Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 118 Preparation

Chapter 118 Preparation
Early the next morning, Gu Qinglan, who was awakened from her sleep, looked at Aman running around on tiptoe like a little mouse stealing lamp oil with a blank face.

At this time, her only thought was that if only her five senses were not so sensitive.

"Aman." The slender and white fingers grasped the curtain and slowly opened it, revealing the sleepy-eyed beauty inside.

Seeing that the man woke up, Ah Man jumped up in his heart, but his face showed a look of extreme surprise.

"Crown princess, did the servants disturb you?"

The beauty tried her best to restrain her drooping eyelids, and said in a lazy voice, "It's too fake, it was on purpose. Do you think your master is so stupid that you can't even see your little thoughts?"

Aman hurriedly stepped forward, opened the curtains completely, and hooked them with hooks again. A large swath of sunlight poured over at the same time. Gu Qinglan covered her face with her hands, squinted her eyes, and took a while to remove her hands.

"I'm going to Princess Changning with His Highness the Crown Prince today. The Crown Princess should get up earlier so that I can make some preparations."

"What are you preparing for?" She yawned, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, "Isn't the gift already prepared?"

Aman: "Of course it's not about the gift. This is the first time for the Crown Princess to see Princess Changning. She needs to dress up and make a good impression on Princess Changning."

Although Princess Changning and Jing Xuan are not biological siblings, Jing Xuan respects this elder sister very much.

Probably because Princess Changning helped Jing Xuan to say a few words to the late Emperor when he seized the concubine.

This kindness, Jing Xuan remembered, so after the death of the first emperor, Changning's glory did not decrease, but increased.

"You're right." Gu Qinglan yawned again, lowered her head and lifted off the thin quilt, her long hair was disheveled behind her, and her small face was about the size of a palm.

She also likes Princess Changning quite a bit, and she always wants to leave a good impression on her.

She combed her hair in a bun today, and placed her hair in strands and knots, with the slanted end placed on the side of her head, with a red and blue camellia-like twisted flower embedded in it, and the tassels are tiny pearls, three strands in total. , the bottom is an extremely clear amethyst.

There are also amethyst earrings on the ears, which look very beautiful.

Gu Qinglan held her chin and looked at herself in the mirror, thought for a while, and finally chose a plum blossom-shaped flower tin, and asked someone to paint it on her forehead.

Aman's eyes flickered, and he said vaguely, "Crown Princess, these are the clothes for today's trip."

Gu Qinglan turned her head to look, her smile gradually froze.

Forehead?Since when did she have such a pure white long dress without a trace of other colors in her closet?
She looked up and asked silently.

Although the request was not made by Amanda, for some reason, looking at the eyes of the princess, she felt a little guilty.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince told the slaves earlier that the Crown Princess should dress plainly."

Gu Qinglan smiled extremely gently, and the jewelry box she was holding in her hand "clicked", and it sank in the wrong place.

"The clothes are worn on my body, so Aman, do you listen to His Royal Highness, or to my palace."

Aman put back the dress in his hand at a speed that was too blurry, and exchanged it for a light blue wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress.


Half an hour later, Jing Mo, who was waiting outside Lanfang Pavilion, played with the jade pendant on his waist impatiently.

Suddenly asked Zhao Dezhong, "Does it take so long for a woman to get dressed?"

(End of this chapter)

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