Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 137 The Difference Between Cups and Cups

Chapter 137 The Difference Between Cups and Cups
She suddenly turned her head to look at Gu Qinglan unwillingly.

If a woman hears the words of a man she loves, she will definitely not be able to fake her sad reaction.

Then she met Gu Qinglan with eyes of approval and satisfaction.

Chang Ning: "..."

She is probably really old, and she doesn't quite understand what the young people are thinking.

Just now she saw the two of them eating dim sum, you and I, looking sweet and sweet, now the moment she turned her face, she respected each other again.

"Xue'er." Chang Ning held his forehead, "Go and urge someone to bring me a lot of aged wine."

After getting drunk with both of them, she didn't believe that nothing would happen.

Su Xue knew Chang Ning best, so when she said that, he understood the meaning of the words.

Looking meaningfully at the couple who didn't agree with each other, Su Xue left gracefully.

Gu Qinglan is more interested in this novel meal than aging wine.

Changning has hardly settled in these years, and often stays in one place for a while, and then goes to another place.

Therefore, the types and styles of meals will be somewhat different from what the capital is used to.

In the ear is the sound of silk and bamboo like the sound of nature, and in front of the eyes is the alluring dance of men and women.

Thinking of the pity the outside world had for Princess Changning, Gu Qinglan felt a little ironic.

Those who are in the abyss themselves, knowing that others are living a life hundreds of times happier than them, but they can still take pleasure in suffering and pull out a bunch of reasons why others are unhappy.

It seems that this can alleviate their current pain.

"Come, come, let's not go home if we don't get drunk three times today." Chang Ning raised a bronze flat goblet and drank it down with a smile.

Gu Qinglan silently looked at the jade spoon placed in front of Jing Mo and her, one bucket was about half a pot of wine, and the wine almost overflowed from it.

She understands that Princess Changning wants to get Jing Mo drunk, but why should she be drunk by the way?
She was thinking of saying a few words to get rid of the current situation, and she didn't drink like this when she drank, taking a sip of half a jug of wine.

However, it was Jing Mo who opened the mouth faster than her. I saw the man's bony fingers lifted up the spoon, and he pursed his lips. You have to punish yourself with three cups."

The princess will definitely get drunk because of this, and then she will show her drunken insanity.

Thinking of this, Jing Mo felt a little excited.

Gu Qinglan glanced at Jing Mo incredulously: "..."

All right, since this guy is so confident, she will make him happier today.

Although she wouldn't stay drunk for a thousand cups, she could still drink a few jars of such aged wine with ease.

"Cough, cough, cough." The aged wine was stronger than what Jing Mo usually drank, so when the wine entered his throat, he choked and coughed a few times.

Seeing this, Chang Ning glared at him angrily, this is useless, not even drinking.

"The prince should punish himself with three cups." Chang Ning could only say.

Her original plan was to let the princess get drunk first, and then slowly get the prince drunk, but now it seems that the plan has to be changed.

Jing Mo had no choice but to hold his breath, trying to ignore the discomfort of the wine getting into his throat as much as possible. After finishing the three buckets, he pinched his leg heavily with his hand.

Gu Qinglan glanced at the man with some sympathy, and then drank a bucket lightly.

As expected, it is indeed the aged wine from Princess Changning's mansion. The wine is clear and fragrant, and it is a treasure that is hard to find outside.

(End of this chapter)

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