they were actually working hard behind their backs.

Qiao Ying was able to check through the appraisal center, but Zhang Yeting was in the United States before, and he couldn't stretch his hands that far, and he didn't have a definite target, so he couldn't find it.

But Zhang Yeting is already in the country now, the longer he stays, under the attack of money, the appraisal center is not an iron bucket, and watertight.And if he finds out that Qiao Ying has been in contact with Lian Liang, as long as he secretly obtains Lian Liang's DNA, he can also find out.

Therefore, it became the most urgent issue for Qiao Ying to arrange a safe place for Lian Liang as soon as possible.

After Qiao Ying thought about it, the most suitable person was Fu Hanchuan.

In the study room of Fu Mansion, Qiao Ying handed Fu Hanchuan the real estate certificate of Shujin Garden and other documents with a solemn expression.

"...Give this house to Lian Liang's parents in your name."

Fu Hanchuan glanced at the file bag, looked at Qiao Ying indifferently and said, "In my name?" He smiled lightly, "This is not just anything, but a house worth tens of millions, what should I say? "

He arranged for Lianliang to enter Hengguang Primary School, and it took him a lot of effort to convince the Lian family couple. For this reason, the couple had to work overtime to pay back. If the house was given away, wouldn't this scare them to death?

Fu Hanchuan was puzzled by Qiao Ying's behavior, and said, "Why don't you wait until the child grows up before giving it away, when the time comes, dowry or something, any excuse is fine."

He paused for a moment, his gaze became more shrewd, and he said slowly: "Or...wouldn't it be better for you to make a move after the child's father leaves Beicheng?"

After speaking, he lit a cigarette and looked at Qiao Ying indifferently.

Qiao Ying was stunned when she heard "the father of the child". It was she who "personally admitted" that Lian Liang's father was Zhang Yeting, but now she was not used to it.She collected her expression and said solemnly: "This matter is very important, I must ensure Lian Liang's safety!"

Seeing her excited expression, Fu Hanchuan frowned slightly. Qiao Ying realized that she had gone too far, so she controlled her emotions and said calmly, "You can say that Shujin Garden is close to the school, which is convenient for Lianliang's Travel. The house was lent to them to live in."

Fu Hanchuan flicked the cigarette ash and said, "If that person finds out the real estate exchange and knows that the house is in your name, do you think you have concealed it?"

When she was in a hurry to sell the house, wasn't it because she wanted to hide information from that person?

If that person can check her once, he can check her a second time.

Qiao Ying said: "So, I will make a second-hand house transaction record with you and change the house to your name. I have sold the house once before, and if I sell it a second time, he will think I am just a real estate speculator of."

After hearing this, Fu Hanchuan laughed: "You have a good idea, but are you not afraid that I will hack your house?"

Qiao Ying said: "I borrowed your money in the first place, and you subsidized her to go to school. My part of the money should be regarded as paying her tuition."

Fu Hanchuan had nothing to say, this woman's mind is very active in this regard.It's just that if she continues to hide like this, she doesn't know how long she can hide.Maybe you can wait until that person leaves, maybe one day, she can't avoid it.

Qiao Ying calmly responded to Fu Hanchuan's opinion, she said: "Even if it is for a day, I will keep it hidden."

She looked at Fu Hanchuan, and said more seriously: "Fu Hanchuan, believe me, once Lian Liang's life experience is known, it will be a big blow to her, and she can't bear it! So, if there is such a day, I will Please help me and protect her. Even for the sake of helping you."

This was already the most information Qiao Ying could disclose, and she did not hesitate to kneel down and beg Fu Hanchuan.

Lian Liang's background cannot be revealed, so she would rather not recognize her than be misunderstood as cruel.

She knew that even a friend's help had its limits.The background behind Zhang Yeting was complicated, and helping her got into big trouble, but at this point, she couldn't find any other way.

The only one she could ask for help was Fu Hanchuan.As for others... Since she is determined to break up, she will not provoke him again and ruin his happiness.

With Zhang Yeting's predecessor in front of her eyes, how could she allow herself to become such a disgusting person.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

Fu Hanchuan was startled, and quickly lifted Qiao Ying's arm: "What are you doing, I promise you."

He was also upset, and said, "Even if it wasn't because of you, I still have to take care of my kid."

Fu Hanchuan paused for a moment: "Actually, you also saw this for sure, so you dared to come to me, right?"

Qiao Ying forced a smile: "I'm glad she became friends with Fu Ying."

After discussing with Fu Hanchuan, Qiao Ying left the mansion. Su Xiang came out from the kitchen, knowing that Qiao Ying had already left, she looked at the man who was leisurely walking down the stairs and said, "Didn't you keep her for dinner?"

Fu Hanchuan hugged Su Xiang's slender waist, pecked her on the lips and said, "What should I do if my wife is jealous?"

Su Xiang was dissatisfied with Fu Hanchuan calling her a jealous vat, and glared at him and said, "I don't need anyone's jealousy to eat hers."

It's not like she didn't know about the past between Qiao Ying and Pei Xian.

Fu Hanchuan gave her a sideways look, and said, "It's not certain. Qiao Ying came to me every day, how dare you say you're not suspicious?"

"You weren't very happy about my contact with other women before. Seriously, Qiao Ying and I talked behind closed doors. You wouldn't stick to the door to eavesdrop, would you?"

Su Xiang regretted that when he came out of the kitchen, he didn't take the spoon with him. He really wanted to give this narcissistic man a bad face.

Su Xiang ignored Fu Hanchuan. On the big weekend, it was rare for her to find time to cook a proper meal, and went into the kitchen again.

Fu Hanchuan followed him in, and now he can also help wash the vegetables and so on.While washing the vegetables, he briefly talked about Qiao Ying's affairs, so as not to make Su Xiang really jealous.

He wasn't worried that Su Xiang would leak her words. There was no more strict mouth than her in the world. Back then, she hid every secret of her own, let alone someone else's.

Su Xiang felt heavy after hearing this.As a woman, she knew the pain, she couldn't swallow it and couldn't spit it out, holding it in her heart, she became a person's poison.

She said: "Fu Hanchuan, she is suffering..."

She never thought that such a delicate, bright and intelligent person would have such twists and turns.Maybe she really answered that sentence: Living is a practice, I hope she can turn calamity into auspiciousness.

The kitchen door was suddenly pushed open, and Fu Ying stood at the door in a daze with his schoolbag on his back, looking inside with a small face in horror.

"Dad, are you telling the truth?"

The little guy went to the education center in the morning, and when he got home, he smelled the aroma of the food. He ran to the kitchen without taking off his schoolbag, but he heard Fu Hanchuan's words.

Lian Liang's biological mother is Aunt Qiao Ying?
He felt like a wall was collapsing in front of him, how could this be possible?

How could Aunt Qiaoying have such a big child, or Lianliang?
Although Qiao Ying has not appeared in Fu Ying's life for a long time, he still has memories of his younger days.He knew exactly how Aunt Qiao Ying treated him well, and how Aunt Qiao Ying broke up with Uncle Pei.

Fu Hanchuan and his wife turned their heads. Unexpectedly, Fu Ying went home early and heard their conversation. They were also taken aback.

Fu Hanchuan frowned, walked over and carried his son's schoolbag to the living room.In the living room, Fu Hanchuan sat on the sofa and asked Fu Ying to stand in front of him. He said with a serious face, "You can't say a word to Lian Liang about this, do you understand?"

Fu Ying didn't dare to scare Lian Liang with this big event, he was quite frightened himself.The child was ignorant, and after being frightened, he subconsciously asked Fu Hanchuan: "Then Lianliang's father is Uncle Pei?"

In Fu Ying's memory, they were such a loving couple. At that time, they were seen sticking together every day.

But when you think about it carefully, it's not right, Lian Liang is as old as him, and when they are getting better, it's impossible for Uncle Pei not to know.

Fu Hanchuan squeezed the center of his eyebrows, and said solemnly again: "This matter is very complicated. Anyway, remember, you can't say it in front of Lian Liang, and you can't say it to anyone."

Fu Ying seemed to understand, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter. He nodded: "I won't say it."

Fu Hanchuan was relieved of his son, and after explaining it, he remembered Qiao Ying's special entrustment this time, and frowned again.

People are curious, Qiao Ying is so cautious, and even confessed that once Lian Liang's life experience is revealed, it will cause disaster. Who is Lian Liang's biological father?


A few days later, Fu Hanchuan called Lian's family to visit him at home, and under the guise of being a guest, he mentioned the matter of letting them live in Shujin Garden.

Lian's father is a real person, he knows every route in Beicheng and what's on the route even if he runs a taxi.Shujin Garden was a sky-high mansion, and Fu Hanchuan let him live in it. Didn't he drink too much?

Lian's mother was a little more rational, and asked cautiously, "Why did you suddenly let us live there?" She glanced at Lian Liang, "Is it because the child is looked down upon at school?"

Hengguang Primary School is an aristocratic school, and the children in it all have backgrounds.They are all people from the society, and even my mother knows that Lian Liang will be looked down upon if he goes to Hengguang.

Fu Hanchuan said: "Lian Liang's academic performance is already No.1 there. The school teachers like her very much, and her classmates are also good at dating her. You can rest assured."

Even if it is an aristocratic school with a bunch of heaven's favored children, the school still needs to use its grades to support its face.When Lian Liang first entered school, the school board had objected, but when the results of the midterm exam came out, those people completely shut up.

As for the children of the same age, some looked down on them because of their family background, but there were also those who were well-educated, and most of the children recognized her even if she was good-natured.

Fu Hanchuan said solemnly: "It's just that your home is far away from the school, and I happen to have a vacant house here. You live in, not only to show me the house, but also to let the children have more time to study."

He deliberately glanced at Fu Ying, then at Lian Liang, and blamed the two children.

Lian Liang insisted on walking home, and Fu Ying loved to play with her. The more time spent on the road, the less time was spent on study.Fu Hanchuan came up with this reason after thinking for a long time, look, how legitimate it is.

Fu Hanchuan was very satisfied, but others were not fools.Lian's father coughed lightly, blushed, rubbed his hands nervously on his thighs and said, "I'll pick up and drop off the children in the future, and live in your house. How can this be possible?"

Even his father knew that Fu Hanchuan liked his daughter very much, but he sponsored the child to go to school and gave him a house. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like he was raising the child as a child bride.

Although this is a good thing that fell from the sky, even the father thinks about the child.After the child grows up, what if the relationship fades?
This child's childhood sweetheart's feelings can't be determined for a lifetime?What if they are just good friends, what about Fa Xiao?

Lian's mother is more delicate than Lian's father. Lian Liang has been depressed for a long time, and it is impossible for a mother not to know.

She glanced at Fu Hanchuan, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Fu, can we talk alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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