Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 134 Silver Note

Chapter 134 Silver Note
"Today I will be the master for the princess, let Xia Jin out, how about reuniting with you mother and daughter?" Su Xue said coolly.

When Su Xue opened her mouth, Xia Jin realized that the old woman in front of her was Rou Yi.

He took a few steps back in disbelief, and said repeatedly, "I will never leave the Princess Mansion, never."

"Your Highness, do you have any unnecessary things with valuables today?" Gu Qinglan raised her head on tiptoe and whispered in his ear.

Valuable unnecessary?
Jing Mo thought for a moment, and finally took out a jade pendant, "This is a birthday gift from the father to the orphan."

Gu Qinglan: "..." So the birthday gift from the emperor is unnecessary?

She was silent for a while, and finally called Zhao Dezhong.

Although the two of them don't keep money in their hands, Zhao Dezhong, the prince's most caring servant, must always have money on him.

Zhao Dezhong came over with the banknotes in his hands, his wrinkled chrysanthemum-like face was full of smiles, "Here is the 1 taels of banknotes."

Jing Mo was still puzzled, "What do you want a bank note for?"

Gu Qinglan: "Your Highness just watch."

Holding ten silver notes with a denomination of 1000 taels, Gu Qinglan walked up to Rou Yi.

Seeing the bank note, Rou Yi almost couldn't control her hand and stretched it out.

"This is a silver ticket for Xia Jin. He has been a cow and a horse in the Princess Mansion for so many years, and he has worked hard without credit." Gu Qinglan said very gently with a smile on his face.

Su Xue looked at it in surprise, and was about to step forward, but Chang Ning grabbed her sleeve.

Xia Jin's face turned red, "I don't want a silver ticket, I want to stay in the princess mansion."

Gu Qinglan smiled, "The No. 1 Scholar is innocent, and he didn't sell himself to the princess mansion. The [-] taels of banknotes should be the monthly silver that the No. [-] Scholar deserves over the years."

"Today you only have two choices, to leave the Princess Mansion with a silver ticket, or to leave the Princess Mansion with nothing to worry about."

Seeing this, Rou Yi quickly pushed Xia Jin, "Husband, take the bank note quickly, it's 1 taels of silver."

After listening to Rouyi's words, Xia Jin's face turned even redder, as if scalded by boiling water.

This stupid woman, what is 1 taels? If he stays in the princess mansion, if one day, the princess forgives him, I don’t know how many 1 taels are waiting for him.

Rouyi was wasted by the years and no longer wanted to live the hard life of these years, as long as she had this 1 taels, she would not need to work hard for the rest of her life.

"Chunsheng, quickly ask your father to take the 1 taels."

Chunsheng looked at the smiling beauty in embarrassment, this time he didn't listen to Rouyi, and just shrank himself aside.

Seeing this, Rouyi scolded inwardly that it was useless, but she walked forward with a smile, "The concubine would like to thank the princess for the reward."

Gu Qinglan didn't hand over the bank note, but withdrew it.

"Bengong said, this bank note is for Xia Jin, can you represent him?"

Obviously, the 1 taels of silver bill was right in front of her eyes, and she could get it with her hand. Rouyi gave the silent Xia Jin a hard look, "What you said, I gave birth to my concubine's children, so of course it can represent him."

Gu Qinglan suppressed her smile, her eyes were cold, "What I just heard is that this child is the eldest princess's child, why is it now yours again."

Rou Yi hesitated, should she continue with her original plan or take away the current 1 taels?

Gu Qinglan didn't give her time to think about it, "Since the child belongs to the princess, it proves that the princess and Xia Jin still have a relationship. If there is still a relationship, there is no need to give the silver ticket."

(End of this chapter)

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