Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 135 What will happen if you break your promise?

Chapter 135 What will happen if you break your promise?

Rouyi waved her hands and kept saying, "Where is the concubine just kidding? The child belongs to the concubine. What's more, the first emperor had an imperial decree more than ten years ago. Xia Jin is no longer the son-in-law. It doesn't matter at all, the bank note still has to be given, it has to be given."

"What's the use of saying that, the banknote is for Xia Jin, not you." Gu Qinglan's eyes fell on Xia Jin, with a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

To be admitted to the No. [-] Scholar, Xia Jin must have his own strengths.

It's just that the rapid arrival of prosperity and wealth has also eroded his real material bit by bit, leaving only the empty shell like a puppet now.

Knowing that I will never go back to the past, but I am still looking forward to reading it wholeheartedly.

"Xia Jin, please promise quickly. You don't want the money, but I want it. I have raised the child by myself for so many years. I have worked so hard, and my eyes are almost broken."

"If you don't agree today, you're sorry for me."

"Chunsheng, call Dad quickly, or you won't have any food for this year, and you will only be able to farm in the future." This is the first time Rouyi has said such harsh words to Chunsheng, but there is no way, as a tiger's poison does not eat its children, only Seeing the difficulties of his own son, Xia Jin agreed to leave the princess mansion and take the 1 taels of silver notes.

At this moment, Chunsheng had no choice but to step forward and call Xia Jin "Dad".

Considering his own future, Chunsheng chose to stand with Rouyi.

Xia Jin saw his own son for the first time in more than ten years, and said that it was impossible not to miss him.

The reason why he was looking for a concubine back then was because he married the princess and had no children for two years, but he didn't expect to be discovered so quickly.

If he could do it all over again, he would definitely keep this matter well hidden.

"Princess, for more than ten years, I really..." Before Xia Jin finished speaking, Su Xue answered, "It's time to get out."

How could Rouyi give Xia Jin a chance to stay in the princess mansion, she quickly called Chunsheng to hold Xia Jin, while she held Xia Jin's other arm, and then her eyes fell on Gu Qinglan's hand without any deviation .

"Crown Princess, Chunsheng and I will definitely bring Xia Jin back. Look at the 1 taels..."

Gu Qinglan didn't give her the silver, but asked again, "What if you took the silver bill today and went back to live in peace for a while, but came back to pester you after the silver bill was spent?"

Rou Yi's eyes flustered and flickered, if she ran out of bank notes, she would definitely come back again.

But in this situation, how could she tell the truth.

"Of course not. We will walk far away immediately after taking the silver ticket, and we will definitely not take half a step closer to the Princess' Mansion."

Xia Jin seemed to want to say something, but Rou Yi's mouth was stuffed with a veil, so he could only whine non-stop.

Only then did Gu Qinglan let go of her hand, seeing Rouyi impatiently stuffing the banknotes into her arms, she curled her lips, her eyes seemed to be frozen with a smile, "Remember, if I find out that you are going to Getting half a step closer to this princess mansion will make you disappear forever in this world, leaving no bones left."

"I still have this ability."

The three of them who were still making a fuss froze for a moment, not moving, and only their eyes showed panic.

"Seeing how scared you are, I'm joking with you." Gu Qinglan smiled sincerely.

The three of them were so frightened that their backs were sweating.

Gu Qinglan continued with satisfaction, "I don't need to make a move. In case God doesn't see it one day and kills a few people who don't keep their promises, the possibility is quite high, right?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~
  Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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