Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 371 How Shameless You Hurt Your Wife?

Chapter 371 How Shameless You Hurt Your Wife?

Fu Hanchuan looked at the Lian couple, and said with a deep breath: "Mr. Lian and Mrs. Lian, since you have got Miss Qiao's promise, if it were me, I would not provoke her. Do you want her to change her mind and rob her of you?" Hui Lianliang's custody?"

Lian's and his wife's complexion changed, they looked at each other and looked away embarrassingly.

Fu Hanchuan looked at Qiao Ying, and said indifferently, "Is it all finished?"

Qiao Ying sat down with her arms folded, and looked at the window sill.

The air was silent for two seconds, and neither side had anything to say.After getting Qiao Ying's promise, the Lian couple took their leave and left. Fu Hanchuan went out to see them off, but in the study, Qiao Ying couldn't help crying anymore.

As if a piece of flesh had been dug out of her body, she was in great pain.

When Fu Hanchuan came back after a while, Mother Song was coming down the stairs. She shook her head slightly at him, turned her head and said, "Miss Qiao is suffering."

Mother Song originally planned to clean up, but when she walked to the corridor, she heard crying from inside the door and she backed out.

Fu Hanchuan frowned, and lifted his feet up.

There was a gap in the door, and when Fu Hanchuan pushed the door to go in, Qiao Ying sensed someone coming in, wiped her face quickly, and turned her head to look outside.

Fu Hanchuan could see her reddish eye circles and red nose.He coughed lightly and said, "The path I chose, what's the point of crying at this time."

Qiao Ying pursed her lips and sat motionless, showing her attitude with actions.

Fu Hanchuan looked at her and said nothing.

Neither of them noticed that there was a small thing pressed under the mat of the cat's litter box.

In the sports equipment room of Hengguang Primary School, Lian Liang was sitting on a mat, holding her knees with her hands, her small body curled up into a ball, her shoulders were shaking, and the fabric on her knees was already wet.

Not far from her, there was a headset.Fu Ying put away the headset, looking at Lian Liang, he dared not speak.

Fu Hanchuan arranged a meeting between the Lian couple and Qiao Ying at home. It was impossible for Fu Ying to sneak back and eavesdrop under my nose. He thought of a way to hide the bug in the study and let Lian Liang pretend to be sick.The Fu family's status is detached, and the teacher can't say anything, so the two skipped class smoothly.

They heard all the conversation between Qiao Ying and Lian's couple.

Fu Ying felt that he might have done something wrong and shouldn't have helped Lian Liang eavesdrop.

Aunt Qiao Ying really didn't want Lianliang anymore. Lianliang must have been very sad when she heard it with her own ears.

Fu Ying couldn't comfort her, Qiao Ying didn't want Lian Liang, it was different from when his mother left.His mother came back to look for him, but Aunt Qiao Ying used the house and said she wanted to buy Xin'an.

Fu Ying originally thought Aunt Qiao Ying was pretty good, but now...

He stretched out his hand carefully, patted Lian Liang's back lightly without speaking, and it took a long time before Lian Liang's mood stabilized.She was sobbing slightly, resting her chin on her knees, staring straight ahead.

Fu Ying looked at her, and called her in a low voice: "Lian Liang—"

Lian Liang sniffed, but the tears still rolled down. She raised her sleeve and wiped it vigorously, sobbing: "I was originally what she didn't want... What's so sad now..."

"She is selfish, she is not married... dare not tell others that she gave birth to a child..."

Lian Liang's shoulders twitched, and he continued to wipe away his tears, his little face was flushed, and his eyes were swollen.

"My parents love me very much, I don't need her at all...whether she shows up...has nothing to do with me..."

When she told Fu Ying, she also told herself.

Fu Ying followed her mood and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, you are right, it is like that, we will ignore her from now on."

After a long time, the two children did not go out until the bell rang faintly outside.

When Qiao Ying left the mansion and returned to the clinic, her emotions had been controlled.With a calm face, she passed the clinic's lobby.

A red rest sofa is placed in the front hall for customers to rest.When Qiao Ying passed the sofa, she caught a casual glimpse of a magazine lying on the sofa out of the corner of her eye.

The title of the magazine was Yan Ling, and the photo was of her back when she left the hospital, with a man beside her supporting her.

Seeing that figure, Qiao Ying's heart suddenly shrank, and a pain began to ooze out from his chest again.

She stared blankly at the conspicuous red headline: Yan Ling was suspected of being pregnant, and was taken out of the hospital by boss Huangtu himself.

The lady at the front desk saw Qiao Ying standing there in a daze, walked out from the front desk, saw the magazine, picked it up and looked through it: "Maybe which client is a fan of Yan Ling, forget it..."

She flipped through it casually, and thought it was quite interesting: "Isn't Yanling desperate for Sanniang, why is she still pregnant? But, who still buys this kind of entertainment magazine now, you can search it online."

She was talking to herself there, and she was fascinated by reading magazines.Needless to say, the difference between magazines and the Internet is that magazines have a large layout, large fonts, and large photos, and they can also make a small transcript or something.

Qiao Ying breathed calmly, endured it, and said coldly: "Don't you need to work? Throw that thing away!"

The front desk lady was startled, and watched Qiao Ying walk to her office.

"This is gunpowder..."

Qiao Ying slammed the office door hard, as if at that moment, all her strength was used to close the door.She leaned against the door, her legs slid down feebly.

Why did such news come out at this time...

The pain in her heart spread, and she could hardly breathe.

Can she blame him?

It's been a long time since they broke up. She should be happy for him that he can fall in love with Yan Ling and have a crystallization of love.

I can't control my heart...


Ever since Fu Hanchuan got married to Su Xiang, he didn't go out for entertainment.He didn't like to play very much before, and he still went to work in the study when he got home.

And Pei Xian has a lot of troubles, maybe he feels that he is asking for trouble, so he goes to Fu's house for dinner from time to time, calling it to see Su Xiang.

Su Xiang is his sister.

After dinner, Mo Feitong didn't intend to leave yet, so he went to Fu Hanchuan's study, sat down on the sofa like an old man, and drank the fruit tea made by Su Xiang himself.

Fu Hanchuan was sitting at the desk looking at the plan and had no time to talk to him. Mo Feitong took out the cigarette case, smoked a cigarette and put it in his mouth. The lighter dinged and the flame came on. He took a puff as if intoxicated, and was about to spit out slowly. Smoke rings, and a cold voice sounded from the other side: "Smoking is prohibited here."

Mo Feitong glanced at him and thought he was ridiculous.He sneered and said, "Master Fu, don't you find it ridiculous that you say that smoking is forbidden?"

Fu Hanchuan turned over a page of information, raised his eyes and looked at him lightly: "Su Xiang said that he wants to prepare for pregnancy."

Fu Hanchuan knew that Su Xiang had already undergone a ligation operation, before she and Qi Lingyang planned to get married.He looked at such a well-behaved girl like Lianliang, and even Pearl was so lovable, his heart was itchy, and he wanted to have another daughter who looked like Su Xiang, two children, one like him and the other like Su Xiang, A man and a woman make up the word "good".

Fu Hanchuan had a good plan here, but Su Xiang was not happy about it.

Back then when he was cruel to perform surgery on her, Su Xiang became angry when he thought about it, and said to him, "Are you not afraid now?"

The mine that Fu Hanchuan had planted back then had to be dismantled by Barefoot himself.He coaxed and lied, and said shamelessly: "I asked the doctor, and they said it would be easier to have a second child. But if you don't like it, then we have one Fu Ying and that's enough."

Su Xiang likes children herself. She missed Fu Ying's three years of growth, and now Pearl only comes here occasionally. She has regrets for both children.She feels that if there is another one, the baby needs more attention, and the attention to Fu Ying and Pearl will be divided.

After much deliberation, she decided not to have children, but warned Fu Hanchuan not to smoke and drink, and to have irregular work and rest.

Fu Hanchuan's stomach is not feeling very well recently. The doctor suggested to reduce the stimulation of smoking and alcohol, avoid irregular diet, and have a regular work and rest.

But Fu Hanchuan had to use Su Xiang as a cover in front of Mo Feitong, it was like this among men.If it is said that he can't smoke to keep his stomach troubles, Mo Feitong won't care, he will only inhale second-hand smoke for him.

Mo Feitong stared blankly at Fu Hanchuan, took off the cigarette he had just taken a puff after a second, looked around for the ashtray to press it out, only to find that there was no trace of the ashtray in Fu Hanchuan's study.

He saw a pot of money grass in front of the French window, walked over and threw the cigarette butt into it.With a snort, the last wisp of smoke struggled to rise up, and then quickly disappeared invisible.

Inside the cat's nest, the big white cat was enjoying itself, struggling with the mat, hooking its claws back and forth, and finally hooked the beige mat out.

The cat sat on the cat climbing frame, looked down at the mat lying on the floor, and realized that someone was looking at it again, looked up at Mo Feitong, and then licked its fur as if nothing had happened.

Mo Feitong walked over, bent down, picked up the mat, patted it, and muttered: " are getting old, you have to quit smoking and drinking, go to bed early and get up early to develop good habits, the quality of your little tadpole— —”

He suddenly dragged out the tone, Fu Hanchuan heard it harshly, and was about to hit him back, when Mo Feitong asked in surprise: "Hey, what is this?"

Mo Feitong held something the size of a snail in his hand, and after observing it for a while, he recognized it as a bug.

Fu Hanchuan's eyes also fell on his hands, and his brows furrowed.

Mo Feitong threw the mat back into the cat litter, looked at Fu Hanchuan and said, "Su Xiang hid this in your study? Does she suspect that you have a woman outside?"

Fu Hanchuan's face was extremely cold, he squeezed the bug in his palm, his teeth clenched, and he said a few words: "It's Fu Ying."

He remembered that when he called a few days ago, that brat was sneaky.When you see this, you understand everything.

His face was ugly.

Fu Ying hid the bug, it must be for Lian Liang, so she should have heard everything.

This brat is really going to cause trouble!
Mo Feitong didn't know that Qiao Ying had met Lian Jiashi and his wife, and he just thought that Fu Ying didn't want younger siblings to come out to distract his parents' attention.That brat was as domineering as Fu Hanchuan, and also begged for Su Xiang's attention.

Mo Feitong glanced at Fu Hanchuan's livid face, and when he was angry that Fu Ying was going to ruin his plan to have a baby, he said, "Speaking of children, the entertainment news is very lively now."

The news of Yan Ling's pregnancy spread all over the world, not only in entertainment magazines, but also on the Internet, there were many reports, and there were some people in the industry who testified, it was almost a stone hammer.

Fu Hanchuan regained his composure, and said lightly, "You mean Young Master Pei?"

Mo Feitong said gloatingly: "Yes, it is already rumored that the two of them will marry with a son at the end of the year."

In the morning entertainment news suddenly broke the news that Yanling was pregnant, and in the evening they had already talked about marriage, and those who had good things had already made up a big drama, saying that Yanling would not marry into Pei's family smoothly.

"Everyone has caught up with the storyteller."

Could it be that those things in the entertainment industry are all ridiculous.Obviously it was a rehearsal injury, but it was spread like this outside.

It happened to be the number one news in the hot search, but it hasn't been taken down yet, and no one has come out to clarify.

Fu Hanchuan thought of Qiao Ying, who was still here during the day and promised to give up Lian Liang's custody right in front of the Lian family couple.This day is so different... I don't know if she saw the news.

Mo Feitong looked at Fu Hanchuan in a daze, didn't bother him, sat back on the sofa, took another sip of tea.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he picked up a hair from the sofa.

Judging from the hair color and length, it doesn't look like Su Xiang's, let alone Song Ma's.Mo Feitong looked at Fu Hanchuan with his hair in his hands: "Did women really come in here?"

Fu Hanchuan frowned and glanced at him, and said impatiently: "Coul Feitong, you are a black second generation, how did you become a female director, why do you have to ask everything, you don't have to worry about Miss Lan. Yet?"

Mo Feitong didn't care about being snarled once by Fu Hanchuan, and said, "She is making porcelain in the countryside, and she will be back tomorrow."

Mo Feitong couldn't stand the high temperature of the fire kiln, and didn't like the boredom of the countryside, so he ran back after staying there for two days.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at him angrily, stood up and simply drove Mo Feitong back.


Fu Ying let Lian Liang overhear Qiao Ying's words, and Fu Hanchuan was involved in this matter again. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep all night. Su Xiang couldn't sleep because of him, and said drowsily, "Why are you so sleepy?" Still not sleeping?"

Fu Hanchuan put his hands behind his head, looked at the ceiling, and told the troubles his son had caused.

Now Su Xiang also woke up, turned on the bedside lamp and sat up: "You mean Fu Ying?"

Fu Hanchuan nodded affirmatively, and took out the bug from the drawer.Su Xiang held it in his hand and looked at it: "Have you talked to him?"

Fu Hanchuan frowned and said, "Lian Liang has already heard it, so what's the use of talking to him now. No one knows about Qiao Ying except the Qiao family and that Zhang Yeting."

"Fortunately, the child has always known that he was adopted. Now that he hears that, the sadness will pass after a while."

Su Xiang was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "You don't understand."

"A child's heart is very sensitive. Do you know why she is so sensible at such a young age?"

Fu Hanchuan looked at her, and Su Xiang continued, "Because she was afraid of being discarded again. In her subconscious, she is kind to everyone, and I hope everyone likes her."

Su Xiang does charity work, and she has seen many things over the years.

Many abandoned children are either very obedient and deliberately behave well in the adoptive family, or they are violent and annoying.There are two extreme manifestations, the former is the longing for love, and the latter is the fear of disappointment.But they are all for the same reason: fear of being discarded again.

Those children who performed well were eager to stay; those children who performed poorly were afraid of being left behind after having hope, so they no longer had expectations.

"What Qiao Ying said will only leave a deeper shadow in Lian Liang's heart. She will always carry this shadow and feel unconfident. Fu Ying, this child..."

Su Xiang frowned, no wonder Fu Hanchuan couldn't sleep.

For Fu Hanchuan, if he got involved in this matter, he was responsible.He thought so too, but he didn't want Su Xiang to worry.

In addition, he himself didn't know what else he could say even if he asked Fu Ying to question him at this time.

That was the fact that Qiao Ying wanted the Lian family to recognize, and the Lian family included Lian Liang.

Su Xiang leaned against the head of the bed, frowned and said: "Some women give birth to children out of wedlock, and then abandon the child and refuse to admit it, in order to earn a future for themselves."

"If Qiao Ying is for Pei Xian, it's a reason, but she and Pei Xian are not the same thing at all. What is she planning?"

Being hated by one's own children is unbearable.

Fu Hanchuan said: "She always said it was for the good of the child, but now it seems that may not be the case."

If you refuse to admit it, it is harm; if you admit it, it is also harm.


The husband and wife were talking on the pillow, and Fu Ying stood at the door with his pillow in his arms, scratching his head again and again.

After the little guy came home, he wanted to quietly go to the study to take back the bug. Unexpectedly, Fu Hanchuan didn't return to the company in the afternoon, and kept sitting in the study.When he went to the cat's nest, Fu Hanchuan almost spotted him.

Later, Mo Fei came together, and the two of them kept talking in the study, and he had no chance to go in.

After finally waiting for Mo Feitong to leave, when Fu Hanchuan went back to his room to take a shower, the little guy finally found a chance to sneak in, and the bug was gone.

Fu Ying already knew that it must have been discovered by Fu Hanchuan.

After Fu Ying overheard Qiao Ying's words, he was restless, especially after Liang Liang didn't even say a word, as if he was dumb. The teacher asked her to get up to answer questions, but she also stood still.

Fu Ying couldn't sleep, and wanted to come in to admit his mistakes to Fu Hanchuan, but he didn't expect to hear so many words.

The little guy walked around the door twice, Su Xiang heard something sound at the door, and winked at Fu Hanchuan.Fu Hanchuan also took a look at the door, and saw that the door was opened a little.

The two of them talked just now, and they didn't notice it for a while.

Fu Hanchuan threw off the quilt and got out of bed. There was a blanket on the floor, and he walked on it soundlessly.He walked to the door and opened it, Fu Ying was startled, and looked at Fu Hanchuan in horror.

No matter how smart and knowledgeable Fu Ying is, he is still only a half-grown boy.He showed what it was like to be a kid who did something wrong.

And Fu Hanchuan also fully demonstrated what an old father who wants to educate his son is like.

He stood at the door with his arms folded. He was as tall as an iron tower, and the shadow covered the little boy in front of him.

There was no expression on Fu Hanchuan's face, and he stared at his son sternly.

Fu Ying hugged the pillow and didn't dare to move it, whispered: "Dad..." He was nervous, and his little feet in slippers were twisting uneasily.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at him angrily, and said, "What are you doing sneakily?"

Fu Ying looked downcast, and buried his little head: "Dad, I did something wrong..."

Fu Hanchuan glared at him again, and pushed the door open a little: "Go in."

Fu Ying walked into the room with the pillow in his arms, and sat next to Su Xiang. Fu Hanchuan closed the door and walked back, and sat down on the other side of the bed.

The family of three sat side by side on the bed, with Fu Ying in the middle.Fu Ying wrung his little hands: "...I, I just want to help her... Lian Liang wanted to know why Aunt Qiao Ying didn't want her, we all thought she would tell..."

Fu Ying looked at a loss, Su Xiang touched his little head and said, "Fu Ying, it's good that you want to help Lianliang. But you have to understand that when you help others, you also bear certain burdens. responsible."

"You know about Lian Liang and Aunt Qiao Ying, so when Lian Liang asks you for help, you should think about it."

"If you do this, not only will your father miss the appointment with Aunt Qiao Ying, but Liang's mood will also not get better."

Fu Ying was very frustrated, his little shoulders were slumped, Su Xiang sighed lightly and said: "You are still young, this incident should be taken as a lesson for you, and you don't have to pay too much attention to it. Spend more time with Lianliang and let her Just be happy as soon as possible.”

Fu Ying nodded and scratched his forehead again, that was the only way to go.

He thought for a while, then asked Fu Hanchuan: "Father, Aunt Qiao Ying is not a bad person, is she?"

Fu Ying is still willing to believe that there is a reason for her to leave Lianliang behind, it's not that she doesn't want her.

Aunt Qiao Ying is a doctor, and doctors respect life, so how could they not want their own children.

Fu Hanchuan nodded: "Yes."

"What is that, why does she want to be misunderstood?"

Fu Hanchuan glared at him: "If I knew, would I still be here thinking of how to deal with the aftermath for you?"

"Sleep!" Fu Hanchuan was upset, and was about to go to sleep first.

Fu Ying still has class tomorrow, so he obediently picked up the quilt and prepared to fall asleep.Fu Hanchuan watched his son slide down like a loach, and his body naturally turned to Su Xiang's side, holding Su Xiang's waist with his small hands, leaving him a back view, with his buttocks sticking out to his side.

"Stinky boy, go back to your room." Fu Hanchuan lifted Fu Ying out of the bed, "She is my wife."

Fu Ying curled his lips, the old man is really annoying.

Seeing her son go out with her mouth pouted, Su Xiang felt distressed when she had to close the door for them. She lost her temper at Fu Hanchuan: "What are you doing, it's just one night. The child is not in a good mood."

Fu Hanchuan turned off the light, and said, "You let him do whatever he wants when he's in a bad mood? Children are tempered, and my son can't be a coward."

Su Xiang glanced at the man lying down, and said, "Did you treat him like this before when I was not around?"

Fu Hanchuan knew he couldn't mess with her anymore, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.Su Xiang glared at him, lifted the quilt and went to his son's room, only to be carried back by someone Fu within an hour.

"You can't be a loving mother to a defeated son." Fu Hanchuan moved his hands up and down, kissed Wenxiang nephrite, and said vaguely, "How old is he, how can he still sleep with us..."

Su Xiang was made limp by him, and when he was dizzy, he thought, this man obviously thinks that the child hinders him from doing things.

"Fu Hanchuan, can you be more shameless..."

Fu Hanchuan blocked her lips, hooked her, and said vaguely: "How can you hurt your wife shamelessly?"

(End of this chapter)

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