Chapter 207 Stunning
Zhao Dezhong: ...It's obviously about love, but why did he feel cold all over his back when he heard these words.

After lunch, Jing Xuan took people to the hunting platform built by the previous dynasty.

The hunting platform is a huge open space, inside which are placed various hunting weapons such as bows and arrows and long swords.

In the center, there is a golden bow. For hundreds of years, Jing's country has been managed by several people, but this golden bow is still here.

Weathered by wind and sun, rain and snow, it is still as new as it was made, immortal and immortal.

But so far, no one has been able to actually pick up the bow.

There are rumors that only people with the blood of the Rong family can be recognized by this bow.

The Rong family is the surname of the former dynasty.

Jing Xuan didn't believe this, and just put the bow there as a decoration.

He was not wearing riding clothes today, but sat lazily on a chair, holding Shen Shu's hand, and looking down lightly.

"Whoever wins the first place will get a word from me."

Everyone shook their bodies unconsciously after hearing this, with joy overflowing on their faces.

To get a word from Jing Xuan is to get an imperial decree without content.

"What if my minister wins the first prize?" Jing Mo held the rein in his hand and looked at Jing Xuan.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his lips unconsciously, but his eyes were still light, making it impossible to see his true emotions.

"If you win the first place, then the Crown Princess will have a word from me."

Everyone instantly turned their attention to Gu Qinglan who was standing beside Taxue.

There is envy, jealousy, and hatred.

"How can my son enjoy His Highness's honor?" Gu Qinglan responded unhurriedly, expressing her attitude.

Jing Xuan waved his hand, "This is what the prince should do."

"When a man works hard outside, one is for the country and the country, and the other is for the relatives at home."

"If the prince can't do well in caring about his relatives, what kind of man is he?"

Jing Mo: "..."

He heard something wrong with this.

Is the father really praising him and saying good things for him in front of the princess?

Among the crowd, there were also women who put on riding clothes and led the horses. After hearing these words, they couldn't help casting envious eyes at Gu Qinglan.

The man stretched out his hand, and his bony fingers landed in front of her.

It's helping her get on the horse.

Gu Qinglan looked around, and had to grit her teeth to hold back in the sight of so many people, and put her hand on it.

To her surprise, satisfaction flashed in the man's eyes, and he let go of the rein with his other hand, put it on the woman's waist, and held him in his arms very easily.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She knew that things would not go as smoothly as she imagined.

"Your Highness, this is a cloak." Zhao Dezhong was holding a plate, on which was a crow-blue cloak, and a golden dragon embroidered on the back could be vaguely seen.

He picked up the cloak and put it on himself.

Then he held both sides of the cloak and wrapped the woman's body tightly without revealing a trace.

Inadvertently looking around, he sneered in his heart after seeing the regretful eyes of several men.

When he came back, he would write down all the men who dared to look at the princess after eating the bear's heart and leopard.

Gu Qinglan changed into a bright red riding outfit in the afternoon, her skin became more tender and fairer, her eyebrows and eyes were as delicate as a painter's meticulously painted.

A ruby-polished water drop fell on the forehead, overlapping with the flower tin.

Only by lowering your head and lowering your eyes can you see this amazing beauty.

 Five more, good night~
  This time I really went to Taobao to fight~
(End of this chapter)

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