Chapter 193

At this time, Zhao Dezhong knocked on the door again, urging him.

Gu Qinglan thought for a while, and nodded in pain.

She suddenly remembered what she said just now:

She, Gu Qinglan, would never do such a stupid thing.

Seeing that there was still no movement inside, Zhao Dezhong hurriedly walked around the door.

He couldn't help but said to Aman who stretched his head to listen to the voice, "Grandma, if you help me this time, next time you ask me to do anything."

Aman rolled his eyes, "Is what Eunuch Zhao said true?"

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

"Really, more real than real gold."

Rolling up his sleeves, Aman stepped forward, knocked on the door first, and said, "His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, Aman opened the door and came in."

Facing the door, the tiptoe duo stopped abruptly. Gu Qinglan was about to tell Aman not to come in, but heard the door creak open.

Gu Qinglan closed her eyes in despair.

From now on, she will lose all face and face.

Jing Mo immediately hugged Gu Qinglan in his arms, with his back to the door.

He could only vaguely see a pair of bi people embracing each other, and Aman was so startled that the dull hair on his head suddenly turned up.

With a "bang", she quickly closed the door, and blocked the door herself, preventing Zhao Dezhong from looking over.

Zhao Dezhong, who couldn't see the shadow at all: "..."

"What happened inside? Your Highness and the Crown Princess are fighting?"

Zhao Dezhong can only guess in this direction, but His Royal Highness doesn't look like a man who can beat women. Could it be that he was beaten unilaterally?
Aman's face turned red, he hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

It took a long time before he said, "It is inconvenient for His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess to see people now."

Under what circumstances would it be inconvenient to meet people?

Zhao Dezhong only thought for a moment before he understood the meaning of these words.

Although he had always been with Jing Mo, the master who lived like a monk, when the eunuchs gathered in private to drink wine and eat small dishes, they always had to say some miscellaneous things.

This came and went, even if he didn't understand it before, he understood it thoroughly after hearing these words.

The two stood in front of the door, one on the left and the other on the right, their faces red like maple leaves falling on the ground in autumn.

In the room, the moment Gu Qinglan was hugged, she was flustered and at the same time smelled the faint fragrance of bamboo on the man's body and felt at ease.

"Ahem, princess, I just saw the scissors." The man caressed the woman's shoulder with some reluctance, and the delicate touch of his fingertips made his heart freeze slightly.

If it weren't for the Crown Princess' complexion now, he would like to continue his current posture for a while longer.

The basket used for needlework was placed on top of the cabinet, and with Jing Mo's height, he could easily see it.

Gu Qinglan looked up for a long time, feeling that this guy was trying to deceive her.

"Why didn't I see it?" She asked coolly.

The man was silent for a long time, and finally grabbed the woman's waist, and gently supported her on his arm.

When the skin touched, the man's mind shook, and he silently recited the mantra of clearing the heart several times in his heart, and the situation got better.

If one ignores the skirts of the men's clothes that are lifted up by the woman's long hair, it can barely be seen as an extremely beautiful and sweet picture.

If you go further up, you can see a bright red and very small mole on the man's waist, on the right abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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