Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 206 Don't be in a hurry

Chapter 206 Don't be in a hurry

The little eunuch walked forward tremblingly, closed his eyes, and waited for the saliva sprayed all over his face.

Taxue looked contemptuously at the trembling person who walked in front of it, then turned his horse's head away in disgust.

After a while, it raised its head higher and spit out two mouthfuls of saliva.

The saliva landed on Zhao Dezhong's hat in a perfect arc.

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

He finally understood that the horse simply didn't like him.

"Da da da da da..."

Taxue suddenly threw off her four legs and ran forward quickly.

When Zhao Dezhong was about to have someone stop it, he saw it stop again.

Stepping on the snow can lower your head and send it to a woman's hand.

Zhao Dezhong looked at the face of the man next to the woman, it was as black as ink.

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

It's over, and this time he has to take the board again.

Gu Qinglan stretched out his hand out of curiosity, and couldn't help touching it.

Taxue flicked her long tail comfortably, and rubbed her head against the woman's palm again.

Jing Mo let out a breath slowly, comforting himself in his heart.

It's just a beast, just a beast.


Not to be outdone, the little wolf cub barked twice in a childish voice.

Gu Qinglan had no choice but to retract her hand again and pet the little wolf cub.

Seeing this, Taxue was not convinced, and quickly stretched his head over, trying for the woman to touch it again.

Only this time, it didn't achieve its purpose.

Jing Mo pinched its ears, and pulled it hard in the opposite direction.

Taxue was about to slobber at its ears, but it paused for a moment when it saw Jing Mo's face, and then consciously withdrew its head, turning into a serious horse again.

"Where is my little red horse?"

Hearing this, Zhao Dezhong glanced at Jing Mo, and after seeing a familiar threat in his eyes, he said, "The princess's little red horse has been taken to the stream to take a bath."


"Yes, the horse doctor prescribed some medicine for the little red horse. It's time to wash off the medicine."

"A smeared medicine? But didn't your Highness say that the little red horse ate something spoiled, since it ate something spoiled, why did you use the smeared medicine?"

Zhao Dezhong: ...This... Your Highness didn't make a confession with him beforehand.

"The Crown Princess doesn't know. This medicine is taken orally and applied externally. The Ma doctor said that it can be used together to heal faster."

When he said this, Gu Qinglan knew that these words were all false.

Zhao Dezhong was the servant next to the prince, so naturally he only listened to the prince's words.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand, why do men do this?
What good could it do him?Riding the same horse, if one of them moved their hands and feet, it was the two of them who had the accident.

If there is no hands and feet, it is even more impossible.

Gu Qinglan caressed the little wolf cub's furry head intermittently, thinking for a long time.

"I'm going to talk to my mother first, and I'll see Your Highness later." Gu Qinglan's expression was indistinguishable. From Jing Mo's perspective, he could only see the woman's pretty face and the dimples on her cheeks from a slight smile. Very touching.

Seeing the woman leave slowly, Jing Mo let go of the lightness on his face and frowned slightly.

"Your Highness, if you don't want to give up, you might as well chase after him." Zhao Dezhong has followed him for many years, so he can guess some thoughts.

What's more, Jing Mo didn't even think about covering up tightly.

"That's all." Jing Mo sighed quietly, "It takes time even for spiders to form webs to hunt, so there is no rush."

(End of this chapter)

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