Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 182 What I Think About is the Love Between the Two

Chapter 182 What I Think About is the Love Between Two People, and What I Think About is Everlasting

In the capital city, the people Ji Tai healed can't be counted on two hands?
Hearing this sentence, Jing Mo only felt that the whole person was not well.

"Father, I really don't have any problems with my son." He almost gritted his teeth and chewed these words back and forth in his mouth before spitting them out.

Jing Xuan glanced lightly, "It's okay if you don't consummate the house, are you out of your mind? If you don't like the Crown Princess, the daughters of high-ranking officials who came to Spring Hunting this time, take a look and welcome into the East Palace if you think it suits you? "

"No." The man refused without even thinking about it.

Seeing him answering so quickly, Jing Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling somewhat surprised, "Since you have no problem, you are unwilling to consummate the marriage with the Crown Princess, and you are unwilling to admit other women into the Eastern Palace. On the throne?"

The little eunuch standing behind Jingxuan wanted to cry but had no tears. He really wanted to step back until he couldn't hear the two of them talking.

Jing Mo hesitated for a moment, and finally said what was in his heart, "It's not that the house is not consummated, but that we need to wait a little longer."

Wait some time before consummating the house?Jing Xuan was surprised, didn't this brat talk about consummating the marriage with the crown princess?

Young Mu Ai, as long as the beauty smiles, she is willing to live only in that moment.

He thought the brat would never understand this truth.

It seems that the purpose of granting marriage is correct, and it is very suitable for people on both ends of the marriage.

"Since I like the Crown Princess, why do I have to wait some time to consummate the marriage?" Jing Xuan felt a little unhappy. He was only surrounded by Prince Jing Mo, who was also the Crown Prince. The bad old man remonstrated.

Then there will be another storm.

Jing Mo looked over, the princess seemed to have heard something that made her happy, her lips were lightly pursed, but the dimples on her cheeks were very touching.

"What my son thinks about is the gratification of two people, and what he thinks about is forever, not a moment of greed."

His words aroused some thoughts in Jing Xuan's mind. Before he met Shen Shu, he only thought that getting married was a good relationship between the two surnames, and the marriage was the most appropriate only when it was linked to interests.

It's just that an idea is just an idea, reality is another.

The heart is never something you can control.

Love is always the most changeable.

Thinking that Jing Xuan suddenly lost the intention to break up with his son, he said, "Go and ask your mother to sit beside me, and you go back to the crown princess by yourself."

The disgust was almost beyond words.

Jing Mo wasn't sad, on the contrary, he couldn't wait for it.

"Thank you, Father." He raised the teacup and drank it down, finally showing a rare smile on his face.

At this time, Gu Qinglan was not aware of the crisis.

She was holding Shen Shu's hand on the one hand, and on the other hand, she still didn't forget to tease the other concubines, and she said something, which caused these beauties to cover their lips with handkerchiefs and laugh non-stop.

"Princess Concubine." Seeing this scene, Jing Mo panicked in his heart. He knew that Crown Princesses liked good-looking people the most.

But it can't be so outrageous, these are all women.

He stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and abruptly separated the hands that Gu Qinglan and Shen Shu were holding.

Turning his head, he said, "Mother, my father asked my son to invite you to sit down."

The slightly drunken beauty was startled, then slowly shook her head, "No, let him sit by himself."

Jing Mo: "..." Don't, he's just waiting to change positions.

"Why hasn't the queen come over?" Jing Xuan turned his head and asked the little eunuch beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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