Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 217 Returning a Sword

Chapter 217 Returning the Sword

But she still has to do some superficial work.

"Lang loves concubine, looking at it is really enviable."

Gu Qinglan's face turned ruthless, and he kicked a long sword under his feet. Concentrating his internal force in his hand, the long sword quickly struck towards the place where the sound came from.

She doesn't believe in evil anymore, and she can really go on like this endlessly today.

Jing Mo who was watching from the side: "..."

Why does he feel that the internal strength of the crown princess seems to be much stronger than him?

This... can't be.

The woman in red lightly landed in front of them, and habitually twisted her waist before standing still.

The woman glanced at the corpse on the ground, frowned slightly, and then looked at Jing Mo with hatred in her eyes.

This kind of gaze caused Gu Qinglan to raise his eyebrows in surprise.

It was unprecedented for a woman to show hatred when she saw Jing Mo.

After all, even if the identity of the prince is thrown away, just looking at this appearance is extremely seductive.

Gu Qinglan's eyes fell on the woman's abdomen, where there seemed to be wet blood stains.

She remembered that Jing Mo said that he gave Sang Luo a sword, is this where the injury was?

But what kind of supernatural means can make a person stand there seemingly intact after a short while after being seriously injured.

"The appearance of the princess is somewhat familiar." Sang Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, because of such actions, the black lines circling on his forehead seemed to have life.

"Maybe the girl is blind." Gu Qinglan lifted her lips and said this coolly.

Jing Mo: "..."

Wouldn't it be better for him to pretend to be dizzy at this time?
When the princess fully wakes up, knowing that he already knows her true face, will she directly kill him to silence her in a fit of anger.

The man moved his eyes to other places without any trace, his ears also moved, and his eyes were extremely empty.

Sang Luo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gu Qinglan in disbelief.

Did she get it wrong? Didn't she say that the daughter of the Gu family's prostitute is the most gentle temperament?
"What did you say?" She asked self-deprecatingly.

Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and was slightly surprised, but her tone was extremely cold, "Young lady is just blind, why are you also deaf?"

This time, Sang Luo heard and understood clearly.

People have similarities, it's just a disguise.

How could such a way of speaking have anything to do with Mr. Qingzhu.

She looked at Jing Mo with pity, and said in a distressed tone, "I thought His Royal Highness got a beautiful girl, but I didn't expect her to be a hag, what a pity."

Jing Mo: "..."

It seems that the sword he just stabbed less.

He worked so hard for so long, but this sentence brought him back to the past in an instant.


"You are also worthy of criticizing the lonely princess." The man took a moment to glance at Gu Qinglan's face.

Although he didn't show it, he still saw some anger from those extremely beautiful eyes.

But this anger is probably due to the word hag.

After all, the princess is very concerned about the reputation of gentleness, and the word of dominatrix is ​​completely opposite to gentleness.

The man drew out the soft sword at his waist, and suddenly he was in front of Sang Luo as if shrinking to an inch.

Gu Qinglan's pupils shrank suddenly, and said, "Your Highness, get out of here."

Sure enough, at the moment she shouted, Sang Luo curled her lips and pushed out a palm.

Under the refraction of the sun, the medicine powder flew towards the man.

While he was in a daze, Sang Luo looked strange, and grabbed the soft sword with his backhand, "I will return this sword to you."

The sharp soft sword sank into the flesh and blood, and when it was pulled out, there seemed to be tiny blood droplets in the air.

 Too sleepy, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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