Chapter 370 The two sides meet
Even Dad Lian Jiashi couldn't understand the situation for a while, but it was just a matter of moving, so it was enough to refuse, why should we talk about it in private.

He glanced at Lian's mother Luo Qing: "Wife?"

Luo Qing ignored him, and kept looking at Fu Hanchuan with determination in his eyes.

Fu Hanchuan looked at her, pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Let's go to the study and talk."

Seeing that both of them looked a little dignified, even Jiashi felt that something was wrong: "I, I will go too."

The three of them went to the study together, leaving Su Xiang to accompany the two children.

Fu Ying was fiddling with the newly acquired robot, and was talking to Lian Liang: "...I think this can have more interesting movements. Lian Liang, let it do somersaults."

Lian Liang's mind was no longer on the robot, she fiddled with the robot's arm with her fingers, turned her head to look at the three figures walking up the stairs, and there was a serious look on her small face.

But she quickly turned around and spoke to the robot. Su Xiang looked at Lian Liang and said, "The weather is nice outside, do you want to play tennis?"

Fu Ying also felt that playing tennis was very good, so he stood up and said, "Yes, let's play. Uncle Mo gave me a great set of tennis rackets, and also Li Na's signed tennis balls."

He couldn't wait to show off his signature tennis ball, dragged Lian Liang to the third floor, Lian Liang followed him up, stopped for a while when turning on the second floor, and then followed without hesitation.

The two children took their rackets and went to the tennis court. Su Xiang was slightly relieved.

Lian Liang's child is sensitive, and I don't know if he has become suspicious.


Inside the study.

Luo Qing looked at Fu Hanchuan and said, "Mr. Fu, tell me the truth, is that house—"

As if a piece of cotton was suddenly blocked in her throat, making it difficult for her to speak, she rolled her throat vigorously, and continued: "Did those people give it to you?"

Luo Qing had always been an ordinary and gentle little woman, but at this moment, she was not gentle but fierce.

She is not only Lianliang's biological parents, but also one of them.

Lian Jiashi was stunned, those people?Which people?

He looked at his wife, who had lived together for many years, and he quickly realized what his wife was talking about, and looked at Fu Hanchuan in astonishment.

Fu Hanchuan pursed his lips and did not speak, Luo Qing only felt his heart sinking continuously.She was anxious, and asked eagerly with her eyes wide open: "Are they back? They want to take the child back, aren't they?"

After questioning, Luo Qing lowered his head, his eyes shook violently, and he said to himself: "... Lian Liang has always been in a bad mood... She always hides and cries secretly, and she won't tell me when I ask her..."

She thought that her classmates were bullying her for the strange behavior of the child, but she asked the teacher in private, and Lian Liang performed very well at school, and the teachers of the children in No. [-] Primary School liked her very much.

This situation lasted for a long time, which made her very worried. Later, Fu Hanchuan suddenly said that he would subsidize Lianliang to go to school. She thought it would be better to change the environment, but the situation did not improve.

Now, they are said to let them move to a mansion, how can there be so many good things in this world...

This made Luo Qing connect several things together, the most likely one is that the person who gave birth to Lian Liang came to her...

Fu Hanchuan frowned, only now did he feel that the matter was difficult.Although the Lian family couple are honest and responsible people, their love for their children is no less than that of the biological parents who gave birth to the children.

"Mrs. Lian..."

Luo Qing suddenly raised his head to look at Fu Hanchuan, his expression turned cold and he said, "Mr. Fu, are they here to get the child back?"

Lian Jiashi said angrily, "It's impossible! I won't agree!"

"The children were raised by us, so why should they?"

"They were the ones who abandoned the child back then, but we went through the legal and evil adoption procedures!"

"A house just wants us to give up our children, don't even think about it! Even if you give me a big villa, I wouldn't mind it!"

Luo Qing went on to say: "I don't know who they are, but Mr. Fu, you help them do things, it really chills our husband and wife, our family trusts you so much!"

In the eyes of the Lian family, the Fu family is such a noble family, and those who can invite Fu Hanchuan to help must have a lot of background.They are just small people, if they want to fight, how can they win?
Fu Hanchuan was just an intermediary, and somehow he became the chilling one. Facing the emotionally agitated couple, he was also speechless.

He pressed his hand and said, "Mr. Lian, Mrs. Lian, please calm down first."

Fu Hanchuan was not angry and pretentious. The Lian family and his wife looked at him calmly, and Fu Hanchuan said calmly: "You guessed it right, the person who gave birth to Lianliang found her."

With Fu Hanchuan's personal acknowledgment, the faces of the two couples became even uglier. Even Jiashi opened his mouth. Fu Hanchuan took a step ahead of him and said, "You guys have no doubts about this, the other party has already confirmed it."

He paused, and then said: "This person is my friend, but I won't deliberately help her just because she is my friend..."

When they heard that they were friends of Fu Hanchuan, the Lian couple became even more nervous.Anyone who can be friends with Fu Hanchuan is definitely not an ordinary person.Lian Jiashi couldn't help interrupting him and said, "Mr. Fu, you also said that he was your friend, and you still said that you have no side?"

"If you weren't a friend who wanted to help you, how could you trick us into letting Lian Liang transfer to another school, and now you still want us to live in the house they gave you?"

"You just want us to accept the friendship of others first. When they ask to return the child, what else can we say?"

Facing the agitated Lian Jiashi, Fu Hanchuan was even more helpless.Lian Liang's change of school was his own doing, and he was charged with such a crime for the first time he did something with good intentions, but this matter was not clear for a while.

Fu Hanchuan has patience with Su Xiang, but it doesn't mean he has patience with others.He suppressed the rising fire, walked towards the door suddenly, and shouted downstairs: "Mother Song, bring the tea."

Sensing Fu Hanchuan's anger, the Lian couple temporarily stopped firing at him, and the air suddenly became quiet, strangely dignified.

After a while, Mother Song brought up three cups of hot tea, chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, which Su Xiang asked her to brew and clear the fire.

The three of them sat down, Fu Hanchuan picked up the teacup and put it to his lips, saw the couple who were standing still on the opposite side, and said, "Have a sip of tea first, and I'll tell you slowly."

The husband and wife glanced at him, then picked up the teacup and drank it.

The sweet tea entered his throat, and Fu Hanchuan relieved a little, and said: "She didn't say that she would recognize Lianliang, and asked me to keep it a secret from you, including Lianliang. The house is her compensation for the child, and it is also thanks to you for raising Lianliang. good."

Hearing that the other party was not coming to snatch the child, the couple's hearts were finally relieved, but they still felt uncomfortable when they heard that they did not want to recognize the child.

There is no one who doesn’t want his own child. He didn’t want it before and threw it away, but now he finds it and refuses to recognize it. The gift of a house is considered compensation. What kind of person is this?

Lianliang is so good, do you dislike them for teaching their children badly or what?

Lian Jiashi muttered unhappily: "Could it be that Lian Liang is an illegitimate daughter, so you don't welcome her?"

Speaking of illegitimate daughters, Fu Hanchuan's face turned ugly when he thought of Su Xiang. The Lian couple saw that they thought they had insulted his friend, and shut their mouths embarrassingly, thinking again, it's best not to, Lianliang is theirs baby bump.

Fu Hanchuan didn't want Qiao Ying's good intentions to be misunderstood, so he said patiently: "She has something to hide. As for what it is, I can't tell you."

He thought to himself: I don't even know what the truth is.

He continued: "But you have to know that when she bought this house, it's all hers."

Fu Hanchuan didn't want to talk about Qiao Ying's debts to buy a house. If he talked too much, the couple might become suspicious again and feel that they had colluded to deceive others.

"Also, she hopes that you can protect the child well. You move to that house as soon as possible, and she will never appear in front of Lian Liang again."

The Lian couple already knew that the purpose of the house was not for the proximity to school. In order to fulfill Qiao Ying's entrustment, Fu Hanchuan revealed something.

The two couples were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong.

Even if you are a real renter, you know where the best houses are.When it comes to security measures, Shujin Garden is a place where rich people gather, and the security is absolutely top-notch.

He tentatively asked, "Mr. Fu, what do you mean?"

Fu Hanchuan frowned, he couldn't explain it clearly, but Qiao Ying had already knelt down to beg, so it must not be a simple matter.He said: "There is no special meaning. Rich people in Hengguang have many children, and some criminals will try to kidnap the children and blackmail the parents. She thinks this way for the sake of Lianhao."

Fu Hanchuan casually found a reason to explain, and settled the matter as quickly as possible.If this continues, he doesn't know what to say.

Lian and his wife nodded, this is true.The society is very unbalanced now. Children who are held in their hands are always snatched, and students are tied up when they walk on the road.Lianliang is sensible, so he was not asked to pick him up every day. The children in the next door are already in junior high school, and the child's father still picks them up by electric car every day.

When Lian Jiashi thought about it, he felt a little sorry for the child, letting her go to and from school by herself at such a young age, and said that she loved her.

Lian Jiashi's kindness towards the other party was a little loose.

Dazed here, Luo Qing took a deep breath, looked at Fu Hanchuan and said suddenly: "Mr. Fu, can you make an appointment for me?"

Her face was determined and her back was straight.Fu Hanchuan was taken aback: "You want to see her?"

Luo Qing nodded and said, "I want to hear what she said with my own ears, so that I can rest assured."

Lian Jiashi immediately echoed, "That's right, we want to hear what she has to say."

Fu Hanchuan was silent for a while, and said: "Yes. I will inform you of the time and place."


At the door, Fu Ying looked at Lian Liang nervously, and whispered, "Lian Liang, shall we go?"

Lian Liang and Fu Ying went out to play tennis, but only for a while.All her thoughts were drawn to the study on the second floor.She sensed that what they were saying was about her.

After finding an excuse and hiding from Su Xiang's sight, the two children hid secretly at the door of the study and eavesdropped against the door.

After Mama Song brought out the tea, the door was not closed tightly, but they came a bit late and only heard the last few words.

Fu Ying looked at Lianliang's serious expression and felt a little sad, which made him feel uncomfortable too.

The two children walked to the third floor in silence. Lian Liang sat on the floor playing with the robot without saying a word, watching the robot do somersaults until it hit the wall, and then turned around and turned back.

Fu Ying glanced at her carefully, not daring to tell the truth.He already knew that Aunt Qiao Ying was Lian Liang's mother.

Fu Ying glanced at it several times, but didn't dare to make contact with Lian Liang's eyes, so he lowered his head and tossed the tennis ball in his hand to and fro.

In the silence, Lian Liang whispered: "Fu Ying, can you find out for me when and where they will meet?"

With a muffled bang, the tennis ball rolled across the floor, and Fu Ying held his hands empty: "Do you want to eavesdrop?"

Lian Liang looked depressed, she said: "I want to know why she doesn't want me."

Fu Ying went to retrieve the ball, glanced at Lian Liang again and comforted him, "There must be a reason for her..."

Aunt Qiao Ying was very kind to him before, she would not dislike children.

"...Just like my mother, I thought she didn't want me at first, but she still came to me. She left for a reason, you, you..."

Fu Ying didn't dare to say "your mother", "you" for a long time, he finally said: "She must have left you because of something."

Lian Liang didn't say anything else, and when the Lian family couple walked out of Fu Hanchuan's study, she followed them home as if she didn't know anything.

And even the couple didn't show any abnormality, even though their hearts were very heavy.

Soon, Fu Hanchuan agreed on a time for the two parties to meet, and the place was still in Fu's mansion, so that it could avoid anyone's investigation.

Because it was a day off, Qiao Ying took half a day off, and Luo Qing also took half a day off.After seeing off a group of guests, Lian Jiashi drove a taxi to pick up his wife, and drove to Fu Mansion together.

Qiao Ying was already waiting in Fu Hanchuan's study, and when she saw someone coming in, she quickly stood up from the sofa and looked nervously at the couple who came in.

She had never been so nervous in her life, not even the first time she met Lianliang.

She only felt that her hands and feet were stiff, and she wanted to say hello, but her throat was so tense that she couldn't make a sound, her mouth just opened, and even putting on a smiling face was like a robot.

The Lian couple were not much better, this time Lian Jiashi stood in front of Luo Qing, facing Qiao Ying's smiling face, they really couldn't put on a good face.

How could they have a good look at someone who might take their child away?

Both sides stood there, and the atmosphere was weird.

Seeing that both parties had arrived, Fu Hanchuan said calmly, "If you want to ask anything, you can just ask." This sentence was addressed to the Lian couple.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." These words were addressed to Qiao Ying.

After saying that, Fu Hanchuan walked out, leaving space for them.

Although Fu Hanchuan left, the space he left behind felt even more silent and strange.Both continued to stand, but did not look at each other.

Lian Jiashi looked at a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall, while Luo Qing stood behind him and looked down at the ground.But both of them looked at Qiao Ying from the corner of their eyes.

And Qiao Ying stood quietly, also looking down at the ground, and could see the other party's toes.

In order to know if Lian Liang's life is good, she secretly went to see Lian Jiashi and his wife, and even took Lian Jiashi's taxi, but he didn't know about it.

Looking at the four feet next to each other, she smiled faintly, how nice...

No one spoke, as if there was never a beginning, and time passed in silence.

Because there were so many strangers, the big white cat that had been nesting in the study all year round slipped out early, and the cat's litter was empty.The bright sunlight falls on the cat climbing frame, and you can vaguely see the thin cat hair standing upright on the fluffy cat litter.

Suddenly, there was a soft bang, which startled everyone, and they all looked towards the floor chief.It turned out that it was time for the timing feeder to feed food, and a few cat beans automatically rolled down from the machine.

After a long silence, Qiao Ying relaxed a little, and her expression became more natural. She coughed lightly and spoke first: "Sit down first."

Lian Jiashi glanced at Qiao Ying, wiped his nose, walked over to the sofa and sat down, Luo Qing was next to him.

Lian Jiashi had no memory of the passengers he had been driving for a long time. He took a sip of the warm tea, then took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it. He looked at Qiao Ying and said, "You just gave birth. People from Lianliang?"

Faced with such a straightforward question, Qiao Ying's smile stiffened, and she felt the muscles on her cheeks trembling slightly. She nodded, "Yes, it's me..."

"I heard Mr. Fu say that you won't recognize Lian Liang."

Qiao Ying felt as if her heart had been stabbed hard, and blood was flowing out.But she still kept smiling and nodded: "Yes, I won't."

Lian Jiashi's breathing seemed to stagnate for a moment, then he snorted angrily, then nodded in satisfaction and said, "You said that." He turned the phone over and shook it at Qiao Ying, "I'm It has been recorded. You admitted it yourself. If you go back on your word in the future, you will go to court to snatch it from us. This is evidence."

Qiao Ying's face turned pale, her eyes were hot, she nodded: "Yes..."

Luo Qing remained silent, looking at Qiao Ying.

She had mentioned before that she wanted to meet Lian Liang's biological mother, not entirely to ask for a personal promise from her, but to find out what kind of person Lian Liang's biological mother was.

As the same mother, she can feel the other party's concern for the child, otherwise she can completely ignore it, and why come back to look for it?What are you doing so much for?
Abandoning a child is a serious crime. She has committed such a crime. How much peace of mind can she feel if she compensates for a house?

The woman in front of her was dressed in ordinary clothes, not the famous brands she imagined. It can be seen that Fu Hanchuan said that the house was all hers, and it was true.

But since she was willing to give up everything to make it up, why didn't she want a child back then?Don't you have any intention of fighting back now?

Luo Qing took a closer look at the person in front of her. She felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember the number of people she saw every day.

"When my husband and I were married for the third year, I had a child. But I accidentally fell down and had a miscarriage. At that time, I was in great pain. The doctor told me that I hurt my body and would not be able to have children in the future, yes It’s even worse for me.”

"My husband is the only child in the family. I was afraid that he would abandon me because I couldn't have children. But he didn't dislike me. He went to the orphanage to adopt a child without telling people in his hometown..."

"It was a baby girl. I liked it immediately and thought she was my child. My husband and I went through the adoption procedures very quickly and took the child home as quickly as possible."

"Our husband and wife regard her as their own, take good care of her, and cultivate her with what we can give."

"She is so beautiful, smart, and sensible... Sometimes I think, who the hell is there to have such a good child?"

"I love her, and feel sorry for her..." Luo Qing said, tears fell down.

She didn't know why the woman in front of her had any reason to abandon her own flesh and blood, but she just couldn't understand, so she felt sorry for Lianliang.And selfishly glad that she adopted this child.

When Qiao Ying listened, her heart was numb, and her face was also numb.

Her memories of the child were only that period of pregnancy, the fragmented, crazy pregnancy of October.

She still vaguely remembered that when she bathed the child for the first time, she almost drowned the child in the water, but Qiao Shen snatched the child away.

Thinking of those clips, she felt a sudden pain in her head, as if a needle had been stuck in it.She turned her head violently, suppressing the painful memory.

Luo Qing's voice continued: "...I want to ask you why you don't want her anymore?"

Qiao Ying stood up suddenly, with a cold face: "This is none of your business. You just need to know that I won't want that child."

"Aren't you here to ask for my personal promise to make you feel at ease?"

"That house is given to you, and I also gave it for peace of mind."

Even Jiashi stood up and said angrily, "Our daughter is raised by our husband and wife. From the day she entered the orphanage, she has nothing to do with you. We don't want your house, and I will earn money to support her. You Such a cruel person, what else do you need to make you feel at ease?"

It is pitiful for the child to be reborn in her womb.Such a person is not worthy of children.

Even though she knew that the other party was complaining about Lian Liang, Qiao Ying still felt like a knife was piercing her heart.

She clenched her fist tightly and said through gritted teeth: "Didn't you say you love her? Since you love her so much, then take good care of her. Why don't you let her live in a good house?"

"She is studying in a noble school, so she must have a decent status, right? She lives in a beautiful house, and like other children, she can hold her head up and not be laughed at poorly. Isn't that great?"

Lian Jiashi's face turned red, and the veins on his forehead bulged: "It's none of your business that I'm poor!"

"It's none of my business that you are poor, but it's the children's business. I gave the house to the children, not to you. Although I don't want her, I hope she can live well!"

Qiao Ying spoke very fast, she didn't know how long she could hold on, and finally said: "You'd better take her and move to that new house right away. The house is clean and there is nothing uninhabitable, you don't have to think I will use the house to talk about things, and I will come to snatch it from you when the child grows up!"

Fu Hanchuan heard the quarrel inside, opened the door and went in to have a look. Both sides were blushing and thick-necked. He frowned and said coldly: "Is everything settled?"

(End of this chapter)

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