Chapter 138
After two pots of wine, Gu Qinglan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, her slender cheeks were stained with a slight blush, and her glass-like eyes shone with a moving watery light.

Holding the soup bucket, she took a sip lightly, and instantly, like a raccoon cat basking in the sun, she narrowed her eyes comfortably.

Today was just right for Qingfang, beside them was a large expanse of flaming maple trees, and the dazzling sunlight fell through the maple leaves bit by bit.

At that moment, the maple leaf seemed to cut off the sharpness of the sun, leaving only a touch of warmth.

Chang Ning pinched the cup with his fingers, looked between the two of them, and then said, "I only stay in the capital for more than a month, and then I have to leave again. If I leave this time, I don't know when I will see you again, so today Be sure to drink to your heart's content."

"Xue'er, go get two more jars of aged wine." Chang Ning blinked at Su Xue.

Under the current situation, this wine naturally gets better as it ages, otherwise, how could it be possible to draw the truth from these two people.

Although Gu Qinglan looked drunk, her mind was very clear.

She was born like this, her complexion will gradually turn pink when she touches a little wine, but she will only have this look after drinking it.

In the past, she used this natural disguise to win against Lou Yan.

But if she is not drunk, it is unlikely that the man next to her is still sober.

She took a peek, and happened to meet the man's slightly drunken expression.

The long and narrow eyes were raised upwards, and the corners of the eyes were slightly flushed, and the infinite style could not stop pouring out.

The wine entered her throat, a little dripped on the corner of her lips, slipped down bit by bit, and finally covered the skirt of her clothes quickly, and she didn't know where to go.

This is the third time she has seen him drunk.

Different from the previous two times of dead skin and face, he obviously drank almost half of the jar of wine and appeared drunk, but he just tried his best to keep a straight face. Like completely losing their minds.

Is this drunk or not drunk?

For a while, Gu Qinglan couldn't tell the difference.

If he was drunk, he should go crazy with alcohol now, but if he was not drunk, then she made him unconscious with only one jug of wine that time.

It's impossible for this guy to pretend to be drunk on purpose those two times.

Gu Qinglan thought about it carefully, and felt that she must have been worrying too much. If she really pretended to be drunk, she had fooled him so much at the time, and if he knew about it according to his temperament, he would definitely come to Qiuhou to settle the score.

When she was thinking about something, she suddenly felt a hot wind in her ears.

Smelling the combination of the unique scent of bamboo and wine on the man's body, Gu Qinglan raised her eyes and looked at him in confusion.

Is it time to get drunk?
The man's fingers touched the back of her hand, probably due to years of writing and martial arts practice, there are thin calluses on the joints of the fingers.

When the rough calluses brushed the back of her hand, it didn't hurt, but there was a strange feeling, as if it wasn't brushing the back of her hand, but the tip of her heart.

His fingers did not stay too long, but paused, and took the spoon directly from her hand.

Drink the rest of the wine in one gulp.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, the position where his lips touched was exactly where she was drinking.

After a long time, the man slowly beckoned to Zhao Dezhong next to him, "Go and prepare some hangover tea for the princess."

Gu Qinglan, who was not drunk at all, really couldn't understand this time, just grab her wine, and make her fully sober to face this alcoholic, what kind of suffering in the world is this?
(End of this chapter)

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