Chapter 117

She calmed down and said, "Of course it's Your Highness. I have never seen such a handsome and handsome man as Your Highness."

People around who heard this felt that something was wrong. How could a woman be beautiful and ugly and a man handsome or not be compared together.

Besides, they all heard that His Highness the Crown Prince hates others praising his appearance the most, and the last person who said this was already tall on his grave.

However, Jing Mo, who didn't like being talked about his appearance, didn't get angry as everyone expected, but curled up his thin lips indistinctly, and he could see some joy from the corners of his eyes and brows.

"So many people are here, Gu knows that the princess's feelings are hard to restrain, but the occasion should also be considered."

She stood up, rubbed her somewhat sore waist, ignored Jing Mo who raised her chin, and walked out a long way around.

Aman, who didn't have time to follow Gu Qinglan, froze in place, accepting the man's cold gaze.

Crown Princess, look back, your cutest maid is going to be scared to death! ! !

Naturally, Gu Qinglan couldn't hear Aman's heartfelt voice, even if she did, she would slip away quickly as if she didn't hear it.

Aman had to smooth things over and find a reason for him to leave.

"The princess is thin-skinned, so she will leave immediately after hearing these words."

"The servant girl still needs to prepare things for the princess to go out tomorrow, so she also said goodbye first."

Aman saluted and was about to run away.

"Slow down." The man called out to her.

Aman's body was shaking like a sieve, he turned around tremblingly, and asked stammeringly, "His Highness, is there anything else?"

Jing Mo pointed to a nanny who came over and said, "This is an expert in pastry making in the Empress Dowager's Palace, you take it back to the Crown Princess."


It was a long time after Gu Qinglan walked out that she remembered that Aman was still in the palace. She hesitated for a while, and finally stopped by a green plum, gently brushing the petals with her fingertips, and the fragrance was very faint.

It's no wonder that all the women in the world are crowded into this Sifang City. Flowers in different seasons can bloom together in the hands of skilled craftsmen. Such a scene is priceless.

This is what Jing Mo saw when he and A Man came together.

Beauty is like a flower across the clouds, this is the only word he can think of now.

The woman stood beside the green plum, her slender and fair fingers touched the green plum, as if she felt happy in her heart, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, forming a beautiful arc.

The palace dress is elegant, with a chain made of pearls tied around the waist, and a long ribbon at the lower end, the ribbon will flutter around when the wind blows.

The skin color lined by the pearl crown on his head became more and more moist and white like jade, the tassels hanging down fell on his cheeks, and the long eyelashes swept gently, as if sweeping into his heart.

"Your Highness." Aman shivered beside him. Although they all went to the East Palace, this road was the closest to Lanfang Pavilion. Why did His Royal Highness come with him?

"Tell the princess to dress more plainly tomorrow." He just saw such an eye-catching outfit, and others didn't even think about it.

ah?There was a question mark on Aman's forehead, she didn't understand why His Highness the Crown Prince said this, and she deeply thought that if she told the Crown Princess, the Crown Prince's impression of Her Royal Highness would only be worse.

The man raised his leg, took a last look at Lvmei's place with ulterior motives, and then walked in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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