Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 181 The Holy Hand

Chapter 181 The Holy Hand
Shen Shu's fingers covering her hand froze, and when she looked again, all the anticipation in her eyes faded away.

"The queen mother is in charge of you, let your father give him a good whip today."

Gu Qinglan suppressed the corners of her lips that could not stop rising, as if worried, "Your Highness is still young, and there are some people who are ignorant. It will be fine after two years."

These words were like pouring a spoonful of oil on the crackling firewood. Shen Shu glanced coldly in Jing Mo's direction, "Is he still young? For a man of his age, a child in the capital can be full of children." ran away."

"It's my servant's incompetence."

"Good boy, don't blame yourself for the fault. It's because Mo'er was blind and couldn't see your goodness." Shen Shu took off the bead chain from her hand and slid it onto Gu Qinglan's wrist. between.

"This is a bead carved from warm jade. Wearing it on your hand is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is very comfortable."

"Mother, this is too precious, and I can't take it." Gu Qinglan's finger fell on the back of Shen Shu's hand as if inadvertently, and touched it twice when she was not paying attention.

Aman, who could see this scene at a glance, moved his body to block Gu Qinglan's movements.

"You keep it." Shen Shu purposely kept a straight face, "If you don't take it, then it would be called disrespectful to the queen mother."

Having said so much, Gu Qinglan had no choice but to withdraw her hand.

On the other side, Jing Mo was trying every means to get rid of the wine that kept coming.

If it is true what Zhao Dezhong said, he has a very good capacity for drinking, even if he is drunk, he will never do inappropriate things, he will drink all the wine today.

But he couldn't even imagine what he did when he was drunk.

Today I share the bed with the princess again, if I get drunk and get angry again, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.

Jing Xuan pinched the wine glass with his fingertips, and took a small sip, "Today is a family banquet, and there are no outsiders. If you don't drink alcohol and only drink tea, what kind of man is it?"

Jing Mo: "..."

"Father, my son is not feeling well recently, and the imperial doctor said that drinking alcohol is not suitable."

Hearing this, Jing Xuan gave him a surprised look, and his eyes gradually moved down.

He was not feeling well, but his complexion was ruddy and shiny, and his strength was strong enough to beat a cow.

Recently, the queen always complains to him that the prince is not close to women, and the stunning princess concubine not only does not get close, but always stays away after marrying.

That's all, Yanyue the prince was talking about, he didn't seem to have heard of any substantial relationship between the two of them.

Could it be that where is the Prince's physical discomfort?
Probably because he drank too much wine, the thoughts in Jing Xuan's mind also popped up one after another.

After a long while, he said with a hard look, "I'll ask Imperial Physician Ji to take your pulse later. You are still young, and there is a cure for this disease."

Physician Ji, the head of the Imperial Hospital.

Several generations of ancestors have been imperial physicians in the palace, and their medical skills are very good.

Between a man and a man, there are some things that don't need to be said, maybe a look can be understood.

Jing Mo's complexion turned dark at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, he finally uttered a few words, "Father, it's not what you think."

"I know you care about saving face, and you refuse to talk about some things, but if this disease is not cured now, you will regret it when you want to be cured." Jing Xuan pulled out a hand, and patted him on the shoulder as if comforting, " Don't worry, it's not the first time Imperial Physician Ji has encountered such an illness, and the number of people he cured in the whole capital cannot be counted on two hands."

(End of this chapter)

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