Chapter 194

Gu Qinglan suppressed the exclamation that was almost in her throat, looked at it quietly, then stretched out her hand, and took down the sewing basket.

There were not only scissors, but also the messy veils she embroidered, which appeared in front of her eyes without any cover.

Gu Qinglan stuffed the handkerchief into the innermost part of the basket, Fang patted Jing Mo on the shoulder, "Your Highness, I got the scissors."

Hearing this, the man didn't put her down immediately, but said in a low voice, "Gu helped the princess get the scissors, shouldn't the princess do something in return?"

Seeing the difference in the woman's gaze, the man straightened his back and pursed his thin lips tightly.

Waiting for the woman to show courtesy.

Gu Qinglan blinked, then took out the scissors from the basket, and under the man's astonished gaze, cut the fabric on his body neatly, and jumped down lightly.

Jing Mo looked at his ragged clothes, and then at the woman in front of him who had jumped off by herself.

Silent for a long time.

He should have thought a long time ago, if the Crown Princess listened to him so easily, it wouldn't be like the Crown Princess' temperament.

The torn clothes hung empty on his body, and Gu Qinglan, who was showing a bit of spring, couldn't help turning his head to look.

There is a knife on the head of the character color, which is really wonderful.

"My concubine helps His Highness get out of this predicament, it's a courtesy." Gu Qinglan did not forget to answer his question.

Only different from the usual gentle eyes without a trace of waves, the woman's eyes at this moment are sparkling with agility and cunning.

Jing Mo slightly hooked the corners of his lips, a smile could be seen from the corners of his eyes and brows.

"So, Gu should thank the princess."

He bowed in Gu Qinglan's direction.

If it was a normal time, he must have done this action in a chic and elegant way.

It's just that now, with ragged clothes and exposed scenery, it's really hard for people to think that he is a decent person.

Gu Qinglan turned around and unbuttoned her hair on her own.

It was already a matter of a stick of incense until all the buttons were completely removed. Because a little maid outside came to remind him once, Aman had no choice but to knock on the door very softly.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, servants, etc. have already prepared washing water and the like."

After a while, there was the sound of clothes being rustled inside.

Then, Gu Qinglan spoke.

"Come in."

Aman heaved a sigh of relief, and pushed the door open with a blushing face. He first glanced at the inside and saw no outrageous pictures, then waved his hand and let the maids behind him go in.

Jing Mo had already changed into a black robe by himself behind the screen just now, and his long hair was tied up with a jade crown.

Around the hair crown, a few pearls were used for embellishment, and finally a good-quality hosta was used to fix it.

He took a meaningful look at the woman who was being pressed on the chair to put on makeup, and stepped out with one long leg.

"Your Highness." Zhao Dezhong quietly looked at Jing Mo's face, he was relieved when he didn't find the palm print, "Your servant is going to set the meal."

"Wait." Jing Mo stopped him, "Go and order the dining room to make a soup to replenish qi and blood."

Blood soup?

Zhao Dezhong thought of what happened just now, the corners of his mouth cracked, and he nodded heavily.

Even when I walked out, my footsteps were staggering, and my heart was as happy and joyful as drinking cool well water in the scorching sun.

(End of this chapter)

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