Chapter 216
Only then did Jing Mo seize the opportunity to draw out the long sword at his waist, leap up and land in front of Gu Qinglan.

The two stood back to back, facing the dead man in black.

Gu Qinglan could feel that this group of dead soldiers was much more powerful than the group just now.

In other words, the group just now was not like an assassination, but more like a temptation.

It's also possible that they thought she was weak and didn't know martial arts, that's why they sent those rookies.

"Your Highness, where are your people?"


Gu Qinglan: "..."

The atmosphere flowing between the two stagnated strangely.

If it wasn't for a long sword moving towards Gu Qinglan, she might be able to stay in a daze for a longer time.

She kicked him away, and said patiently, "Your Highness has been away for so long, didn't you inform him to come?"

"Gu Rang went to step on the snow."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

So why should she rely on this man? Relying on him is better than relying on a pig.

Turning around and seeing the undisguised disdain on the princess's face, Jing Mo also felt a little embarrassed.

"Fang Caigu also met a group of men in black, and was delayed, so he couldn't return immediately."

Afraid that she would think that she was greedy for life and afraid of death, and ran away alone, the man hurriedly explained.

Gu Qinglan's long sword caught the chests of the two dead men in a row, and then kicked the two corpses away from the sword.

After hearing this, the mystery in her heart was still not solved.

"Apart from the man in black, has His Highness met no one else?"

"There was an ugly woman who kept blocking Gu, and Gu gave her a sword."

Jing Mo specially emphasized the word ugly.

Gu Qinglan froze for a moment, pulled the man to avoid a sword, and kicked him away swiftly.


Could it be Sang Luo?

"Is the woman His Highness saw dressed in red with large black lines on her forehead?"

Jing Mo: "The Crown Princess knows this woman?"

Gu Qinglan's eyes turned cold, "This woman once assassinated my concubine's father."

Brother said that his spear had pierced the woman's belly.

Now this woman appeared here unexpectedly.

Could it be that there is an indestructible body like a diamond?

What Jing Mo thought before was that these people wanted to assassinate him. He is the crown prince of the current dynasty, the heir of the Jing family. Even if there were no princes competing with him in Beijing, the number of assassins he has encountered since he was a child cannot be counted. Come.

But the person who assassinated General Gu came to assassinate him again, what's the reason?
His common enemy with General Gu.

Jing Mo frowned, thinking for a long time but still couldn't understand the doubts in his heart.

It was about two quarters of an hour after the two of them had dealt with all the dead men.

The ground was full of corpses, and the smell of blood and bitterness spread from the corpses.

Gu Qinglan kept the long sword on the ground, and gently arranged some slightly messy riding clothes.

"I saw my brother practice martial arts when I was young, and I was curious, so I secretly watched from the side. Over time, I have the kung fu like today."

Jing Mo: "..."

If he could have such kung fu just by looking at it, he wanted it too.

It's just that at this time, he can only follow the words of the princess.

"The Crown Princess is worthy of being a daughter of the Gu family, she is indeed no ordinary woman."

Everything in the world is subject to change.

Not long ago, Gu Qinglan heard this man say that she was only mediocre.

How long has passed now, and the words have become an unusual woman again.

She disdains the former, but she doesn't believe in the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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